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Everything posted by Mutley

  1. Nope. mysite.com/contact.php Works, as it should. mysite.com/contact Works mysite.com/contact/ Forbidden 500 Thanks for helping so far!
  2. My .htaccess is this at the moment: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.+)$ /$1.php [L,QSA] But it doesn't work if there's a trailing slash, it just brings up a Internal Server Error 500. I don't quite understand your line?
  3. At the moment I have the following .htaccess setup: mysite.com/contact it goes to mysite.com/contact.php Which is simple, but how would I do it so it also works with a trailing slash, e.g.: mysite.com/contact/ and mysite.com/contact goes to mysite.com/contact.php Then how would I make it so folders like /images/ or /js/ or /inc/ etc aren't confused as .php files? Thanks in advance.
  4. I'm wanting to execute functions rather than having to type out a query each time, at the moment I do this sort of thing: <?php $res=mysql_query("SELECT field FROM `table` WHERE where"); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($res)){ $variable = $row[""]; } $sql="SELECT * FROM table WHERE where LIMIT 1"; $res=mysql_query($sql); if(mysql_num_rows($res)!=0) { while(list($variables) = mysql_fetch_row($res)){ $variables; } } ?> Now I saw this: http://www.devshed.com/c/a/PHP/Creating-a-Secure-PHP-Login-Script/ Where they do queries by doing $db-> <?php $sql = "UPDATE member SET session = $session, ip = $ip WHERE " . "id = $this->id"; $this->db->query($sql);?> However I can't get my head around it, what is it doing? I've not really used -> before so don't understand what that refers to either. And would a function to execute queries only be limited to certain queries? Thanks in advance.
  5. I'll try to explain, as I've had no replies. At the moment, it does this: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30 Which would be fine... if that was the limits of the square but instead, it goes much further, so you get numbers repeating themselves: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40 What I would like it to do is make each number unique and in a FIXED position, so when you navigate around, it stays at that location but doesn't end up duplicating later on. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hi guys, having a problem with my script. Feel free to upload it to understand, below is the full file. The problem: I want numbers on the grid to be unique but move X / Y like they do now, by 1 row and column at a time. At the moment, it has the same number repeated on each row, what I would like it to do, is start from -15 for example at the top left, then count upto 15 to the bottom right. Hope you guys understand! Thanks in advance.
  7. Oops silly me, Sorry, what I need to do is, when a user visits domainB.com it redirects to the domainA.com... since domainB is an addon domain I should be able to do this in the .htaccess of domainA.com At the moment domainB.com is on search engine and when you go onto it, it uses the .htaccess you see above and continuous using domainB.com... rather than changing to domainA.com It's alot simpler than how I make it out to be, lol. Thanks in advance.
  8. Hi there, Just need some quick help, trying to switch a domain, currently the domain has this .htaccess: RewriteRule ^logout/(.*)$ /wp-login.php?action=logout&redirect_to=/&_wpnonce=$1 [L] # BEGIN WordPress <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] </IfModule> # END WordPress at mydomainA.com But I have an addon domain, mydomainB.com which I want to use instead, by just changing the .htaccess (so going to a page on mydomainB.com goes to the correct page, instead of redirecting to mydomainA.com) What do I need to change in the .htaccess so it uses the addon domain? Thanks in advance.
  9. Simple concept, just can't find the function for it. $word = 'melon'; $list = array('apple', 'peach', 'carrot', 'lemon'); if($word == $list){ // But this wouldn't work, I presume I need a function to check the words in the array? echo 'yes'; }else{ echo 'no'; } Thanks in advance, Nick.
  10. Yes they are correct, as I've said it executes fine in phpmyadmin.
  11. Same error... Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource
  12. The value isn't empty (or shouldn't be!) If the query returns 0 rows, it prints an error message else, it displays the rows.
  13. That didn't work either. As I've said the variables in the SQL work fine, it prints the correct SQL that works in phpmyadmin - and does bring up results. So you are probably right it's a variable problem but I've tried just doing `tid` and it didn't work either. ???
  14. Still hasn't fixed it, I'm pretty sure you don't need to select fields for the WHERE statement to work. Thanks for the help so far.
  15. Doesn't print anything. But the query is correct, it does work.
  16. Didn't work either. I've used the same method a dozen times.
  17. I've fixed this error sooo many times, it must be the early morning today! Anybody see what is causing this? The SQL when printed runs fine in phpmyadmin. Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource $sql="SELECT `tid`, `title`, `start_date`, `posts` FROM `ipb_tablestopics` WHERE `forum_id` = '$set_newsarea' ORDER BY `tid` DESC LIMIT $set_newslimit"; $res=mysql_query($sql); print $sql; if(mysql_num_rows($res)!=0) { while(list($tid, $title, $start_date, $posts) = mysql_fetch_row($res)){ print $title.'<br />'; print $start_date.'<br />'; print $posts.'<br />'; $resBody=mysql_query("SELECT `post` FROM `ipb_tableposts` WHERE `topic_id` = '$tid' AND `new_topic` = '1' LIMIT 1"); while($topic=mysql_fetch_array($resBody)){ print $topic["post"]; } print '<hr />'; } }else{ echo $e_norows; } Many thanks.
  18. Thanks but still problems: Warning: move_uploaded_file(images/gallery/Tree.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/corrieso/public_html/corries_dev/admin.php on line 76 Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpk2kq6Q' to 'images/gallery/Tree.jpg' in /home/corrieso/public_html/corries_dev/admin.php on line 76
  19. Warning: copy(corries_dev/images/gallery/Autumn Leaves.jpg) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/corrieso/public_html/corries_dev/admin.php on line 76 Code.... (Lines 65 to 79, ex tags) <?php $idir = "corries_dev/images/gallery/"; // Path To Images Directory $tdir = "corries_dev/images/gallery/thumbs/"; // Path To Thumbnails Directory $twidth = "150"; // Maximum Width For Thumbnail Images $theight = "150"; // Maximum Height For Thumbnail Images $lwidth = "600"; // Maximum Width For Thumbnail Images $lheight = "480"; // Maximum Height For Thumbnail Images $type = $_FILES['imagefile']['type']; if($type == "image/jpg" || $type == "image/jpeg" || $type == "image/pjpeg"){ $file_ext = strrchr($_FILES['imagefile']['name'], '.'); // Get The File Extention In The Format Of , For Instance, .jpg, .png or .php $rand = rand(1,99999); $copy = copy($_FILES['imagefile']['tmp_name'], "$idir" . $_FILES['imagefile']['name']); // Move Image From Temporary Location To Permanent Location $url = $_FILES['imagefile']['name']; // Set $url To Equal The Filename For Later Use if($copy){ // If The Script Was Able To Copy The Image To It's Permanent Location ?> Done CHMOD 777, script works fine on another site, the directory IS there.
  20. I have a list of categories, that are like: <a href="list.php?cat=2">Ice Cream</a> I figure, that refering to an ID column, is more efficent and suitable than using the category name (for queries). So if I did a mod_rewrite, it would look like: mydomain.com/categories/2 However, what I would like it to do is: mydomain.com/categories/Ice_Cream Now I figured that I can't do this because I would lose the ID reference? Any soloution to this? And how would I auto include a underscore to replace spaces? Thanks in advance, Nick.
  21. Problem found but no soloution.... This code is in the header: foreach ($_POST as $key => $el) { $_POST[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($el); } //Get Cleans the POSTs but how do I bypass it for the checkboxes and not make other forms on other pages insecure?
  22. It seems when I do fill the checkboxes in, I get this error: Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/sfengine/public_html/admin/includes/header.inc.php on line 27 Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/sfengine/public_html/admin/includes/header.inc.php:27) in /home/sfengine/public_html/admin/includes/header.inc.php on line 35 But when I don't fill them in, it works without any errors. Why would a checkbox POST cause this?
  23. Whole file code, including PHP part: <? if($_POST['name']){ $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']); $info = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['info']); $gettimes = $_POST['time']; $times = implode(",", $gettimes); $sD1 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sD1']); $sD2 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sD2']); $sD3 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sD3']); $sM1 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sM1']); $sM2 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sM2']); $sM3 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sM3']); $sY1 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sY1']); $sY2 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sY2']); $sY3 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sY3']); if(empty($name) || empty($info)){ echo "<b>Please fill in all the fields</b><br /><br />"; }else{ $sql="INSERT INTO `events` (`name`,`info`,`date`,`times`) VALUES ('$name','$info','$sD1-$sM1-$sY1,$sD2-$sM2-$sY2,$sD3-$sM3-$sY3','$times')"; mysql_query($sql); //echo $sql; echo "<b>Thank-you, the event has been created succesfully.</b><br /><br />"; } } ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="../jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> tinyMCE.init({ // General options mode : "textareas", theme : "advanced", plugins : "safari,pagebreak,style,layer,table,save,advhr,advimage,advlink,iespell,inlinepopups,insertdatetime,preview,media,searchreplace,print,contextmenu,paste,directionality,fullscreen,noneditable,visualchars,nonbreaking,xhtmlxtras,template", // Theme options theme_advanced_buttons1 : "save,newdocument,|,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,styleselect,formatselect,fontselect,fontsizeselect", theme_advanced_buttons2 : "cut,copy,paste,pastetext,pasteword,|,search,replace,|,bullist,numlist,|,outdent,indent,blockquote,|,undo,redo,|,link,unlink,anchor,image,cleanup,help,code,|,insertdate,inserttime,preview,|,forecolor,backcolor", theme_advanced_buttons3 : "tablecontrols,|,hr,removeformat,visualaid,|,sub,sup,|,charmap,emotions,iespell,media,advhr,|,print,|,ltr,rtl,|,fullscreen", theme_advanced_buttons4 : "insertlayer,moveforward,movebackward,absolute,|,styleprops,|,cite,abbr,acronym,del,ins,attribs,|,visualchars,nonbreaking,template,pagebreak", theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top", theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "left", theme_advanced_statusbar_location : "bottom", theme_advanced_resizing : true, // Example content CSS (should be your site CSS) content_css : "css/content.css", // Drop lists for link/image/media/template dialogs template_external_list_url : "lists/template_list.js", external_link_list_url : "lists/link_list.js", external_image_list_url : "lists/image_list.js", media_external_list_url : "lists/media_list.js", forced_root_block : '', // Replace values for the template plugin template_replace_values : { username : "Some User", staffid : "991234" } }); </script> You can add a new event below. <br /><br /> Once you add a new event, it automatically becomes live and removes the current one from the page. <br /><br /> <form action="" method="post"> <table> <tr> <td>Event Name:</td> <td><input type="text" name="name" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">Event Information:</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><textarea id="content" style="width:450px; height:200px" name="info"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Dates of Event:</td> <td> Day 1: <select name="sD1"> <? // Cycle through days $i=1; while($i <= 31){ if($i==date("j")){ $sel="selected"; }else{ $sel=""; } echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>"; $i++; } ?> </select> <select name="sM1"> <option value="1" <? if(date("n")==1){ echo "selected";}?>>January</option> <option value="2" <? if(date("n")==2){ echo "selected";}?>>February</option> <option value="3" <? if(date("n")==3){ echo "selected";}?>>March</option> <option value="4" <? if(date("n")==4){ echo "selected";}?>>April</option> <option value="5" <? if(date("n")==5){ echo "selected";}?>>May</option> <option value="6" <? if(date("n")==6){ echo "selected";}?>>June</option> <option value="7" <? if(date("n")==7){ echo "selected";}?>>July</option> <option value="8" <? if(date("n")=={ echo "selected";}?>>August</option> <option value="9" <? if(date("n")==9){ echo "selected";}?>>September</option> <option value="10" <? if(date("n")==10){ echo "selected";}?>>October</option> <option value="11" <? if(date("n")==11){ echo "selected";}?>>November</option> <option value="12" <? if(date("n")==12){ echo "selected";}?>>December</option> </select> <select name="sY1"> <? // Cycle through years $i=date("Y"); while($i <= (date( "Y" )+20)){ if($i==date("Y")){ $sel="selected"; }else{ $sel=""; } echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>"; $i++; } ?> </select> <br />Day 2: <select name="sD2"> <? // Cycle through days $i=1; while($i <= 31){ if($i==date("j")){ $sel="selected"; }else{ $sel=""; } echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>"; $i++; } ?> </select> <select name="sM2"> <option value="1" <? if(date("n")==1){ echo "selected";}?>>January</option> <option value="2" <? if(date("n")==2){ echo "selected";}?>>February</option> <option value="3" <? if(date("n")==3){ echo "selected";}?>>March</option> <option value="4" <? if(date("n")==4){ echo "selected";}?>>April</option> <option value="5" <? if(date("n")==5){ echo "selected";}?>>May</option> <option value="6" <? if(date("n")==6){ echo "selected";}?>>June</option> <option value="7" <? if(date("n")==7){ echo "selected";}?>>July</option> <option value="8" <? if(date("n")=={ echo "selected";}?>>August</option> <option value="9" <? if(date("n")==9){ echo "selected";}?>>September</option> <option value="10" <? if(date("n")==10){ echo "selected";}?>>October</option> <option value="11" <? if(date("n")==11){ echo "selected";}?>>November</option> <option value="12" <? if(date("n")==12){ echo "selected";}?>>December</option> </select> <select name="sY2"> <? // Cycle through years $i=date("Y"); while($i <= (date( "Y" )+20)){ if($i==date("Y")){ $sel="selected"; }else{ $sel=""; } echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>"; $i++; } ?> </select> <br />Day 3: <select name="sD3"> <? // Cycle through days $i=1; while($i <= 31){ if($i==date("j")){ $sel="selected"; }else{ $sel=""; } echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>"; $i++; } ?> </select> <select name="sM3"> <option value="1" <? if(date("n")==1){ echo "selected";}?>>January</option> <option value="2" <? if(date("n")==2){ echo "selected";}?>>February</option> <option value="3" <? if(date("n")==3){ echo "selected";}?>>March</option> <option value="4" <? if(date("n")==4){ echo "selected";}?>>April</option> <option value="5" <? if(date("n")==5){ echo "selected";}?>>May</option> <option value="6" <? if(date("n")==6){ echo "selected";}?>>June</option> <option value="7" <? if(date("n")==7){ echo "selected";}?>>July</option> <option value="8" <? if(date("n")=={ echo "selected";}?>>August</option> <option value="9" <? if(date("n")==9){ echo "selected";}?>>September</option> <option value="10" <? if(date("n")==10){ echo "selected";}?>>October</option> <option value="11" <? if(date("n")==11){ echo "selected";}?>>November</option> <option value="12" <? if(date("n")==12){ echo "selected";}?>>December</option> </select> <select name="sY3"> <? // Cycle through years $i=date("Y"); while($i <= (date( "Y" )+20)){ if($i==date("Y")){ $sel="selected"; }else{ $sel=""; } echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>"; $i++; } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Times:</td> <td> <table> <tr> <td> 10:00 - 11:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="10:00 - 11:00" /><br /> 11:00 - 12:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="11:00 - 12:00" /><br /> 12:00 - 13:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="12:00 - 13:00" /><br /> 13:00 - 14:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="13:00 - 14:00" /><br /> 14:00 - 15:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="14:00 - 15:00" /><br /> 15:00 - 16:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="15:00 - 16:00" /><br /> </td><td> 16:00 - 17:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="16:00 - 17:00" /><br /> 17:00 - 18:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="17:00 - 18:00" /><br /> 18:00 - 19:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="18:00 - 19:00" /><br /> 19:00 - 20:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="19:00 - 20:00" /><br /> 20:00 - 21:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="20:00 - 21:00" /><br /> 21:00 - 22:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="21:00 - 22:00" /> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <tr> <td> </td> <td><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></td> </tr> </table> </form>
  24. Nothing, the IF statement doesn't even pass. ??? Thanks for your help.
  25. No worries ober! Form seems fine. <form action="" method="post"> <table> <tr> <td>Event Name:</td> <td><input type="text" name="name" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">Event Information:</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><textarea id="content" style="width:450px; height:200px" name="info"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Dates of Event:</td> <td> Day 1: <select name="sD1"> <? // Cycle through days $i=1; while($i <= 31){ if($i==date("j")){ $sel="selected"; }else{ $sel=""; } echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>"; $i++; } ?> </select> <select name="sM1"> <option value="1" <? if(date("n")==1){ echo "selected";}?>>January</option> <option value="2" <? if(date("n")==2){ echo "selected";}?>>February</option> <option value="3" <? if(date("n")==3){ echo "selected";}?>>March</option> <option value="4" <? if(date("n")==4){ echo "selected";}?>>April</option> <option value="5" <? if(date("n")==5){ echo "selected";}?>>May</option> <option value="6" <? if(date("n")==6){ echo "selected";}?>>June</option> <option value="7" <? if(date("n")==7){ echo "selected";}?>>July</option> <option value="8" <? if(date("n")=={ echo "selected";}?>>August</option> <option value="9" <? if(date("n")==9){ echo "selected";}?>>September</option> <option value="10" <? if(date("n")==10){ echo "selected";}?>>October</option> <option value="11" <? if(date("n")==11){ echo "selected";}?>>November</option> <option value="12" <? if(date("n")==12){ echo "selected";}?>>December</option> </select> <select name="sY1"> <? // Cycle through years $i=date("Y"); while($i <= (date( "Y" )+20)){ if($i==date("Y")){ $sel="selected"; }else{ $sel=""; } echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>"; $i++; } ?> </select> <br />Day 2: <select name="sD2"> <? // Cycle through days $i=1; while($i <= 31){ if($i==date("j")){ $sel="selected"; }else{ $sel=""; } echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>"; $i++; } ?> </select> <select name="sM2"> <option value="1" <? if(date("n")==1){ echo "selected";}?>>January</option> <option value="2" <? if(date("n")==2){ echo "selected";}?>>February</option> <option value="3" <? if(date("n")==3){ echo "selected";}?>>March</option> <option value="4" <? if(date("n")==4){ echo "selected";}?>>April</option> <option value="5" <? if(date("n")==5){ echo "selected";}?>>May</option> <option value="6" <? if(date("n")==6){ echo "selected";}?>>June</option> <option value="7" <? if(date("n")==7){ echo "selected";}?>>July</option> <option value="8" <? if(date("n")=={ echo "selected";}?>>August</option> <option value="9" <? if(date("n")==9){ echo "selected";}?>>September</option> <option value="10" <? if(date("n")==10){ echo "selected";}?>>October</option> <option value="11" <? if(date("n")==11){ echo "selected";}?>>November</option> <option value="12" <? if(date("n")==12){ echo "selected";}?>>December</option> </select> <select name="sY2"> <? // Cycle through years $i=date("Y"); while($i <= (date( "Y" )+20)){ if($i==date("Y")){ $sel="selected"; }else{ $sel=""; } echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>"; $i++; } ?> </select> <br />Day 3: <select name="sD3"> <? // Cycle through days $i=1; while($i <= 31){ if($i==date("j")){ $sel="selected"; }else{ $sel=""; } echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>"; $i++; } ?> </select> <select name="sM3"> <option value="1" <? if(date("n")==1){ echo "selected";}?>>January</option> <option value="2" <? if(date("n")==2){ echo "selected";}?>>February</option> <option value="3" <? if(date("n")==3){ echo "selected";}?>>March</option> <option value="4" <? if(date("n")==4){ echo "selected";}?>>April</option> <option value="5" <? if(date("n")==5){ echo "selected";}?>>May</option> <option value="6" <? if(date("n")==6){ echo "selected";}?>>June</option> <option value="7" <? if(date("n")==7){ echo "selected";}?>>July</option> <option value="8" <? if(date("n")=={ echo "selected";}?>>August</option> <option value="9" <? if(date("n")==9){ echo "selected";}?>>September</option> <option value="10" <? if(date("n")==10){ echo "selected";}?>>October</option> <option value="11" <? if(date("n")==11){ echo "selected";}?>>November</option> <option value="12" <? if(date("n")==12){ echo "selected";}?>>December</option> </select> <select name="sY3"> <? // Cycle through years $i=date("Y"); while($i <= (date( "Y" )+20)){ if($i==date("Y")){ $sel="selected"; }else{ $sel=""; } echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>"; $i++; } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Times:</td> <td> <table> <tr> <td> 10:00 - 11:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="10:00 - 11:00" /><br /> 11:00 - 12:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="11:00 - 12:00" /><br /> 12:00 - 13:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="12:00 - 13:00" /><br /> 13:00 - 14:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="13:00 - 14:00" /><br /> 14:00 - 15:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="14:00 - 15:00" /><br /> 15:00 - 16:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="15:00 - 16:00" /><br /> </td><td> 16:00 - 17:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="16:00 - 17:00" /><br /> 17:00 - 18:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="17:00 - 18:00" /><br /> 18:00 - 19:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="18:00 - 19:00" /><br /> 19:00 - 20:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="19:00 - 20:00" /><br /> 20:00 - 21:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="20:00 - 21:00" /><br /> 21:00 - 22:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="21:00 - 22:00" /> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <tr> <td> </td> <td><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></td> </tr> </table> </form>
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