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Everything posted by john77jr

  1. Thanks!    I adjusted the main2.php to remove a <td width=617> and it moved the repeating image to the top of the screen at: http://www.transrecruit.com/employers/employer_registration2.php ------------ <? include_once "../main2.php"; if ($epass == $cpass) {   if(!empty($ename) && !empty($epass) && !empty($CompanyName) && !empty($CompanyCountry)  && !empty($CompanyZip) && !empty($CompanyCity) && !empty($CompanyAddress) && !empty($CompanyPhone) && !empty($CompanyEmail))   { $q1 = "insert into job_employer_info set ename = \"$ename\", epass = \"$epass\", CompanyName = \"$CompanyName\", CompanyCountry = \"$CompanyCountry\", CompanyState = \"$CompanyState\", CompanyZip = \"$CompanyZip\", CompanyCity = \"$CompanyCity\", CompanyAddress = \"$CompanyAddress\", CompanyPhone = \"$CompanyPhone\", CompanyPhone2 = \"$CompanyPhone2\", CompanyEmail = \"$CompanyEmail\" "; $r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die('<br><br><center><font size=2 face=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>This username is already in use. Please choose another. </center>'); $to = $CompanyEmail; $subject = "Your account at $site_name"; $message = "This is your account information at $site_name\n\n username: $ename\n password: $epass\n\n\n Keep this information in a secure place. \n\n Thanks for your registration.\n $url"; $from = "From: $_SERVER[HTTP_HOST] <$aset[ContactEmail]>"; mail($to, $subject, $message, $from); include_once "pay10.php";   } else{ echo "<center><font color=red><b> <font size=2 face=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>You did not fill in some of the required fields.<br>Go back and fill them in correctly, please.</b></font></canter>"; } } else { echo "<center><br><br><br><font color=red><b> <font size=2 face=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>You made a mistake in the password/confirm password fields. <br> Go <a class=ERR href=employer_registration.php> back </a> and fill all them in properly, please.</b></font></center>"; } ?> <? include_once('../footer.php'); ?>
  2. Hello all. I installed a Prozilla php site at: http://transrecruit.com When an employer signs up the screen jumps way to the right and the background image is duplicated like 20 times on the left. Anyone have any idea what is causing this?  I can't get any support from Prozilla.com on this at all. Please help:  info@transrecruit.com Thanks! John
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