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Posts posted by techiefreak05

  1. "Create a bulletin board that people can comment each other and the posts are categorized in an easy way to find it!"

    Thats exactly what it is essentially. I just haven't had time to add the things I want to, with school starting soon, and other things, development has slowed down.


    :: also, I was thinking about making it an open-source script, any thoughts on this?

  2. "* I don't think the main background image should have corners since it is rounded on the inside."

    - what does that mean?


    "* The "welcome" and "bio" images are a little obtrusive."

    - Yeah, I just needed them, but I will changer them to something a little less.


    "* You might want to add some kind of text to the idle menu buttons, I didn't even notice they were navigation until I moused over."

    - I completely agree, I am having the hardest time getting it right....


    "* The background gradient doesn't match the background color in the end, or there is a line at the bottom of the gradient."

    - Yeah I did notice that ... I dont know why.. being that the background color, and the end gradient color are the same (#cbcbcb)


    "* The copywrite image color doesn't match the background and it has a different color behind it depending on where it is vertically on the page. I would suggest having that info inside the main content box."

    - Yeah it has different color behind it.. it's transparent.. and the background is a gradient.


    Thanks for the feedback, I'll be changing things over the weekend.

  3. Help! I am soo close to stopping spam, actually I'm done... but if you happen to have FF's Web Developer Toolbar (like most spammers), then they can disable meta tags, refresh the page, and send the POSTDATA again... hence, re-posting the sticky... how can I stop that?



  4. Alright, after some help from people, I believe I have everything under control? anybody want to launch a  ull scale attack on it to see if my updates helped the security? just not a million replies to the posts. :P those are annoying to delete.


    I also changed/added stuff.

  5. Matt :: when you get back online, I totally fixed it! I was missing a ' in my SQL query which then killed the script that created your upload folder, which is why uploading didnt work for you. haha im good. well anyway you can make a  new account and its all good. thanks for that one, i owe you! im soo close to opening.. .and with registration not working.. wow thatd be BAD! thanks!

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