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Everything posted by baho

  1. thanx, but this code doesn't work [color=green]<script language=javascript>   $k=5;   alert ($k);   alert ("<?php echo $k?>");   <?php $i=$k;?>   alert ("<?php echo $i?>"); </script>[/color] Can you tell me what is the problem here?
  2. baho


    I have asked it before but couldn't get the desired result. So, after submitting the form, how can I view the value of txt in the inline frame? Not posting to iframe.php. <html><body> <form name="insert_form" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" method="post"> <input type="text" name="txt"> <input name="insert_btn" value="Insert" type="submit"> </form> <br><br> <IFRAME name="i_frame" src="iframe.php" frameborder="1"></IFRAME> </body></html>
  3. How can i pass the javascript variable 'i' value to php variable '$k'? <html><body> <script language="javascript"> var i=5; <?php $k;?> </script> </body></html> Thanx.
  4. Can you help to solve this? How can I do so that when I click submit, text in the my_text should be seen in the inline frame. [color=green]<html><body> <form name="insert" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" method=post> <input type=text name=my_text> <input type=submit value=show> </form> <br> <IFRAME name="i_frame" src="result.php" frameborder="1"></IFRAME> </body></html>[/color] Thanx.
  5. Ok, thank you for advice, but is it possible to do it without submitting the form? Like using javascript. If yes, can you give me a javascript code for where php variable $i increases... thanx.
  6. Hello everybody, if only you could help me to solve the problem below..... Well, I have such code: [color=green] <html><body> <?php static $i=0; ?> <form> <input type=button name=button value="CLICK"> </form> </body></html>[/color] How can i increase the value of $i by 1, every time when I click the button. ....I would be very much pleased!!!
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