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PC Nerd

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Everything posted by PC Nerd

  1. im having the same sort of thing...... http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,135061.0.html but what i do is use cookies and store the login length. ( in and the out) so that if somone hasnt logged out within x minutes ,then it defult loggs them out, and stors login length as only 5 minutes, not 20 minutes eg. this "entices" the user to logout correctly gd luck
  2. well if you want a reply, and its coincedently at the same time, then its not my fautl is it????? i just say post it anyway, and hope it helps
  3. its not like i havent been posting back elsewhere in the forums..............
  4. um, well i think that the only way php could have an effect on sound is if it stores and edits a link to the music file. the html or sml or whatever would have to have the embeded player or whetever does that help???
  5. or if that doesnt work, then simply in the original while, instead of and, place ||
  6. um, you could while loop your querys i think, and also through your html output, loop throught the array not 100% sure what you want gd lk
  7. if its simply swapping keys for values: foreach($Array $key => $val){ $New_Array[$val] = $key; } that swaps it around hope that helps
  8. sprry im not getting anything could you post all your code, included files first then the master "includer" if your got any includes please if that of, it just helps to know what your including before reading the full code, bcauase it stopd you from jumping all around the page
  9. is the frame calle an iFrame, or is iit differnt? look for a tutorial on google, from W3C, theyre often helpful good luck
  10. are you trying to set the value as the key????? im not sure what your looking for... please expand
  11. paste this code into the bottome of your page, as the very last line before the end tag itll display every variable, array in the entire page, even the globals that you dont set youll get whatever output the page gives, then this long list. also, stor the querys in variable ie $var1 = mysql_query() etc. then look for the $var1 in the long list and place value here if the value is mysql_result_object, or somethig similar, then store another 4 variables $result1 and 2, and for each go $result1 = mysql_fetch_array($query1variable); then look for these new variables and paste them herein the forum this will tell us whether of not the query is returning anything..... good luck
  12. if your result if mysql: if(!isset($result) || empty($result) || mysql_num_rows($result)) {do your stuff} the mysql will differ from database to database
  13. ok, cut the or die, and simply do mysql_query($sql); see what that returns
  14. that structure should replace your general query structure
  15. how long is your code. if its not to much longer, please post it otherwise please just post some ore if it about where you call the function adn define values etc. thankx
  16. ok, ive re read, and reread all the posts, and i cant seem to fix it im not resetting the cookies each page, nor do i want them to refresh or update at all. theyrs simply a login thing ,to ttell whether of not some one is logged in. thats why theyre expire time is 30 minutes, so that someone cant be logged in all the time also. they store the basic information about the user such as username, id, and the login id. that way i can send the queries that get the data. becauase the information is update almost every page refresh, and it is open to other user's so it needs to be updated to a database, and not just to the cookie is there anything else i should do, or any suggestions i should follow, because i cant create and test much more of the site until this starts working, becauase all the pages check for the cooie and "die()" if there isnt one thankx for all your help so far, PC Nerd
  17. um, looks fine, but id use $word%, so that it can be anywhere. is ther a search function for txt files. id look for one if there is good luck
  18. not 100% sure what you need to do, but if your inline frame is called an iframe, then i dont know, soz but its prolly in the html or XML that you need to change or create. but i dont really have experince with frames etc. soz i couldnt be more help
  19. $hello = $stat[1] + $stat[2]; $SQL = "update blah=blah+".$hello; $query = mysql_query($SQL) or die("query didnt work!!!") that should get you something
  20. um, im pretty certain that your server is rejecting it. are you using the right port i dont know if your using a host, contact them to ask what you can do. im not familiar with UK companies, is it an ISP offering an email or whats the case you whould try to simply send it from the local server. cant think of anyting else at the moment good luck
  21. number of things that might effect. um, you havent closed your php tages. your function is empty, containing or doing nothing, and not being called so why have it there? also, im not sure whether or not your ifs etc should have theire braces and semicolons, i alwasy do no matter what for readability. also, the meta tagsa and stuff at the top may be causeing the oage fo simply read as html or sml, and ignoging "foreign" tages such as php have a look into it sorry i cant find an instant error
  22. did you do the new variables for the calculation s?????
  23. why not use timestamp and simply go: $now = ..... $to_check = ..... if ($to_check > $now ){echo "FUTURE!!!";} else {echo "ANCIENT HISTORY MAN!!!";} thats what id do. you could then store the timestames and do what ever formatting you wanted with it, what your currently doing really restricts formatting good luck
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