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Everything posted by apacheguy

  1. Is there any firewall between the machines on the network and the webserver?
  2. Well, you can do this for images: RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://your-site.com.*$ [NC] RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|png)$ http://url-to-redirect-requests[R,L]
  3. If you are on windows, apache has compiled an msi installer package that has SSL pre-configured. That's the easiest way that I can think of.
  4. I'm with SBC DSL and I run a personal website off of their connection. If it is offered in your area, then I would recommend giving that a try.
  5. Does comcast block port 80? Usually when an ISP does not want you host a website, they will block port 80. If this is the case, then you can run your site on port 81, but that my also violate their Terms of Service. You cannot call your site from the outside using an internal ip address. You must use the WAN ip address as wildteen pointed out.
  6. First of all, there is no need to have port 80 on your linksys set to "BOTH" - apache only uses TCP 80. Can you confirm that you are able to access the site locally (ie. http://localhost)? Is apache running? Can you access apache from another computer on the same network?
  7. Have you tried mod_dosevasive? This eliminates the need for banning individual ip's. The module works by automatically blocking access to certain ip's that exceed a given number of hits per minute.
  8. To properly answer your question, you may want to post the contents of the apache error log when you receive this message. Also, since this error is occurring on apache 2.2.6, please be aware that a version with mod_ssl pre-installed and properly configured is available for download. Just look for the win32 binaries on the download page. If this is the version you installed on your machine, then I'm not sure what to tell you until I see your error log.
  9. I'm not really sure, but you could check the page for mod_status in the documentation for the next version of apache: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/mod/mod_status.html
  10. I don't really know much about mod_rewrite, but just by looking at it I see there may be a problem: RewriteRule .*\.(jpg|swf)$ http://peakstudios.com/qd.php [R,NC] I would try changing (jpg|swf) to (php|swf) because it looks like you are defining a php page.
  11. I'm not sure if you can enable that feature. However, you can customize the error response pages: http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Apache/Custom-Error-Pages-with-Apache/
  12. Check your error log. It should contain more info as to why the error occurred.
  13. Take a look at this site: http://forum.statcounter.com/vb/showthread.php?t=29147
  14. If there is a note in the error/access log file of apache regarding these outside requests, then please post it here so I can get a better idea of what the problem is. Otherwise, if there isn't any message, the connections are not reaching the apache server and it is a problem with your router (ie. you are not forwarding port 80 properly). Also, remember that apache may not be listening to port 80. Another common port for it to listen to is 8080. You can test which port it is listening to by accessing your website on the local area network.
  15. http://tud.at/programm/apache-ssl-win32-howto.php3 Also try google.
  16. Possibly the image downloading is sucking all of your site's upload bandwidth. Without any upload bandwidth, users will not be able to access the site until more bandwidth is available. Solution: Downsize the images.
  17. I found that portfolio.no-ip.org resolves to I then went into my browser, typed in that IP, and got a page cannot be found. Your problem is most likely with the no-ip DNS record. If is your current ip address, then it doesn't solve the problem. If it is not, then I would suggest that you look into the record at no-ip.
  18. It may be possible that while installing it you checked the listen to port 8080 instead of the standard port 80. Verify that apache is listening to port 80 and try again. If that fails, I would recommend that you check your error log.
  19. See if this link helps: http://ilia.ws/archives/32-Apache-1-vs-Apache-2-Performance.html
  20. Are you trying to access the root directory? If so, then your error may be here: Remove the "Deny from all" and replace it with "Allow from all" Does the error log say anything like client denied by server configuration when you get the forbidden error?
  21. Can you post the contents of the error log file? That will usually log a message when there is an internal server error.
  22. That is weird because my site works if I type my WAN ip from within the LAN. Maybe it is different depending on the DNS client that a user runs on their machine. Yes, once the port has been forwarded correctly, I would recommend disabling the DMZ.
  23. Port 3030? Apache normally runs on either 80 or 8080. Of course, apache can run on any port, but these are the standard ports. Also, you don't need to have two ports open. Apache only requires that the port it is listening to is open. If it turns out apache is listening to port 80, then I would say you have to go back and reconfigure the port forward. By what you described, I think you did not forward it correctly. If this were true you would see an error message in the log file. If you don't know how to read it, you can post it here.
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