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Everything posted by jimmyslam

  1. I just followed other steps and is working now.. Thanks anyway! ;)
  2. Im triying to erase a row with this code. [code] $id=$_GET['id']; echo "#".$id." "; $temp = intval($id); $sql="DELETE * FROM news WHERE ID = $temp"; mysql_query ($sql); [/code] Why is not erasing? the ID table nad everything exists i dont get any error mensage either. If I edit it works with this: [code]$ID=$_GET['ID']; $date=$_POST['Year']."-".$_POST['Month']."-".$_POST['Day']; $description=$_POST['text']; $linkN=$_POST['linkN']; $linkURL=$_POST['linkURL']; $sql = "UPDATE news SET date = '$date', description = '$description', linkN = '$linkN', linkURL = '$linkURL' WHERE ID = '$ID'"; mysql_query ($sql); echo("UPDATED!!!");[/code] If i try like this: [code] $id=$_GET['id']; echo "#".$id." "; $temp = intval($id); $sql="DELETE * FROM news WHERE ID = '$id'"; mysql_query ($sql); echo ("ERASED");[/code] it doesnt work either. :-S :-\
  3. Well the error is in this line: [code]$sql->QueryRow("select * from news where 'ID'=1");[/code] I think  i tried doing [code]$sql->QueryRow("select * from news where ID=1");[/code] and didnt work either.
  4. Ok i am having this error. Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /datos/home/d177397/public_html/public_html/html/admin/view.php on line 14 And my code is Vars! [code]<? define ( "DB_SERVER", "x.x.x.x" ); define ( "DB", "d177397_news" ); define ( "DB_LOGIN", "user..." ); define ( "DB_PASSWORD", "pass..." ); ?>[/code] Connect! [code]<? $db = mysql_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_LOGIN, DB_PASSWORD) or die("Could not connect: ".mysql_error()); mysql_select_db(DB) or die("Could not select database: ".mysql_error()); ?>[/code] [code]<? include_once ("vars.php"); include_once ("connect.php"); //ver infos de las tablas //$sql->QueryRow("select * from news where 'ID'=0"); $sql->QueryRow("select * from news where 'ID'=1"); $row = $sql->data; echo ("$row[ID]"); echo ("$row[date]"); echo ("$row[description]"); echo ("$row[links]"); mysql_close(); ?>[/code] What is going on? I think the queryrow is wrongly used. I dont see what is the problem really... Anyone help? Thanks
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