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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. Why not just something like this to e.g. display their current time (based on a setting they have set containing the offset to GMT)? <?php $timezone = 1; // GMT +/- echo "TIME IS: ".gmdate('l F j, Y \a\\t g:i A', time()-3600*$timezone); ?>
  2. Maybe it cached a wrong result? Try running clearstatcache() before it.
  3. What do you mean with returning 0? What is the SQL error?
  4. You might want to look at the source code of products which are already made or at the source code of frameworks like CakePHP or Codeigniter.
  5. Might work quite well. Just say "Thank you for contacting us" if blocked of if success.
  6. It has a disadvantage. What about those emails which are supposed to be automated? Like email confirmations or lost password URLs?
  7. It works much better in Firefox now.
  8. IP banning: They can use a proxy or similar things. Email verification: Stuff like http://www.mytrashmail.com/ will take care of that. CAPTCHA: Useless against humans. It's purpose is to tell humans from computers. It stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart". Cookies: Can be deleted. User registration: New users can be registered. I.e.: Human spammers are hard to prevent.
  9. I think it is a good idea. There should perhaps also be a limit to the amount of space a signature may use.
  10. You can't use .htaccess files?
  11. Is it a bot or a human? If it is a bot, then CAPTCHA should take care of it. If it is a human, then setup a registration system and only allow registered users to register. Use stuff like email confirmation and only allow one user per email. That should make it more difficult. There isn't really a way to stop users from posting spam. They can always find some proxy or use stuff like Tor to circumvent IP address banning and they can always just register a new account.
  12. Alright, here is what I tested it on and the results: Windows Vista Home Premium: Internet Explorer 7.0.6000.16448: Seems to work fine. Firefox Hangs. Unusable because it, when I hit random keys fast, eventually made Firefox unresponsive.
  13. http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/auth.html (possibly replace 2.2 with 2.0 or 1.3 depending on your version)
  14. It works sort of slow. When typing I have to wait for it to catch up with me.
  15. Have you run session_start();?
  16. PHP Freaks is using a forum system called SMF. All bug reports, feature requests etc. should go to them.
  17. PNG shows more colors as well. GIF only shows 256.
  18. Konqueror (for Linux) uses KHTML as well, so if you are concerned about Safari, then you could just check it in Konqueror as it should render the page in the same way as Safari does. I'm not sure if there is a Windows binary available though.
  19. Seems to work ok. It appears to be serving the web page just as fast as when served by Apache. Have you tested when under load?
  20. neel_basu: If you think a user has a too big signature, then report him to an administrator or moderator. I think you are far more annoying with your marquees and big red text than his signature is. Besides, you can turn viewing of users' signatures off here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;sa=theme
  21. <?php if(count($_GET) != 0) { die(); } // rest of code... ?>
  22. Change echo 'OK' to echo 'OK'; (add a semi-colon). Also please put code tags around your code.
  23. You need quotes around the values if they are strings (such as the compname).
  24. Um.... this isn't programming. This is a forum. He is multitasking
  25. Unlink would delete it, but since it gets stored as a temporary file on the server it would get deleted eventually anyways. It's fine to delete it though.
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