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Everything posted by neoform

  1. xml_parse_into_struct() [function.xml-parse-into-struct]: input conversion failed due to input error, bytes 0x81 0xE7 0x9A 0x84 (line: 106) What could be causing this error? I passed the xml through a number of online validators and they all say it's well formed.. It only seems to happen on certain feeds (from the same source).
  2. Do you think it's really a big problem? I've yet to encounter a host that uses PHP5 and has short tags off.. I'm all for compatibility, but typing <?php seems archaic and (IMO) unnecessary.....
  3. you might want to rephrase the "secure login" thing if it's not using HTTPS...
  4. i don't mean to be mean... but.... hahaha...
  5. wasn't manual. no, the referrals and wasn't accepting cookies. browser: Mozilla/4.75 (Nikto/1.36 ) ip: those attempts took place between 10:22pm and 11:11pm .. considering that it did more than 2000 queries in less than an hour.. i'm sure it was a bot of some sort..
  6. nope. Built the site nice n solid..
  7. Just my luck. I posted source code to my site newsique.com in the beta test your stuff forum, then a few hours later some asshole comes a long and tried to hack my server.. take a look at some of these commands he tried.. http://www.phpneoform.com/hack_attack.txt
  8. I added a failsafe to the installer to make sure those directories don't exist before it creates them. No more overwriting files.
  9. eep. really? I'm gonna add something to check if .htaccess already exists before writing to the installer. sorry about.. :S Did it do anything else unexpected like that?
  10. Ack. I think I might know why. I feel stupid for not mentioning it earlier.. Requirements: Mysqli be active in PHP PHP 5 MySQL 5 Mod_Rewrite needs to be on in apache
  11. Hmmm.. wish I coulda figured out what went wrong here.. *trying to make it work on as many systems as possible*.. anyway...
  12. Well like I said: "Site Root Index URL" is where the index.php is gonna be put. So you'd be accessing the site from that dir. "System Directory" is where the code for the site is tucked away. (can be anywhere that php has access to)
  13. Hmmmm... I'm not fully following how the site is set up.... but either way, the path you give it is where the files are going to be located, the installer just shows you (as it sees it) what the URL is gonna look like, and has no bearing on the install process. It all comes down to the paths you give the installer. It'll put files in both the locations you give.. if your host has a setup where the "addons" folder is actually root, then it'll be installed in the root.. (maybe i'll have to adjust how the javascript guesses the location.. heh)
  14. Are you sure your host doesn't have symlinks that you're not aware of? I've tested it on several different hosts and none of them gave me such problems...
  15. Ok my bad, set the "Site Root Index URL" to the location you want the site to be found (via the web), and the "System Directory" where the code for the site is going to be (they can be different). Maybe I should explain that better in the installer......... Basically you can have the code exist elsewhere on the site (for safety reasons, no direct access to the code if you want). Basically what happens is an index.php is installed in the Site Root Index URL that then points to the "System Directory" where all the code is found..
  16. the site root URL is where the code for the site is going to be stored. You can make that off the www dir if you want (hide the code from the web). If it's putting "/home/~main/public_html/~addon/php.neoform.v1.161/index.php" as the root url, then that's what PHP is reporting as being where the installer script is currently running from..
  17. Thanks If you give it a try or have any suggestions.. feel free to share.
  18. Yeah, so I've been working on a PHP framework for almost a year now.. It's getting pretty close to completion.. (still work to be done, but it's pretty solid at this point) Just wondering what anyone thinks of it. http://www.phpneoform.com/php.neoform.v1.161.zip Basically it's a pre-made backend for your website. It allows you to make websites with user management, subdomain management, http/https and a bunch of other stuff. Most importantly it was designed to be very portable. You can take chunks of one website and just plop it into another really easily. screenshot of the dashboard: http://www.phpneoform.com/115/phpneoform_images/files/fulls/phpneoform_backend.png here's a site that's currently using it http://www.newsique.com/ here's one of the packages you can install into it http://www.phpneoform.com/115/phpneoform_images/ it's main feature is that you can create great looking URL structures. an example would be the web forum i made for it, this is the URL for a thread: http://www.newsique.com/forum/site/site_news/site_updates/page1/#l here's a URL for a news story: http://www.newsique.com/politics/house_democrats_we_have_the_vote/ it makes use of mod_rewrite to do it, but it's very easy to set up with the framework. Right now it's still technically a beta release and is only for personal/non-profit use. Enjoy.
  19. I'm running into a problem when selecting an entire table in php. Does mysql not use the index when it selects the whole table? mysqli() is throwing an error claiming no index was used when I do "SELECT name FROM permissions". I want to select all the permissions in the table (it's a very small table.. 10 rows max).. the id is the primary key, and the name is UNIQUE.. so why is mysqli complaining that the query isn't indexed?
  20. you need to have a key field to do this, but you can use something like this: (if the table has a key field called "id") SELECT DISTINCT id FROM category_table WHERE `group` <> ''
  21. When i set mysqli to report: mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_INDEX); for whatever reason when i do this query: "SELECT name FROM system_permissions" (it's a small table and i want all the permissions selected; the table has a primary key 'id') I get this error: Warning: mysqli::query() [function.mysqli-query]: (00000/0): No index used in query/prepared statement SELECT name FROM system_permissions in common.php on line 30 I don't get why either, since the query runs perfectly in mysql without any warnings.. so why is php giving me this error?
  22. I just did a whois on google and saw this: whois google.com Whois Server Version 2.0 Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net for detailed information. GOOGLE.COM.ZZZZZ.GET.LAID.AT.WWW.SWINGINGCOMMUNITY.COM GOOGLE.COM.ZOMBIED.AND.HACKED.BY.WWW.WEB-HACK.COM GOOGLE.COM.WORDT.DOOR.VEEL.WHTERS.GEBRUIKT.SERVERTJE.NET GOOGLE.COM.VN GOOGLE.COM.UA GOOGLE.COM.SUCKS.FIND.CRACKZ.WITH.SEARCH.GULLI.COM GOOGLE.COM.SPROSIUYANDEKSA.RU GOOGLE.COM.SA GOOGLE.COM.PLZ.GIVE.A.PR8.TO.AUDIOTRACKER.NET GOOGLE.COM.MX GOOGLE.COM.IS.NOT.HOSTED.BY.ACTIVEDOMAINDNS.NET GOOGLE.COM.IS.APPROVED.BY.NUMEA.COM GOOGLE.COM.HAS.LESS.FREE.PORN.IN.ITS.SEARCH.ENGINE.THAN.SECZY.COM GOOGLE.COM.DO GOOGLE.COM.BR GOOGLE.COM.AU GOOGLE.COM To single out one record, look it up with "xxx", where xxx is one of the of the records displayed above. If the records are the same, look them up with "=xxx" to receive a full display for each record. >>> Last update of whois database: Mon, 02 Apr 2007 00:43:52 UTC <<<
  23. errr..... url.php?id=../../../somefile.php You'd be far better off cleansing that variable prior to using it. eg. intval($_GET['id']) or at least stripping out any ".." from it.
  24. even with LOW_PRIORITY set? (maybe i don't fully understand how it operates.. but doesn't the query get set aside and executed at a later time while the script continues on?)
  25. nothing is wrong with it.. but you don't have an array element with the key "manuf".. so it's returning nothing. if you want to see what's in the array use print_r($makes);
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