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  1. config: IIS server 5 Php MS access (mdb) =========================================================== em newbie using php and ms access can anybody help me?i having problem using  ms access as my database,em gettin errors like this: Notice: Undefined variable: Firstname in C:\cgi\dataAccess.php on line 95 Notice: Undefined variable: Lastname in C:\cgi\dataAccess.php on line 95 Notice: Undefined variable: PhoneNumber in C:\cgi\dataAccess.php on line 95 Warning: odbc_exec() [function.odbc-exec]: SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable query., SQL state S1000 in SQLExecDirect in C:\cgi\dataAccess.php on line 81 Error in odbc_exec( no cursor returned ) ================================================== here's my coding 1. formInput.php <?php function HTML_Head() { echo " <HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>Processing Form</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=\"#D5D5AB\">"; } function HTML_Form() { echo " <FORM METHOD=post ACTION=\"dataAccess.php\"> Please enter the details you wish to be inserted into the Access Database.<br> First Name:<input name=\"Firstname\" type=\"text\" SIZE=\"25\"><br> Last Name:<input name=\"Lastname\" type=\"text\" SIZE=\"25\"><br> Phone Number: <input name=\"PhoneNumber\" type=\"text\" SIZE=\"25\"><br> <p><INPUT type=\"Submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"> </p></form> "; } function HTML_Existing() { echo "Existing database entries"; } function HTML_Foot() { echo "</body></html>"; } HTML_Head(); HTML_Form(); HTML_Existing(); HTML_Foot(); ?> ================================================== == 2. dataAccess.php <?php function HTML_Head() { echo " <HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>Processing Form</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=\"#D5D5AB\">"; } function HTML_Foot() { echo "</body></html>"; } function Database_Entries($msg) { echo $msg; } function Output_Entries() { /* Make the connection to the database. The syntax is odbc_connect( 'SYSTEM_DSN' , 'USER', 'PASSWORD' ); $cnx will hold the pconnect is used to establish a persistent database connection to the Database until the procedure is completed. */ $cnx = odbc_connect( 'sample' ,'root', '' ); if (!$cnx) { Error_handler( "Error in odbc_connect" , $cnx ); } // send a simple odbc query . returns an odbc cursor $cur= odbc_exec( $cnx, "select Index,Firstname,Lastname,PhoneNumber from People" ); if (!$cur) { Error_handler( "Error in odbc_exec( no cursor returned ) " , $cnx ); } echo "<table border=1><tr><th>Index</th><th>First Name</th>". "<th>Last Name</th><th>Phone Number</th></tr>\n"; $nbrow=0; //Local variable to count number of rows // fetch the succesive result rows while( odbc_fetch_row( $cur ) ) { $nbrow++; $Index= odbc_result( $cur, 1 ); // get the field "Index" $Firstname= odbc_result( $cur, 2 ); // get the field "FirstName" $Lastname= odbc_result( $cur, 3 ); // get the field "LastName" $PhoneNumber= odbc_result( $cur, 4 ); // get the field "PhoneNumber" echo "<tr><td>$Index</td><td>$Firstname</td>". "<td>$Lastname</td><td>$PhoneNumber</td></tr>\n"; } echo "<tr><td colspan=2>$nbrow entries </td></tr></table>"; // close the connection. important if persistent connection are "On" odbc_close( $cnx); } function Error_Handler( $msg, $cnx ) { echo "$msg \n"; odbc_close( $cnx); exit(); } function Enter_New_Entry ($Firstname, $Lastname, $PhoneNumber) { /* First, we create a connection to our ODBC source. This is done by creating a connection. Once this is done, we are returned an ODBC connection number. We use this number to use the ODBC functions within PHP. */ $cnx = odbc_connect( 'sample' , 'root', '' ); if (!$cnx) { Error_handler( "Error in odbc_connect" , $cnx ); } $SQL_Exec_String = "Insert Into People (Firstname, Lastname, PhoneNumber) Values ('$Firstname', '$Lastname', '$PhoneNumber')"; $cur= odbc_exec( $cnx, $SQL_Exec_String ); if (!$cur) { Error_handler( "Error in odbc_exec( no cursor returned ) " , $cnx ); } odbc_close( $cnx); } $strOldEntries = "Previous Entries in database"; $strNewEntries = "Updated version of databse (after entries)"; HTML_Head(); Database_Entries($strOldEntries); Output_Entries(); Enter_New_Entry ($Firstname, $Lastname, $PhoneNumber); Database_Entries($strNewEntries); Output_Entries(); HTML_Foot(); ?> can anybody here help me to figure out where i went wrong?? by the way em a little bit sure that em enabled the write, read, & execute permission based what i saw in my default Webpage & server.. thanx in advance.. c",)
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