All Ids follow 1st Id, ok, so in a previous post i had a problem where i couldnt show the hotels from a hotelType, and the hoteltype was either Golf, Hotel or villa, I fixed that problem with this code on the hotel display page [code]<?php $type=@$_GET['hotelType']; mysql_select_db($database_conTotal, $conTotal); $query_rsHotels = "SELECT * FROM tabHotel WHERE hotelType ='$type'"; $rsHotels = mysql_query($query_rsHotels, $conTotal) or die(mysql_error()); $row_rsHotels = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsHotels); $totalRows_rsHotels = mysql_num_rows($rsHotels);[/code] but now the problem is that it seems to put all of the hotel types into the hotel, golf, and villa pages , so if its the hotel page, it will also pick up the the golf and villa hotelTypes any suggestions as to why?