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Everything posted by karljames

  1. Veridicus, I tried to search on the net for something similar. I am not able to find it. Maybe you can help me out? I have been googling on this, trust me on that. Karl
  2. Team, I am in need of your help. I have tried over the years to do this. But, I seem not to be able to get it to the way I want. I want to start from scratch. What I want to do is build site that has team management for your roster of players, and display stats in a nut shell. As far as stats, I have about 5 years worth of data that I want to store in a database. I want to display it by all means. Years, players, teams etc. Then, I also want to be able to manage the players and the teams only with the current active year. My wish list is here: http://www.theufl.com/ufl_project.htm Please email privately if needed. This is a dream of mine to finish for my website. I want to do all the work and learn it. I know of databases just never really gone all out on one. Can you please tell me what tables and fields I would need in order to do this. I have a word doc going that shows a projected database. If you are interested in seeing it please let me know so I can email you off the list, as I am not able to send out attachments. :-) Your alls help would be greatly appreciated Karl
  3. Hello all, I was wondering if their was a extension or if anyone can provide the ways to make a poll in dreamweaver using php & phpmyadmin/mysql. I want to be able to vote on from three to whatever number of items their are to vote for. I want to place this right under my navigation menu on the left hand side. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks, Karl
  4. First off to phpfreaks! I am sorry, I am not trying to sound hostile in anyway. I was just being basically a smart ass attitude, and I am a happy, laid back type of person. Second, Thanks for the replies and leads in this matter. Especially to barand. Barand, I some what understand where you are going in detail. If I could aquire your help in more detail through forums please tell me where to write it or if we can chat online. I promise you I can catch on! I just need the leads. The goal of the team pages is to show login successfull Team ownership, Team management, Trophy Case, Current stats that are prudent to the team and players and a few forms like submit starting line up, qb,rb,rb,wr,wr,te,k,d (UT) which are Football NFL positions then display them on another page called starting lineups vs the team you are playing. I can also show you a example of what i want to create is at this page, http://www.webleaguemanager.com/demo/leaguehome.html I want to get as close I can to those pages, especially look at the reports page, and the other pages in that subject, along with a if you click on a owners page you will see what i mean, actually manage team page. I also want to apply a fourm as well. I only want the whole ball of wax!!! :-) looking forward to speaking with you again. thanks, Karl
  5. I really can't believe their has been several views and no replies. Totally AMAZING!!!! Karl
  6. Hey phpfreaks, I really, really, really need some help with this. I am attemping to make a NFL Fantasy Football Database, for my website at theufl.com/index6.html I really need advise on what tables to make. So far I know I need a team/login table, players table, transactions table. I know how to create them. But I just really need help on deciding what tables i need. I attempted a flow chart but didnt like how it was ending up. I have a written theory of what i want for my website. You can view this at http://www.theufl.com/ufl_project.htm Any help or even step by step on this would be great. Please feel free to email me or message me on aim at kjames1973. You all will be my hero if you can get this ball rolling thanks, kdog!!!!
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