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Everything posted by Airborne328

  1. Thanks. Question #1, what is the connector between the php coding and the form fields and download button. If say AASA and PSB are only checked, what in that coding sees that.? ??? Unless I am missing the obvious.... Question #2 Would be simple to add the following to the end of that php coding to bring forward a combined file for downloading, example. Header("Content-Type: application/x-download"); Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"combinedACmbl.dat\""); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) echo $row['banline'] . "\r\n"; mysql_free_result($result); mysql_close($link); So it would look like this...? <?php if (isset($_POST['ac'])) { $aclist = join ("','" , $_POST['ac']); $sql = "SELECT ac, COUNT(*) as total FROM bans WHERE ac IN ('$aclist')"; GROUP BY ac echo '<pre>', $sql, '</pre>'; // view the query } Header("Content-Type: application/x-download"); Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"combinedACmbl.dat\""); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) echo $row['banline'] . "\r\n"; mysql_free_result($result); mysql_close($link); ?> Thanks again
  2. ??? Ill start with that smilie and hope I am posting in the correct area... I run and online gaming site that holds within its database 5 AC master banlists. I have a current link/download within the members panel to download combined ALL 5 and have it remove ALL duplicates, np there. I recently got a few requests to be able to download a combined master banlist, excluding 1 of the AC's namely AASA. With the help of Barand, in a "solved" thread here.....That was done successfully , as you can see when viewing the members panel after logging in with "temporary" user and pass information. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,219654.0.html ____________________ I thought it would be more worthy and more friendly usable if I just created a page listing the 5 AC's with checkboxes. That way they could check the ones they wanted added and leave unchecked the ones they did not. Then click on the download button and have it retreive from the DB those checked banlists, of course leaving out any duplicates as before. _________ Thats is where I am out now. I have the temp page up as you can see I had no issues with the simple part...... http://aaorepodepot.us/combinedAC.php user=testaccount pass=testaccount Just click on COMBINED AC BANLIST within the NAV block and login, then click again _________ I am stuck and now cant seem how to figure how ??? to have the checked boxes apply/pulldown from DB the specific banlists upon clicking "download of course leaving out the duplicates" I am only a beginner and read alot I have already posted my DB info, version, table structure etc. but will repost here again for easier reading. MySQL info: Table structure for table bans: With the other php's I did for downloading a combained mbl of all AC's it easier. Now having the check boxes, I am confused how to write it fo reach checked or unchecked. I believe some of wording I need is for example...I just am stuck on how to apply or use it in coding the page for completion/testing. WHERE ac IN ('AC_NAME1', 'AC_NAME2') WHERE ac IN ('AC_NAME1', 'AC_NAME2', 'AC_NAME3') below is a copy/code of the combinedAC.php <?php require("includes/global.php"); mysqlconnect(); $c = RetriveCookie(); if(!CheckLogin($c[0], $c[1])) { header("Location: members.php"); die(); } $page_title = 'AAO Combined AC MBL'; $content = '<div align="center"><strong>AAO Anti-Cheat Organization Master Banlists "Under Construction.!"</strong><br /><br /> <font color="red">Master Banlist downloaded will contain NO duplicates.!</font></div> <br> <br> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .style1 {color: #0099FF} .style2 {color: #FF0000} .style3 {color: #FFFFFF} .style4 {color: #FFFF00} .style5 {color: #00FF00} --> </style> <table width="90" border="0" cellpadding=" "> <tr> <td><input type="checkbox" name="AASA"> <span class="style1">AASA</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="checkbox" name="ACI"> <span class="style2">ACI</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="checkbox" name="AON"> <span class="style3">AON</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="checkbox" name="PsB"> <span class="style4">PsB</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="checkbox" name="PBBans"> <span class="style5">PBBans</span></td> </tr> </table> <br /> <br /> <table width="100" border="0" cellpadding=" "> <tr> <td width="43"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Download"></td> </tr> </table> <table width="125" border="0" cellpadding=" " bordercolor="#7A7B51"> <tr> <td></td> </tr> </table>'; include('template.php'); ?> Thanks in advance for any assistance on this. Now I am wishing maybe you guys had a paid to do section....
  3. No need to answer, after testing this it worked like a charm. I sincerely appreciate the prompt and knowledgable reply.
  4. Okay so, Should the combined_banlist.php query above be edited From $Query = "SELECT CONCAT('[aaorepodepot.us] ', guid) AS banline FROM `bans` WHERE 1 GROUP BY guid"; To $Query = "SELECT CONCAT('[aaorepodepot.us] ', guid) AS banline FROM `bans` WHERE ac <> 'AASA' GROUP BY guid"; I hope I am understanding, cause my brain is hurting right about now.... TY
  5. First, I have read the guidelines, and I certainly hope I am going to post/follow them correctly. Summary: I am online gamer that runs a site where players and clans can download a "combined" AC "ac=anticheat org", banlist that will exclude all duplicates. The script works fine and returns them with a .dat file containing this merged list of players unique guids. Their are 5 AC's, AASA, ACI, AoN, PsB and PBBans. Combined_banlist.php <?php error_reporting(0); set_time_limit(0); $link = mysql_connect('************', '********', '********'); if (!$link) die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); $db_selected = mysql_select_db('Airborn_repo_site', $link); if (!$db_selected) die ('Unable to select database: ' . mysql_error()); //$Query = "SELECT CONCAT('[', LPAD(year, 4, '0') , '.', LPAD(month, 2, '0'), '.', LPAD(day, 2, '0'), ' ', LPAD(hour, 2, '0'), ':', LPAD(min, 2, '0'), ':', LPAD(sec, 2, '0'), '] ', guid) AS banline FROM `bans` WHERE 1 GROUP BY guid"; $Query = "SELECT CONCAT('[aaorepodepot.us] ', guid) AS banline FROM `bans` WHERE 1 GROUP BY guid"; $result = mysql_query($Query); if (!$result) die("Inable to execute query: " . mysql_error()); Header("Content-Type: application/x-download"); Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"combinedACmbl.dat\""); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) echo $row['banline'] . "\r\n"; mysql_free_result($result); mysql_close($link); ?> I have had several requests, to have a separate link/download that would exclude a specific AC. I have read and read and can't figure out the proper exclude command. __________ MySQL info: MySQL client version: 4.1.20 Table structure for table bans: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `bans` ( `year` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `month` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `day` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `hour` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `min` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `sec` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `guid` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `ip` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `reason` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `ac` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`ac`(3)), KEY `ac` (`ac`), KEY `ip` (`ip`), KEY `name` (`name`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; _______________ ac field information: SELECT COUNT( * ) AS `Rows` , `ac` FROM `bans` GROUP BY `ac` ORDER BY `ac` LIMIT 0 , 30 ___________________ To close, I have read manual after manual and searched this site for possible answers. All tries have failed when I try to edit existing php to exclude an ac field. What am I doing wrong/missing, or what can I do to make it right.? ??? Thank you in advance for any assistance, and I certainly hope I followed the guidelines in posting here. Airborne
  6. To try and makke this easier and hopefully more beneficial to solving this. I am going to post the 2 php files that the update.php call for. The config.php, "which specifally functions to call the 4 banlists from their locations". And the classes.php " which I believe is the file that has within it the coding that governs the parsing. Config.php <?php if (!defined("CLS_BANSEARCH")) { Header("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden"); Die("You do not have premission to access this resource"); } define("ORIGINAL_LINE_OFFSET", 0); define("DATE_TIME_OFFSET", 1); define("GUID_OFFSET", 4); define("NAME_OFFSET", 5); define("IP_OFFSET", 6); define("REASON_OFFSET", 7); define("MIN_QUERY_LEN", 3); $BanLists[] = new BanList("ACI", "http://www.anticheatinc.com/tex/MBLs/pbbans.txt", "./cache/aci.txt", "http://www.anticheatinc.com/"); $BanLists[] = new BanList("AON", "http://emailcart.net/mbl/aon_bans.dat", "./cache/aon.txt", "http://www.airdaleops.com/"); $BanLists[] = new BanList("PSB", "http://www.punksbusted.com/cgi-bin/membership/publicbans.cgi/AA_pbbans.dat?key=1&remove=0", "./cache/psb.txt", "http://www.punksbusted.com/"); $BanLists[] = new BanList("AASA", "http://appeals.aaserveradmins.net/aasaprivbanguid.txt", "./cache/aasa.txt", "http://www.aaserveradmins.com/"); $BanListPattern = "/^\[" . "((PsB\:[0-9]{4} [A-Z]{1}[A-Fa-f0-9]{8})|" . "([0-9]{4}\.[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}\:[0-9]{2}\:[0-9]{2}))" . "\] ([A-Fa-f0-9]{32}) \"([\x01-\xFF]{0,32})\" \"([0-9\.\?]{1,15})\" (.*)/i"; ?> Classes.php <?php if (!defined("CLS_BANSEARCH")) { Header("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden"); Die("You do not have premission to access this resource"); } class BanList { var $Name; /*Name of the ban list (e.g. AASA, ACI, AON, etc...)*/ var $Source; /*Location of the original ban list source*/ var $Cache; /*Local location where the ban list is cached*/ var $Link; /*Public link to the website that host the ban list*/ function BanList($Name, $Source, $Cache, $Link) { $this->Name = $Name; $this->Source = $Source; $this->Cache = $Cache; $this->Link = $Link; } function UpdateCache($Source = NULL, $Cache = NULL) { global $BanListPattern; if ($Source == NULL && $this->Source) $Source = $this->Source; else return -1; if ($Cache == NULL && $this->Cache) $Cache = $this->Cache; else return -1; $cH = curl_init($Source); if (!$cH) return -1; curl_setopt($cH, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($cH, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); $sBanList = curl_exec($cH); curl_close($cH); $aBanList = explode("\n", $sBanList); $aBanListGUID = array(); unset($sBanList); /*Lets sort it so we can do a binary search sort of*/ $Len = count($aBanList); for($i = 0; $i < $Len; $i++) { $aBanList[$i] = trim($aBanList[$i]); if(preg_match($BanListPattern, $aBanList[$i], $Match) == 0) { print "\n<br><b>Warning</b>: Unable to parse: " . $aBanList[$i]; continue; } $GUID = $Match[GUID_OFFSET]; $aBanListGUID[$GUID] = $aBanList[$i]; } unset($aBanList); ksort($aBanListGUID); $BanList = implode("\n", $aBanListGUID); $Len = count($aBanListGUID); unset($aBanListGUID); $hCache = fopen($Cache, "w"); if (!$hCache) { print "\n<br><b>Warning</b>: Unable to write to cache"; return -1; } fwrite($hCache, $BanList); fclose($hCache); return $Len; } function SearchCache($Search, $Type = GUID_OFFSET, $Cache = NULL) { global $BanListPattern; if ($Cache == NULL && $this->Cache) $Cache = $this->Cache; else return false; $aBanList = file($Cache); if (!$aBanList) return false; $Len = count($aBanList); $Loc = 0; $Bans = array(); switch ($Type) { case NAME_OFFSET: /*Ban list isn't sorted by Name so we got to go through the whole file */ for(;$Loc < $Len; $Loc++) { if (preg_match($BanListPattern, $aBanList[$Loc], $Match) && stristr($Match[$Type], $Search) !== false) $Bans[] = $Match; } if (count($Bans) > 0) return $Bans; return false; case IP_OFFSET: /*Ban list isn't sorted by IP so we got to go through the whole file */ for(;$Loc < $Len; $Loc++) { if (preg_match($BanListPattern, $aBanList[$Loc], $Match) && strncasecmp($Match[$Type], $Search, strlen($Search)) == 0) $Bans[] = $Match; } if (count($Bans) > 0) return $Bans; return false; case GUID_OFFSET: default: /*Let's try to estimate where it should be on a sorted ban list (usually we'll get within about 50) - much faster than searching through the whole list*/ $GUID = $Search; if (preg_match("/^[A-Fa-f0-9]{32}$/i", $GUID) == 0) return false; $GUID_FIRST_4_INT = base_convert(substr($GUID, 0, 4), 16, 10); $Loc = $Len * (($GUID_FIRST_4_INT & 0x0000FFFF) / 0x0000FFFF); preg_match($BanListPattern, $aBanList[$Loc], $Match); $CURRENT_GUID_FIRST_4_INT = base_convert(substr($Match[GUID_OFFSET], 0, 4), 16, 10); if ($CURRENT_GUID_FIRST_4_INT == $GUID_FIRST_4_INT) { if (preg_match($BanListPattern, $aBanList[$Loc], $Match) && strtolower($Match[GUID_OFFSET]) == strtolower($GUID)) return array($Match); while($Loc-- > -1 && $CURRENT_GUID_FIRST_4_INT >= $GUID_FIRST_4_INT) { preg_match($BanListPattern, $aBanList[$Loc], $Match); $CURRENT_GUID_FIRST_4_INT = base_convert(substr($Match[GUID_OFFSET], 0, 4), 16, 10); if ($GUID_FIRST_4_INT == $CURRENT_GUID_FIRST_4_INT && strtolower($Match[GUID_OFFSET]) == strtolower($GUID)) return array($Match); } while($Loc++ < $Len && $CURRENT_GUID_FIRST_4_INT <= $GUID_FIRST_4_INT) { preg_match($BanListPattern, $aBanList[$Loc], $Match); $CURRENT_GUID_FIRST_4_INT = base_convert(substr($Match[GUID_OFFSET], 0, 4), 16, 10); if ($GUID_FIRST_4_INT == $CURRENT_GUID_FIRST_4_INT && strtolower($Match[GUID_OFFSET]) == strtolower($GUID)) return array($Match); } } else if ($CURRENT_GUID_FIRST_4_INT > $GUID_FIRST_4_INT) { while($Loc-- > -1 && $CURRENT_GUID_FIRST_4_INT >= $GUID_FIRST_4_INT) { preg_match($BanListPattern, $aBanList[$Loc], $Match); $CURRENT_GUID_FIRST_4_INT = base_convert(substr($Match[GUID_OFFSET], 0, 4), 16, 10); if ($GUID_FIRST_4_INT == $CURRENT_GUID_FIRST_4_INT && strtolower($Match[GUID_OFFSET]) == strtolower($GUID)) return array($Match); } } else { while($Loc++ < $Len && $CURRENT_GUID_FIRST_4_INT <= $GUID_FIRST_4_INT) { preg_match($BanListPattern, $aBanList[$Loc], $Match); $CURRENT_GUID_FIRST_4_INT = base_convert(substr($Match[GUID_OFFSET], 0, 4), 16, 10); if ($GUID_FIRST_4_INT == $CURRENT_GUID_FIRST_4_INT && strtolower($Match[GUID_OFFSET]) == strtolower($GUID)) return array($Match); } } return false; } } }; ?> Thanks and I know this isnt a paid site, however I would be more then willing to pay for and or make a donation for helping solve and stamp this fixed.
  7. Evening, First off, if this request for help is in the wrong spot then I sicnerely apologize. I am an online gamer who plays America's Army. I created with the help of someone who is no longer available a tool/block that one could use to search for bans, etc.. on individual players an clans. The update.php script was made to "not sure of correct wording" to use and see specific things. However some of the anti-cheat organizations have mistakes "small in-differences" in some of their banlines. Instead of getting them to correct each one as they come up, I am trying to figure out how to have my update script/php page ignore/bypass these indifferences and still log them. I am stumped, I am not sure what is needed to help anyone here understand the kind of tool/site block. So I willpost several things including a zip file that is in itself the block tool that I offer to my Repo Depot Admins @ www.aaorepodepot.us in the downloads area. Here is an example of what I see when trying to update the 4 AC banlists for the site block, using update.php. http://www.combatlifesavers.us/aabansblock/update.php http://www.aaorepodepot.us/downloads/Repo_Ban_Search_Block.zip These inadvertant mistakes are simple like a missing colon or a date timestamp reversed.? Whichis causing all of the unable to parse and leaving alot of bans out of the search block. Much thanks for any direction you could point me or help. I am seriously hoping I am asking the right questions for what I am trying to fix.
  8. Is their a way here,  to hire/pay someone for a smal project I need. Thanks in advance
  9. If you got to this link, you see uptop >> Check if server is streaming << Click it and enter any IP, you get a response of yes or no to your streaming.  I am trying to some thing similar http://www.anticheatinc.com/forums/index.php Now when you try what I have done "posts above", you go directly to the streaming.php.  So it seems I am missing a search function, just not sure what to do in order to create it.
  10. Yes the streaming.php file created and sits in the same folder as the ServerCheck.htm aasadata/ServerCheck.htm aasadata/streaming.php I am assuming I am missing the code/page to do the actually search, that where I am a NuB and stuck ??? edit Now reviewing, I see  needed to change the name of php, to streaming.php, I had it originally StreamingServer.php.  But instead of it searching and giving and answer "yes" or "no" your streaming now.  It takes you to the streaming page.  ??? NuB in desperate need of assistance >:( :( :o ??? 
  11. Hello eveyone.  First I hope I am posting in the right place. I am trying to c reate a simple check system/code, that will check against a list of server IP's that is kept updated I have created a folder "aasadata" and placed within it a ServerCheck.htm and the streaming.php "showign the list of streaming IP's" Below is the htm http://www.combatlifesavers.us/aasadata/ServerCheck.htm When I enter say my servers IP of which I  know is streaming i get [quote]The page cannot be found[/quote] Addy for that.. [code]http://www.combatlifesavers.us/aasadata/streaming.php?serverip=[/code] I am assuming my error is not having the secondary code page for the actual search.  Thing is, I am a NuB at doing this, and I am stuck.  Dont know where to start to create this simple code page. Below is the source code for my ServerCheck.htm [quote]<style type="text/css"> <!-- body,td,th { color: #FFFFFF; } body { background-color: #000000; } --> </style> <img src="aasa.gif"> <form action="streaming.php" method="GET"> Server IP : Port(if necessary) <br> <input type="text" name="serverip" size="15" maxlength="15">: <input type="text" value="1716" name="serverport" size="5" maxlength="7"> <input type="submit" value="Check streaming"> </form>[/quote] Any help or info would be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance
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