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Everything posted by shamsuljewel

  1. Hi I have a URLs of my existing site like www.ex.com/content.php?page=client-list now i make a rewriterul on .htaccess file RewriteRule content/page/(.*)/ content.php?page=$1 it works fine as www.ex.com/content/page/client-list but i have URLs also like this www.ex.com/content.php?page=client-list&client=overseas and i am using this code RewriteRule content/(.*)/client/(.*)/ content.php?page=$1&client=$2 but this is not working but if i remove the first rewriterule removed then it works fine.. so can any one help me how to do that???
  2. Hi all, I am looking for a better solution of back, forward and bookmarking a page that was developed by ajax. I have seen http://www.donotremove.co.uk/extra/ajax-nav/index.html#1 I need something like this but the content that changed by loading i want to call by php require_once(any page) that do not support by that... I look RSH & DOJO too but can't understant how they work... please any one can guide me to do this by any simple and easy way???
  3. yes rhodesa your guess is right...I forget to make the pic folder writtable..thank you very much
  4. /tmp/phptTohQx shows as the $_FILES['pic']['tmp_name'] value...
  5. I am uploading a picture file to my site...it works on the local server but problem with the main site... the message it shows..is Sorry!!! File Cannot be Uploaded!!! Which is on that part of my code... if(!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['pic']['tmp_name'], "../pic/$row[0].gif")) { mysql_query("delete from pic_list where id='$row[0]'"); echo "<script language='javascript'>alert('Sorry!!! File Cannot be Uploaded!!!');history.back(-1);</script>"; }
  6. full warning: Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at D:\webs\infobangla\kiosk\kiosk_soft\index.php:11) in D:\webs\infobangla\kiosk\kiosk_soft\home.php on line 2 val_1b
  7. Why this error occurs? I just send a array using session. the value passes but with this warning
  8. I am using a form that is sale form for a shop. A user can sale as much item as s/he need. By default I use only one row contain 3 fields as product name, quentity and price..and there should be a link for Add another...if s/he click add another it will be another row like previous under below. so how can I do this by javascript and after submittinf the form I want to save the info into my mysal database by php. any help or guide line will be appritiated.
  9. so how do I validate and clean up my code?
  10. Yes I know date function is much more easier to handle. thanks laffin and Nhoj.
  11. please add an " at the end of the query.
  12. Hi guys..I am using time function to insert a data to the table INSERT INTO table(name,insert_date) Values('$name','time()') so when I want to search a specific name on specific date by mysql query how should I do it? coz time() function insert 01022332 like this valu how should I search a date suppose 2008-01-21 entries?
  13. Can anyone can send some information that I can easily understand how to handle the ajax websites with back , forward buttons, and if I refresh the page that will not goes to the initial page?
  14. the website is at the http://aparadhkantha.com/ As you see when the page first load the bangla language of the main content div is ok..when you click to other tab and then again click on the top left tab the content divs bangla language differ some..
  15. HI everybody!! I am facing a problem and I don't know why it happens. I am using Bangla language to my website font name SutonnyMJ. When the page first time load all the bangla fonts are ok..but when I click on to a menu button the specific div content page changed and the fonts under that div changed a little... where is the problem?
  16. I better submit the code <UL class="select two" onClick="makeRequest('kiosk_user.php','content_main','','','two','');" id="tabtwo"> <LI> <A href="#"><B>Kiosk Users</B> <!--[if IE 7]><!--> </a> <!--<![endif]--> <!--[if lte IE 6]> <TABLE> <TBODY> <TR> <TD><![endif]--> <UL class=sub> <LI onClick="makeRequest('home.php','content_main','','','two','21');" id="tab21" class=""><A href="#">User Benifits</A></LI> <LI onClick="makeRequest('kiosk_user.php','content_main','','','two','22');" id="tab22" class=""><A href="#">User FAQs</A></LI> <LI onClick="makeRequest('kiosk_user.php','content_main','','','two','23');" id="tab23" class=""><A href="#">Help Desk</A></LI> <LI onClick="makeRequest('kiosk_user.php','content_main','','','two','24');" id="tab24" class=""><A href="#">Your Feedback</A> </LI> </UL> <!--[if lte IE 6]></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></A><![endif]--> </LI> </UL> When I clicked on the Kiosk User Tab(main tab) the kiosk_user.php page opens in content_main div....thats good. But When I clicked on the Sub list example on first sub tab user benefits that will also open the kiosk_user.php in content_main div....I figure out the problem that is when I clicked on the sub tab two onclick event actively work..at first the home.php on the sub tab opens on the content_main div then another onclick event occur and that is main tab so kiosk_user.php page shows at last on the content_main div....so how shoul I solved this problem? I want that the second onclick will not active....
  17. Hi I want to do this.. <ul><li onClick('a.php')><ul><li onclick('b.php')></li></ul></li></ul> The following and ajax function worked fine but the problem I am facing.. when clicked on the main <li> the a page comes...but when clicked on inner <li> another page b.php comes but after then the a.php comes. so what can i do?
  18. Hi all please help me to do this.... I hv a <ul class="select one" onClick=function();> under the ul there have also <li> I want if click on <ul> the class name should change to <ul class="current one"> so how can i do this..I am actually not expert in javascript.. thank you.
  19. if u post the code that may be someone can tell u better sugestions..
  20. if $this is used as a normal variable in your page...so that you should change $this variable to another name...OOP means Object Oriented Programming...PHP4 do not support full oop..but PHP5 now full OOP language...so that we can now handle big softwares..easily.
  21. $this is a special variable. PHP 5 is totally include oop concept. So you should change the variable name $this.
  22. many many thanks rajivgonsalves...
  23. Hello...I am facing a problem. I am calling a php page from index.php page. it works but at front shows "" what is the problem? When i just delete the require_once 'php_page.php'; it removes..but in my php_page.php when I sown it this characters do not shows... What is the problem..any idea or sugestions?
  24. oppppsssssss that is so easy.... var mySplitResult = myString.split("&"); var results = new Array(); for(i = 0; i < mySplitResult.length; i++) { results[i] = mySplitResult[i]; //document.write("<br /> Element " + i + " = " + mySplitResult[i]); document.write(results[i]+'<br>'); }
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