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Everything posted by web_master

  1. hi, I want to collect information about visitors into database. But I know only how can I put IP address getenv('REMOTE_ADDR') I want to get hostname, what Windows they use, monitor resolution... and the other what I can get... Thanks in advanced. T
  2. It will be an shout box with scrollbar (scrolling area). Im mostly using tables and less the div-s. Its an habit and now I most slowly study div-s to use in sites. So for now I need to use one shoutbox, but the "object" - as I say - cannot read blind men. So I know now that I need a shoutbox with overflow. And its no need plug-in, just a reload from database, it will be a pure PHP txt.
  3. hi, I work with iframe sometimes, like a some shoutbox - but, in xhtml strict I cannot use iframe. Here is "object", and its OK, but what ca I do when I know that the blind people can "see" the iframe, but they cannot "see" the object. They use usual the Jaws screan reader software, and I know that jaws cannot read the "object". Is some (simple) sloution? thanks in advanced.
  4. Hi, is some way to automatically put incomint SMS-es ( from phone, or other stuff ) into MySQL database with some php script... what is the simplies way to automatically publish SMS-es? thanx
  5. Hi, I want to reload a text from database, but I want to "echo" only the first word? In database is: "Fox on the run" and I want to print on screen only first word: "Fox" From every rows only first word... How can I do this with PHP? $request['headline']; thnxs T
  6. OK, its a lots a things that I dont know yet about a PHP, Im so glad, that I can get a help here - sometimes I need a better (more) explanation, because I can understand some scripts yet. I dont want allways only a script, because If I cant understand how its works I will ask things that I dont need to ask... But You people are great, help me lots! Thanx!!! Ill try to do my best, to make a homepages w3c "compatible", and also writable for a blind people, and also to texts looks good, use tipography right "quotes" too. I work on my (born)willage site now: www.csantaver.eu so I can do it best I can! Thanks again, Tivadar
  7. oh, ITS WORK! $string = preg_replace('/\\\"(.*?)\\\"/', '„$1”', $string); THnx...
  8. well I dont know is magic quotes turned on or off, Ill try this script, but... $string = preg_replace('/\\\"(.*?)\\\"/', '„$1”', $string); what is $1 ? because in text I have "randomly" lots of words with quotes... can I do this: $string = preg_replace('/\\\"(.*?)\\\"/', '„(.*?)”', $string);
  9. <?php // Content if($_GET['profile'] == ''){ $profile = 'basicopenfile'; } else { $profile = $_GET['profile']; } ?> <?php // Include contents $file_name = 'contents/'.$profile.'.php'; include($file_name); ?> profile.php file is in "contents" directory
  10. ok, please give me some explantion, because I cant understand ... where can I put „ („) ” (”)
  11. Hi, when I put text into database I use mysql_real_escape_string. So the doublequotes looks like: \"sometext\". How can I replace to be like: „sometext” The first problem for me is in replace: find begin and end of quotes, because its a same on a begin and on end of word... Can You help me How can I replace these quotes??? this work for me: $NewsTexT = str_replace('\"', '„', $NewsTexT); but how can I "close" quotes to looks like this: „sometekst” thanks, T
  12. Hi, <?php $QueryReturn = mysql_query('SELECT `ra_progbyday_year`, `ra_progbyday_month`, `ra_progbyday_day` FROM `ra_progbyday` ORDER BY ??? ASC '); ?> I got this query. `ra_progbyday_year`, `ra_progbyday_month` and `ra_progbyday_day` is an INT which is after reload for example: `ra_progbyday_year` = 2009, `ra_progbyday_month` = 04 and `ra_progbyday_day` = 04. I got problem after ORDER BY, because I want to "ORDER" by date after reload. How can I list this 3 params like "date"? - Or its enough to create column: `ra_progbyday_date` looks like: 20090404 Always will have a earlier date smaller nr that later date? thnanx T
  13. hi all, is some possibility to print date dayname? Example: something is happened at 12. april 2009. In MySQl database is looks like: Column Year=2009, Column Month=04, Column Day=12 Is some way to after QueryRequest looks like this: 12 04 2009 Sunday I know that the date('l') give a dayname, but what if I enter some date in future?... thanxs
  14. Hi, I got a mobilPhone, and I want to upload the incoming SMS-es into MySQl database (to see it in admin pane on site). Is that possible, and it is, than how? Thnxs, T
  15. Hi, how can I find what is the full path of file on my server? Mean like: /home/../../../../../picture.jpg thanks
  16. well, I want to use SMTP (mail.mydomain.com) to send emails to recipients, not just a simple PHP-mail. But I want a simpliest PHP script as possible...
  17. Hi, how can I send on a simpliest way an email via SMTP? mail($recipient, $subject, $mail_body, $header); Thanks, T
  18. Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mb_strlen() in D:\folder\folder\view_txt.php on line 161 I Use it like this: <?php $CharsPreCOunt = strip_tags(html_entity_decode($request['text'])); echo mb_strlen($CharsPreCOunt); ?>
  19. OK, I try strip_tags() and strlen() and add the html_entity_decode() too, but its not enough form me. Why? I got the serbian characters like: čČćĆđ𚊞Ž (this is 10 character). In HTML code: čČćĆđ𚊞Ž (this is 32 character) The code is: <?php $CharsPreCOunt = strip_tags(html_entity_decode($request['text'])); echo strlen($CharsPreCOunt); ?> What can I do to counter count 10 characters?
  20. Hi, I got in MySql database the text. The text looks like this example: <p>Ommy num <strong>ad modip ea accum</strong> ea commy num <em>aut iliquam etueraestis nullao</em>r sequi blaor atem diamconullum ip eu feugiam, verosto eratisi.</p> <p><br />Lorem dolutpatet veniametum dit ilis dolum vel ipit autem exero eugue digna facin vendre magna faciliquamet irit do do erciduis alit aliscilit wis ex ea at. Gait, quis nonsequamet amet, volobore volore molorem zzrit vel ut alit nos <span style="color: #ff0000;">nibh eu facilit lore</span> venim delent alisi tie dio exer adit, vullumsan žŽ Å‘Å éÉ ÑˆÐ¨Ð¨Ñ›Ñ› vel ipsum nonulla ortisis del utat, consendre magniscing ea facil dolorero odoluptat. Metummo dolore faciliquisi ting eu feugait utpatum vel utpatum vel exerosto od ecte velit esecte faccummy nonsectem <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">quat amet la feugue tet,</span> quis aliquat.<br /></p> So, when I reload it from MySQl database, how can I count only characters without TAG's like: <span style="color: #ff0000;"> or <p><br /> or others?
  21. ooh... in meantime I find the problem.... <script type="text/javascript"><!-- TenPictures var winonload = window.onload; var CurrentText; window.onload = function(){ if(winonload) winonload(); CurrentText = document.getElementById('Text1'); } function SwapText(text_id) { CurrentText.style.display='none'; o=document.getElementById(text_id); CurrentText=o; o.style.display='block'; } // TenPictures --!> </script>
  22. Hi, Im apsolutely novice in JavaScript so I need a help, I got a script for change picture and text on onmouseover. The script works perfectly in Mozilla, Chrome... but in IE not - cant see nothing ( Take a look at site www.miroslavjovancic.com ) the script is: <script type="text/javascript"><!-- TenPictures var winonload = window.onload; var CurrentText; window.onload = function(){ if(winonload) winonload(); CurrentText = document.getElementById('Text1'); } function SwapText(text_id) { CurrentText.style.display='none'; o=document.getElementById(text_id); CurrentText=o; o.style.display='block'; } // TenPictures --!> </script> Can help me someone, how can I change this script?
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