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Everything posted by JMorjaria

  1. I have been having some trouble getting this script to work, I think I understand it, I was helped along to make it. The problem is for some reason it runs the script, doesnt do the request and redirects at the bottom, no errors nothing.  I am not that familiar with this, so was hoping someone could point me in the right direction, maybe tell me how to make it error, or spot a mistake? thanks [code]$host_name = "www.bulksms.co.uk"; // open a socket on port 80 (HTTP default) $socket = fsockopen( $host_name , 5567 , $errno , $errstr, 30 );  // unable to open a socket? if (!$socket){     die('message could not be sent: ' . $errno . '(' . $errstr . ')');  } // get request for the specified PATH // here's where you'd throw your querystring $uri_path = "/eapi/submission/send_sms/2/2.0?username=*****&password=*******&routing_group=2&allow_concat_text_sms=1&message=$message&msisdn=$too&sender=$companyname"; $http_header = "GET $uri_path HTTP/1.1\r\n";  // write hostname in request, because otherwise we may be denied for // providing an invalid request $http_header .= "Host: $host_name\r\n";  // thats it, we can close our open push content $http_header .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"; //write header to the socket, thus making the request fwrite ( $socket , $http_header ); // while the socket isn't closed, or empty while (!feof($socket)){     // append socket results to string     $file_contents .= fgets($socket, 4096);  } // close opened socket to the website fclose($socket);  // you can now do anything with the $file_contents variable // perhaps the url returns a true/false boolean, or an xml // you can parse to find out if your request was successful  header("Location: $url");[/code]
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