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Everything posted by Grega

  1. Yes the problem was in backticks. but now i'm getting error out of range for ID field which is in database marked as "auto_increment" Probably is another problem with ticks again. are they still used different one for numeric fields?
  2. Hey guys, just a simple probelm. I can't figured out whats wrong with my insert into statement. i tried everything but it doesn't want to work. $query ="INSERT INTO `students` ('ID' , 'Date' , `FirstName` , `Surname` , `Phone` , `Mobile` , `UniversityEmail` , `Email` , `Nationality` , `Nationality2` , `Region` , `University` , `SubjectStudied` , `Specialisation` , `PresentYear` , `TotalYear` , `PlacementNI` , 'StudyLevel') VALUES ('','',`$FirstName`,`$Surname` ,`$Phone`,`$MobilePhone`,`$UniversityEmail` , `$Email' , `$Nationality`,'$Nationality2',`$Region`,`$University`,`$SubjectStudied`,`$Specialisation`,`$PresentYear`,`$TotalYears`,`$PlacementNI`,`$StudyLevel`)"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo ($query); Are fields are complete and also databasase should accept all data. cheers
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