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Everything posted by Venus

  1. Greetings I am creating "floating regions" and am having a problem with my javascript function. I am trying to get rid of tables completely from my site layout, I want to make what I call a region (a window with a header on it) dissapear and reappear when you click the _ and + button respectively. (only the content part, not the header) The problem is this code seems to only work when the title bar element is a TD and not when it is a strait DIV The error I am receiving is...Error in parsing value for property 'top'. Declaration dropped. This is the code I am trying to make work... [code]<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- //zIndex counter var z=100; var xleft=150; var xright=150; var ie=document.all; var firefox=document.getElementById&&!document.all; var isDrag=false; var x,y; var dobj; function mouseMove(e) {   if (isDrag) //only move the box if the user is dragging it   { if (firefox) { dobj.style.left = e.clientX + (tx - x); dobj.style.top  = e.clientY + (ty - y); } else { //IE dobj.style.left = event.clientX + (tx - x); dobj.style.top  = event.clientY + (ty - y); }      } } //handle click on widget title bar function selectMouse(e) { if (firefox){ //verify that user clicked the 'titlebar' element var p=e.target; if (p.attributes['id'] && p.attributes['id'].value.indexOf("titlebar")!=-1) { isDrag=true; x=e.clientX; y=e.clientY; //get the widget coordinates from the widget root var pstr=p.attributes['id'].value; var temp=pstr.substring(pstr.indexOf('_')+1,pstr.length); dobj=document.getElementById('Region_'+temp); //record widget location tx=parseInt(dobj.style.left); ty=parseInt(dobj.style.top); //change zIndex dobj.style.zIndex=z; z++; } } else{ //IE //verify that user clicked the 'titlebar' element var p=event.srcElement; if (p.attributes['id'] && p.attributes['id'].value.indexOf("titlebar")!=-1) { isDrag=true; x=event.clientX; y=event.clientY; //get the widget coordinates from the widget root var pstr=p.attributes['id'].value; var temp=pstr.substring(pstr.indexOf('_')+1,pstr.length); dobj=document.getElementById('Region_'+temp); //record widget location tx=parseInt(dobj.style.left); ty=parseInt(dobj.style.top); //change zIndex dobj.style.zIndex=z; z++; } } } function MinMax(ID) { Reg = document.getElementById('Content_'+ID) MM = document.getElementById('MinMax_'+ID) if (Reg.style.visibility == "hidden") { Reg.style.visibility = "visible"; MM.innerHTML = "<a href ='#' onclick='MinMax("+ID+")'>+</a>"; } else { Reg.style.visibility = "hidden"; MM.innerHTML = "<a href ='#' onclick='MinMax("+ID+")'>_</a>"; } } document.onmousemove=mouseMove; document.onmousedown=selectMouse; document.onmouseup=function(){ isDrag=false; dobj=null; } //--> </script> </head> <body> <?PHP include 'Globals.php'; global $conn, $error; if (!$conn)   {exit("Connection Failed: " . $conn);} //SO it doesnt try to keep loading the page.     $sql = "SELECT * FROM Regions"; $sqlconn =odbc_exec($conn,$sql); if (!odbc_exec($conn, $sql)) { die($error & ' problem occured LoadingRegions'); } else { while (odbc_fetch_row($sqlconn)) { CreateRegion(odbc_result($sqlconn,"ID"), odbc_result($sqlconn,"RegionName"), odbc_result($sqlconn,"Content")); }     } function CreateRegion($RegionID, $RegionName, $RegionContent) { echo "<div id='Region_".$RegionID."' style='position: absolute; width:100;'> <div> <b align=left id='titlebar_".$RegionID."'>".$RegionName."</b> <b align=right id='MinMax_".$RegionID."'><a href ='#' onclick='MinMax($RegionID);'>_</a></b> </div> <div id='Content_".$RegionID."'style='padding: 5px; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt; width: 100%'>". $RegionContent." </div> </div>"; } [/code] And this is the region that worked before, its not in a function like the other one is, this is a backup copy from old code. [code] echo "<div id='Region_".$RegionID."' style='position: absolute;'> <div style='cursor: move; width: 100%; height: 16; background-color: #CCCCFF; border-bottom: 1px solid #CACACA; '> <table  style='font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt;' width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0> <tr> <td align=left id='titlebar_".$RegionID."' style='padding-left: 5px;'>".$RegionName."</td> <td align=right id='MinMax_".$RegionID."'><a href ='#' onclick='MinMax($RegionID);'>_</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> <div id='Content_".$RegionID."'style='padding: 5px; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt; width: 100%'>". $RegionContent." </div> </div>"; [/code] I have a feeling I misnamed something when I was editing, or I have to call a div's style in some different way than a td, but I can't find anything that says that would be true. If anyone could help me with this I would sincerely apreciate it. I have an entire site to write and staring at this for hours is not what I would consider productive.
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