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Everything posted by crashmaster

  1. what can you recommend me ?
  2. http://www.whitesun.magistri.biz
  3. Hi there, now I am working on new project: WhiteSun. This project is in Czech language, so sorry, if you will not understand. I would like to hear your opinion of: 1) Design 2) Functionality This web is in alpha version. I planing to finish this web until end of October. What do you think about it ? Oh yeah, if you want to see an admin panel, just login : admin/admin And, dont delete all data. Even I have a backup of database and files, but I dont want to upload them again. Thank you
  4. hi there I have one problem, which I dont know how to solve. I have AJAX form (comments.html), where I am sending daata to server script (post_it.php) thru POST method. In comments.html I tried to secure script and all data I encoded and escaped (escape and encodeURI). Bt when this data are sending to post_it.php I dont know how to decode and unescape them. Can somebody help me ? its standart AJAX request <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="../inc/POSTajax.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function clear (str) { return encodeURI(escape(str) ); } function doit(obj) { var valid = true; if (document.getElementById("author").value == '') { valid = false; alert('Chyba! Vyplnte jmeno !'); } if (document.getElementById("comment").value == '') { valid = false; alert('Chyba! Vyplnte komentar !'); } if (valid == true) { var poststr = "author=" + clear( document.getElementById("author").value ) + "&comment=" + clear( document.getElementById("comment").value ) + "&nid=<? echo $nid ;?>" + "&registered=<? if ($_SESSION['auth'] == 'logged') {echo '1';} else { echo '0'; } ?>"+ "&_username=<? echo $_SESSION['username'];?>" + "&_userlevel=<? echo $_SESSION['userlevel'];?>" + "&_auth=<? echo $_SESSION['auth'];?>" ; POSTRequest('pages/post_comment.php', poststr, 'comment_contnent'); } } </script> and this one is post_it.php sleep (2); include ('../inc/mysql.php'); //FUNTIONS function qq($str) { return (get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? $str : addslashes($str)); } // I HAVE TO DECODE THIS ONE $var['author'] = qq($_POST['author']); // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $var['registered'] = $_POST['registered']; $var['date'] = date('Y-m-d'); $var['time'] = date ('H:i:s'); $var['ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; //AND THIS ONE $var['comment'] = strip_tags(mysql_real_escape_string(qq($_POST['comment']))); //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $query = mysql_query ("INSERT INTO comments (nid,date,time,ip,author,comment,registred) VALUES ('".$_POST['nid']."','".$var['date']."','".$var['time']."','".$var['ip']."','".$var['author']."','".$var['comment']."', '".$var['registered']."')"); if ($query) { show_comments ($_POST['nid']); }
  5. hi there I have one problem, which I dont know how to solve. I have AJAX form (comments.html), where I am sending daata to server script (post_it.php) thru POST method. In comments.html I tried to secure script and all data I encoded and escaped (escape and encodeURI). Bt when this data are sending to post_it.php I dont know how to decode and unescape them. Can somebody help me ? its standart AJAX request <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="../inc/POSTajax.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function clear (str) { return encodeURI(escape(str) ); } function doit(obj) { var valid = true; if (document.getElementById("author").value == '') { valid = false; alert('Chyba! Vyplnte jmeno !'); } if (document.getElementById("comment").value == '') { valid = false; alert('Chyba! Vyplnte komentar !'); } if (valid == true) { var poststr = "author=" + clear( document.getElementById("author").value ) + "&comment=" + clear( document.getElementById("comment").value ) + "&nid=<? echo $nid ;?>" + "&registered=<? if ($_SESSION['auth'] == 'logged') {echo '1';} else { echo '0'; } ?>"+ "&_username=<? echo $_SESSION['username'];?>" + "&_userlevel=<? echo $_SESSION['userlevel'];?>" + "&_auth=<? echo $_SESSION['auth'];?>" ; POSTRequest('pages/post_comment.php', poststr, 'comment_contnent'); } } </script> and this one is post_it.php sleep (2); include ('../inc/mysql.php'); //FUNTIONS function qq($str) { return (get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? $str : addslashes($str)); } // I HAVE TO DECODE THIS ONE $var['author'] = qq($_POST['author']); // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $var['registered'] = $_POST['registered']; $var['date'] = date('Y-m-d'); $var['time'] = date ('H:i:s'); $var['ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; //AND THIS ONE $var['comment'] = strip_tags(mysql_real_escape_string(qq($_POST['comment']))); //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $query = mysql_query ("INSERT INTO comments (nid,date,time,ip,author,comment,registred) VALUES ('".$_POST['nid']."','".$var['date']."','".$var['time']."','".$var['ip']."','".$var['author']."','".$var['comment']."', '".$var['registered']."')"); if ($query) { show_comments ($_POST['nid']); }
  6. Hi there, I have a little problem. I am trying to create a little application in php+js+mysql. Its simly. When the user want to add news there is a field <input type=text name=pic> and near this filed is a button. When you click on this button will open new window of FCKeditor's file browser. When I've found right image, I click on it. And what happens ?? Right, nothing. I need help how to re-programe FCKeditor's file browser core. I need to do that in this way: when user clicked on image, fckeditor file browser have to insert image path into <input type=text name=pic>. Can somebody help me ?
  7. Hi there, I have a little problem. I am trying to create a little application in php+js+mysql. Its simly. When the user want to add news there is a field <input type=text name=pic> and near this filed is a button. When you click on this button will open new window of FCKeditor's file browser. When I've found right image, I click on it. And what happens ?? Right, nothing. I need help how to re-programe FCKeditor's file browser core. I need to do that in this way: when user clicked on image, fckeditor file browser have to insert image path into <input type=text name=pic>. Can somebody help me ?
  8. Hi there, I need one function, but I dont know how to create it . function check_dirs($dir) { //$dir = is path; should check if FOLDERs exists => return = TRUE;if if doesnt exist => CREATE THEM } for example check_dir('files/Images/'.date('y').'/'.date('m').'/'); if folder 'files/Images/'.date('y').'/'.date('m').'/' doesnt exist, script will create it... how to do that ?
  9. oh... its a fun web. Everyday I'm posting fun videos, fun photos, interesting news etc. Fun server )) I would like to hear your opinion on design and programming... Thanks
  10. thank you, it works ) ADMIN: PROBLEM IS SOLVED
  11. HI there, I dont understand EREG patterns, can somebody create PATTERN for IP address it sould be something like this, but it doesn't work: ereg ("[0-9]{1-3}+\.[0-9]{1-3}+\.[0-9]{1-3}+\.[0-9]{1-3}" ,$_POST['IP']);
  12. He there, recently I've created my new project: whitesun I would like to hear your opinion on it, thanks) http://www.whitesun.magistri.biz
  13. Hi there! I have one problem. I'd downloaded script for TreeMenu. And Problem is: When I have menu: for exmpl.: products ->               papers ->                               1. paper                               2. better paper                               etc..               Meshes ->                               1. blabla                               2. blabla problem is That in FireFox mozzila its works GREAT, but in F***ing IE its make a troubles... It s creating a line between PAPERS ans MESHES menu... You can see it on PICTURES below.. But if menu looks like:                         Contact ->                       1.Storage 1                       2.Storage 2                       etc. and there is no subfolders its works in IE and FF good... but if there is SubFolders IE makes unwanted line .. Pictures: IE [img]http://www.swistar.magistri.net/ie.jpg[/img] and FF IE [img]http://www.swistar.magistri.net/ff.jpg[/img] Also i am attacjing code: JAVASCRIPT: http://www.swistar.magistri.net/javascript.txt CSS : http://www.swistar.magistri.net/css.txt HTML: http://www.swistar.magistri.net/html.txt
  14. LIVE EXAMPLE IS ON : http://swistar.magistri.net
  15. Hi there! I have one problem. I'd downloaded script for TreeMenu. And Problem is: When I have menu: for exmpl.: products ->               papers ->                               1. paper                               2. better paper                               etc..               Meshes ->                               1. blabla                               2. blabla problem is That in FireFox mozzila its works GREAT, but in F***ing IE its make a troubles... It s creating a line between PAPERS ans MESHES menu... You can see it on PICTURES below.. But if menu looks like:                         Contact ->                       1.Storage 1                       2.Storage 2                       etc. and there is no subfolders its works in IE and FF good... but if there is SubFolders IE makes unwanted line .. Pictures: IE [img]http://www.swistar.magistri.net/ie.jpg[/img] and FF IE [img]http://www.swistar.magistri.net/ff.jpg[/img] Also i am attacjing code: JAVASCRIPT: http://www.swistar.magistri.net/javascript.txt CSS : http://www.swistar.magistri.net/css.txt HTML: http://www.swistar.magistri.net/html.txt
  16. I know this web )) its wonderful project...wonderfull graphic..and aslo wonderful programming ))
  17. yes...what you see here its ONE HUGE IOMAGE>>COZ BEFORE I CREATE WEB I HAVE TO DRAW IT IN PHOTOSHOP !! LOL ??? Am I stupid or he is NOOB ??
  18. ok,,,thank you 0))
  19. its bad idead..coz images have no its position,.. and it doesnt match to itself... it is look like this: [img]http://www.test.magistri.net/untitled.jpg[/img]
  20. yes..It would ne good idead...But I have to change all my images... (( To red to blue...and etc.. I know I should use CSS..but I am begginer..and dont know How to do it... ((
  21. hi... I am starting to use DIVs instead of TABLE>. I have i question .. I have code in tables [code] <table width="643" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">   <tr>     <td colspan="5"><img src="imgs/header.gif" width="643" height="74" /></td>   </tr>   <tr>     <td><img src="imgs/header_left.gif" width="171" height="30" /></td>     <td><img src="imgs/header_home.gif" width="85" height="30" /></td>     <td><img src="imgs/header_about.gif" width="79" height="30" /></td>     <td><img src="imgs/header_portfolio.gif" width="121" height="30" /></td>     <td><img src="imgs/header_right.gif" width="188" height="30" /></td>   </tr> </table> [/code] I need to do the same effect but in DIV /// Can somebody help me ??
  22. Hi there, its again me ))  and now I have a new idea for design )) About 2 days ago i 've started with foto modeling, and my fotographer said me to create a portfolio in the onternet... So today I've sit to my  comp, and started create ))) So here, you can see what 've I created )) Do uyou like it ?? Or do you have some critics )) ?? [img]http://www.test.magistri.net/1.jpg[/img]
  23. man..try to use easyphp !! www.easyphp.org
  24. from graphical side, I dont think that green and red will be good combination...[in graphic studio I work about 3 months, and many people there say that I have grapchical sens] Green + Red is punishment for Eyes... Try it yourself...Combine this Green [#5AC000] with red... and try to look at this combonation about 1 minute... Maybe #333333 [my BG color has its color] would be better....
  25. But which color use ?? I have 3 base color on the web: green, white, black !! Links has white color... so mouseover willchange it to ??? black ?
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