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Everything posted by Mutley

  1. How would I do a > or < with a negative number? Is it simply -3 for example but would this confuse it to think subtract 3?
  2. Yep I did.
  3. I don't know a thing about AJAX. The event that needs the number is in a file with loads more code. I'm slightly confused by your question, sorry. ???
  4. It's for a Leaderboard. They have a number assigned to their position but this isn't stored in a database, it's simply by looping a count (e.g. $count = 0; $count++) when the results are displayed. When a certain event happens I want this number to be stored in the database but the file the event in isn't linked to this Leaderboard, so I can't pass the $count over in anyway (like POST/GET or whatever). Thanks, Nick.
  5. I'm wanting to find and echo the row position in a table when they are put into order and there is a certain where clause. For example, I want to find what row position it is where ID = 7... ordered by `joindate`. This might bring up 10 results, where the row with the above ID (7) is 5th in the results. How do I echo "5"? I hope that makes sense. Thanks, Nick.
  6. Thanks guys. If I have 20+ fields though, would this mean making a function for every field to echo it? Can't I just list them inside 1 function and call them individually from outside of it?
  7. Here's my code: <?php function getGames($where) { $res = mysql_query("SELECT gameID, name FROM site_games WHERE $where"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $gameID = $row['gameID']; $name = $row['name']; } } getGames('gameID = 1'); echo $name;// Echo from the variable out of the function ?> I think I know why it's wrong, I imagine the echo has to be inside the function?
  8. I had an idea instead of coding the same query to get certain fields over and over again, to do a function with the query in just once, then displaying the results by calling the function and echoing the fields/results. However it doesn't seem that this is possible. If I echo the fields inside the function, they display but anything outside the function, does not. Is there a way around this or another possible method to do the same technique?
  9. I wish to be able to put the following in my address bar: images/sigs/USERNAME/sig.png then for it to activate the following instead.... images/sigs/sig.png?user=USERNAME It's for a dynamic image... in forums I cannot use dynamic images (if they have a ? variable in the URL, they need to be clean). I figure this would be a work around. Thanks, Nick.
  10. I have a query that I want to order by a total score. It adds up 4 fields for every user of that team. However it doesn't order them by highest total score, just randomly. $sql = "SELECT t.team_id, t.level, t.name, t.initials, t.owner, l.user_id, SUM(l.2playerpts) AS vr2playerpts, SUM(l.4playerpts) AS vr4playerpts,SUM(l.6playerpts) AS vr6playerpts, SUM(l.8playerpts) AS vr8playerpts, l.wins, l.losses, u.user_id, u.team_id FROM teams t INNER JOIN users u ON u.team_id = t.team_id INNER JOIN leaderboard l ON l.user_id = u.user_id GROUP BY t.team_id ORDER BY (SUM(l.2playerpts) + SUM(l.4playerpts) + SUM(l.6playerpts) + SUM(l.8playerpts)) AND t.level DESC"; Any ideas? I've tried removing the SUM statement and also using the AS statement versions but still seems random. Thanks, Nick.
  11. Firstly, the script cuts off items where $unlock != 0, it seems to be stopping the loop continuing. Secondly, it won't work if $unlock == "1000_bronze" for example, it won't perform the IF statement further down that echos "Locked". $sql = "SELECT prod_id, slot, points, manufacture, name, description, stock, price, `unlock` FROM products WHERE slot = '$cat' AND grade=0 ORDER BY $orderby"; $result = mysql_query($sql); if(mysql_num_rows($result)!=0) { // (3) while(list($prod_id, $slot, $points, $manufacture, $name, $description, $stock, $price, $unlock) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { // (4) ?> <tr> <td><center><img src="images/products/<?=$prod_id?>.jpg" alt="<?=$name?>" border="1" /></center></td> <td align="center"> <b><?=$manufacture?><br /> <font style="color:#FF6600; font-size:larger;"><a name="<?=$prod_id?>"><?=$name?></a></font></b><br /> <img src="images/manufactures/<?=$manufacture?>.gif" alt="<?=$manufacture?>" /> </td> <td style="background-color:#EAEAEA; padding:5px;"><?=$description?></td> <td align="center"> <? if($stock < '3') { $status = "ff0000"; } else { $status = "009933"; } $result_qty = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS qty_sold FROM own WHERE prod_id = '$prod_id'"); while($row_qty = mysql_fetch_array( $result_qty )) { $qty_sold = $row_qty["qty_sold"]; } //---------------------------------------- // Check if the product is locked by achivement //---------------------------------------- if($unlock != '0') { $result = mysql_query("SELECT '$unlock' AS `score` FROM achievements WHERE user_id = '$user_id'"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) { $score = $row["score"]; } //---------------------------------------- // Achievements Below //---------------------------------------- if($unlock == "1000_bronze" && $score == "1000") { $unlocked == '1'; } else { $unlocked == '0';} if($unlock == "1000_silver" && $score == "1000") { $unlocked == '1'; } else { $unlocked == '0';} if($unlock == "1000_gold" && $score == "1000") { $unlocked == '1'; } else { $unlocked == '0';} if($unlock == "3_tourn" && $score == "3") { $unlocked == '1'; } else { $unlocked == '0';} } else { $unlocked == '1'; } ?> <font style="color:#<?=$status?>; font-size:larger;"><b><?=$stock?></b></font> <br /> <font style="font-size:x-small">Qty Sold:<br /> <?=$qty_sold?></font> </td> <td align="center"><b>£<?=$price?></b></td> <td align="center"> <? if($unlocked == '0'){ echo "Locked"; }elseif($stock == '0') { echo "Out of Stock"; }else{ // Disable buy button if no stock or achievement ?> <form action="shop.php?cat=<?=$cat?>&buy=<?=$prod_id?>" method="post"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Buy" /> </form> <? }?> Any advice greatly appreciated.
  12. I have a site where users can vote for articles. I would like to record every article that user votes, so you can simply go into their profile and see which articles they have voted on. How would I organise this? I was thinking of simply a row for each vote in a table, such as: voteID userID articleID time 1 43 9 135213512 2 12 3 135213512 But if there are hundreds of thousands of votes, wouldn't this stuff the database and become slow? Thanks, Nick.
  13. Argh, thanks! I hate it when it's missing something simple like that.
  14. I can't get the following function to work, I've tested all the variables and data and they echo correctly, I can't see why it doesn't initiate. Thanks in advance!
  15. I have a function it contains the following form: *snip* <div> <div style="float:left"> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="loadout2.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="goprodid" value="<?=$prod_id?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="goownid" value="<?=$own_id?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="gochkmarket" value="<?=$market_id?>" /> <select name="partoptions" style="width:50px"> <option name="select" value="0" selected="selected"> </option> <option name="gorepair" value="1" <? if($stock=='0'){?>disabled="disabled"<? }else{ echo"";}?>>Repair (-£<?=round($y)?>)</option> <option name="goreplace" value="2" <? if($stock=='0'){?>disabled="disabled"<? }else{ echo"";}?>>Replace (-£<?=round($price)?>)</option> <option name="gobin" value="3">Bin (+£3)</option> <option name="gomarket" value="4" <? if($loadout=='1'){?>disabled="disabled"<? }else{ echo"";}?>><? if($market_id == '1'){ echo "Remove off Market"; }else{ echo "Sell on Market";}?></option> </select> </div> <div> <input type="submit" name="gosubmit" value="Go!" style="width:30px; font-size:xx-small" /> <? if($market_id == '1') { echo " <img src=\"images/restrict_market.png\" style=\"vertical-align:top\" alt=\"On Market\" /> "; } else { echo ""; } ?> </div> </div> <? echo "</td> </tr>"; }// End No Items } echo "</table></form> <br />"; } The problem is, the form can be repeated several times on a single page. When it is submitted, it always refers to the first form on the page. I don't understand why as the form is ended with </form> on each one, so why does it think it's the same form everytime? Is there an easy fix to this? Thanks, Nick.
  16. How do I allows spaces in a preg_match, currently it does a-z A-Z 0-9 _ - preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/', $theword) Thanks, Nick.
  17. Anyone have thoughts on this problem? Regards.
  18. Invalid use of group function. ???
  19. If I change the alias for the SUMs it doesn't recognize them in the ORDER BY (it thinks their a field in the actual table). SELECT t.team_id, t.level, t.name, t.initials, t.owner, l.user_id, SUM(l.2playerpts) AS vr2playerpts, SUM(l.4playerpts) AS vr4playerpts,SUM(l.6playerpts) AS vr6playerpts, SUM(l.8playerpts) AS vr8playerpts, l.wins, l.losses, u.user_id, u.team_id FROM teams t INNER JOIN users u ON u.team_id = t.team_id INNER JOIN leaderboard l ON l.user_id = u.user_id GROUP BY t.team_id ORDER BY (2playerpts + 4playerpts + 6playerpts + 8playerpts) DESC So I did it like that^ but still no luck, it's like the 2playerpts is being grabbed from somewhere else but why doesn't my SUM aliases work in there?
  20. SELECT t.team_id, t.level, t.name, t.initials, t.owner, l.user_id, SUM(l.2playerpts) AS 2playerpts, SUM(l.4playerpts) AS 4playerpts,SUM(l.6playerpts) AS 6playerpts, SUM(l.8playerpts) AS 8playerpts, l.wins, l.losses, u.user_id, u.team_id FROM teams t INNER JOIN users u ON u.team_id = t.team_id INNER JOIN leaderboard l ON l.user_id = u.user_id GROUP BY t.team_id ORDER BY (2playerpts + 4playerpts + 6playerpts + 8playerpts) DESC What's happening is it's not ordering in any order, it should have the calculated row with the biggest Total SUM at the top. I hope that makes sense. Thanks in advance.
  21. So: <?php $diff = time() - ($oldtime + 7200); ?> Thanks for the speedy replies! I shall test it out.
  22. I have a variable that contains a 12 figure unix time ($oldtime). This updates to the current time every 2 hours. What I wish to do with this, is display the time left... before it resets again, so it's counting down from 2 hours to 0, in which it then gets reset and it starts counting down all over again. How would I do this? Kind Regards, Nick.
  23. Thanks a lot akitchin. Is the 'unassigned' $my_pointer variable supposed to have some other data in it? I'm not too sure what that variable is doing. Regards, Nick.
  24. Is there any resources that explain how to filter different things using preg_match? I just look at it and do not understand how it filters. preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/', $this); What does it mean? Thanks. I see the lower/upper case Alphabetical characters and then 0-9 digits but what are the others?
  25. Thanks, but if it shows true, it should show, if it isn't true, it doesn't show. I shouldn't need an else? ???
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