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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. Yeah, and major companies have good lawyers and a lot of money. Anyway, here you go: https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/security_standards/download.html?id=pci_dss_v1-2.pdf Why do you need to store it anyway? You're just asking for trouble. Might as well let the well renowned payment gateways do it.
  2. I hope you have a good lawyer and a lot of money.
  3. Bah... give them some real math challenges. It'll keep out idiots and spammers (though of course spammers is in a sense a subset of idiots). Something like: Given that AI is more difficult to implement than OCR, this is better for bot based attacks.
  4. It's good for that too, but collaboration is where version control really excels though. He did also specifically mention that he had a multi-person team.
  5. There are two problems with that approach though: 1) The other team members might find it annoying having to loose all the data all the time. 2) You end up stepping on other people's toes. What if you and another team member wants to change a particular table at the same time?
  6. You could use a combination of Phing and dbdeploy.
  7. There is 100% air in air, FYI.
  8. Why don't you just check the source?
  9. You could store it in the same folder. Then check the host name on all pages. If it's note secure.mydomain.dk but it has to be, then redirect and vice versa.
  10. Assuming you're submitting through POST: $qty = array_sum($_POST['txtQty']);
  11. Google knows: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=recaptcha&l=1
  12. Well, if you make it too readable then computers can read it, but if you make it too obscure then humans cannot read it. Have you checked out reCAPTCHA?
  13. Well, then you obviously cannot figure it out. That would be like if I wanted to ask my neighbor when his birthday is without ever talking to him.
  14. 1) Post in the right forum. 2) SELECT VERSION(); / mysql_get_server_info
  15. http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2009/04/10/prepare-for-automatic-update-distribution-of-ie8.aspx Nice.
  16. preg_match('/b/i', $string); Checks case-insensitively if there is a b in $string. You'll have to learn regex, another language, to use preg_*().
  17. Nope, not Google. They use Python for their web pages. Anyway, I don't quite get your languages. PHP is good for making dynamic web pages. Virtually all web pages you see today will be dynamic in some way. Name your 10 (or 5) favorite web pages. All of them will be dynamic.
  18. Used to, but not anymore. That's why you call it a recursive acronym. The acronym is part of its definition, so if you spell out the acronym you get the acronym again, and you can then spell out that one, and the next one, etc.
  19. Actually, PHP is a recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" as of PHP 3. Like GNU (GNU's not Unix), Wine (Wine Is Not an Emulator), YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language), etc.
  20. PHP acts on the server side whereas Javascript acts on the client side. Neither of them can directly influence the other "side".
  21. As an example of what it's good for, Facebook and Yahoo are using PHP just to name a few high profile websites.
  22. Not if it means violating DRY.
  23. Sounds like you just need to learn about proper application design.
  24. To lessen spam. It's only for people with less than 10 posts.
  25. We use Google AdSense. Don't bother unless you've got quite a bit of traffic though.
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