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Everything posted by windyweather

  1. Bill_VA, I'm no expert.. I solved my problem by doing (1) and (2) above... I suggest you carefully compare the config that I posted as an archive - follow above link - with yours, and then make the (1) and (2) changes. Sorry, but I don't have any more to add. Good luck. ww
  2. Ok. Looks like I solved it. (1) Must have AllowOverride All in the <Directory> or .htaccess before rewrite rules will work. (2) Must have Options FollowSymLinks enabled in <Directory> as well. Sigh...
  3. I'm trying to get WordPress to work on Apache on SUSE 10.1. It looks like a problem with Mod_Rewrite. I don't suspect a problem with Apache, but a problem with the config on SUSE. But to reduce the problem to more manageable test case, I tried the following: YAST shows REWRITE enabled. I've restarted the server, and rebooted. Apparently mod_rewrite is not enabled. Wordpress doesn't work with permalinks and a simple test doesn't work either. Any tricky business that I need to know? Any suggestion for a simple test? One test I saw suggested that I would get an error on [b]RewriteEngine On[/b] if the module were not loaded. But apparently that is not the case. Pretty much no URL is handled. For the test case below: [url=http://localhost/test-rewrite/content.php]http://localhost/test-rewrite/content.php[/url] works as well as ... /content.php?whatever=somevalue but [url=http://localhost/test-rewrite/products/]http://localhost/test-rewrite/products/[/url]  gives a 404 as does [url=http://localhost/test-rewrite/products/1123123/]http://localhost/test-rewrite/products/1123123/[/url] I've just tried to build a simple example since wordpress is not exactly straightforward to diagnose. So it looks like mod_rewrite is not enabled, even tho YAST says so. [url=http://www.windyweather.net/wp/2006/08/02/apache-configuration/]Here's an archive of the entire apache config tree.[/url] Thanks, ww .htaccess [code] Options +FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All RewriteEngine On <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /test-rewrite/ #RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f #RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^/products$ /test-rewrite/content.php?action=product_list [NC] RewriteRule ^/products/([0-9]+)$ /test-rewrite/content.php?code=$1 [NC] RewriteRule . /test-rewrite/content.php [L] </IfModule> [/code] content.php [code] <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head profile="http://gmpg.org/xfn/11"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Test MOD_REWRITE</title> </head> <body> <h2>Parameter List</h2> <?php foreach ( $_GET as $key => $value ) { print( "$key = $value<br>" ); } ?> </body> </html> [/code]
  4. And the answer is that you have to add @localhost to the list of hosts explicitly @%, which is a wildcard and you would think would include localhost, apparently does not. [list] [*] So, under the username in MyAdmin / Users panel, select the user you want to change, right click  and choose [b]Add Host.[/b] [*]Then choose [b]Localhost[/b] [*]then be sure and update the privs to include all the privs for the desired database's. [/list] hummm..... Yep, you would think that WILDCARD meant WILDCARD including LOCALHOST but it apparently does not. sigh. ww
  5. ok. Thanks for confirming that OLD_PASSWORDs are history. This seems fairly straightforward. Nothing fancy. Just Apache2, mysql5 and php5... Is there a FAQ somewhere of bonehead things to check? I've checked everything that I know of from my previous experience on WinXP with A2,M4,P4 that worked fine. Thanks, ww
  6. SUSE 10.1 PHP Version 5.1.2 MySQL Client API version 5.0.18 Apache/2.2.0 (Linux/SUSE) I can't get php5 to connect to mysql 5. With or without a password. [pre]<html><body><h1>Test MySQL Database connection</h1> <h2> <?php // (1) //$mysql= new mysqli("localhost", "galewpuser", "galewppass", "galewp"); // (2) $mysql= new mysqli("localhost", "galewpuser", "", "galewp"); printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error()); ?> </h2> </body></html>[/pre] results of (1) with the correct password set with MySQL Administrator are Error: Access denied for user 'galewpuser'@'localhost' (using password: YES) results of (2) with password set to "" are Error: Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'galewp' all privs are granted between galewpuser and the galewp database no other privs are granted between galewpuser and any other catalogs. I had this working on WinXP with php4 and mysql4 and had to use OLD_PASSWORDS to make it work. I thought that OLD_PASSWORDS were history in these "5" days. see phpinfo attachement Thanks, ww [attachment deleted by admin]
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