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Everything posted by vigiw

  1. It does appear neater , but thanks for the suggestions.. good for future ref.
  2. Hello.. I'm working on a switch statement with multiple possible conditions... Scenario 1: "(($var1 < 0) AND ($var2 < 0))" ... [Then something echoing both to 0] Scenario 2: "(($var1 < 0)" ... [Then something echoing var 1 to 0, and var 2's value] Scenario 3: "(($var2 < 0)" ... [Then Something echoing var 2 to 0, and var 1's value] Scenario 4 (Default): [Default/Normal Condition] - Simply echoes the values of both vars. When I try to get this going in a code, it simply doesn't work. Any ideas on how I can go about doing this, if possible in switch statements? I thought about if/else, but I have 4 different conditions to go through (if not Scenario 1, then 2... 3... 4... and I figured that was a bit much). Thanks.
  3. Ok thank you! I think it's all set now. In my if/else, when its <= 0, I made it = 0, it was going into the negatives, when I thought it was a hyphen. Thanks!
  4. It's probably because I changed one part, my fault for not mentioning it, I forgot. My points are based on 20, so I have another variable for $soc and $ec to multiply by 5 to get the percentage to plot on the map. That variable is just $soc_per and $ec_per printf('<img src="diamond_s%de%d.jpg" />', round($soc_per, -1), round($ec_per, -1)); But I think that's where it went wrong with the hyphens added in.
  5. Thanks! I think its getting closer... but when the result is, for example for image diamond_s20e90.jpg - it will go to diamond_s-20e90.jpg But all of the files are saved as diamond_s#e#.jpg like above--but no hyphens like in the second image name. Again, thank you for helping!
  6. Any ideas on how to make that work? ??? Thanks!
  7. Thanks, but how would I tackle the rounding problem. Like if the user gets 86 for one of them or 43 for the other, i only have files for the Tens (e.g. 90 and 40)
  8. Thanks for the help, but I couldn't go about doing the GD thing. So I made my own image files. It took a while (121 of them), but they are done. Is there a way, though, to take one of my numerical variables in the PHP script and say, for example (since there are two variables on this graph) if $soc = 40 and $ec = 60 - show image diamond_s40e60.jpg I realize that wasn't in a PHP script format, but that's because I'm not sure how I would include that with both. Also, my numerical values will not be exactly, let's use the example--40 soc---it might be: soc = 37, ec = 55. Any ideas how to script that? Thanks!
  9. Ok thanks. Would it be possible to do this if I simply echoed the image in, or do I need to do something special. Right now I have, just to call the image up for blank display: echo "<img src=\"diamond.bmp\">\n";
  10. Okay this is just a simple dot that I think would work. [attachment deleted by admin]
  11. Ok, thanks for the response. I attached an example of my "diamond". As you see there are two scales there on the bottom of the sides. I have two variables to match the scales in my script. Would I be able to take my first variable, $soc for the Social scale and $ec for the Economic scale and make one point where they meet on the image here? [attachment deleted by admin]
  12. Hmm... well, in that case, I must ask if I need to install GD or if its already part of PHP 5. And you now probably know of my serious lack of experience in GD.
  13. Ok, I have a form which sends to a PHP script--that's all set and working (thanks to the help of forum members here! ). Now, I'm wondering on my PHP page, if I would be able to plot, kind of like a graph, onto an image. Here's what I'm thinking. I already have the code all setup with the image "echoed in" successfully, and I have two numerical values based on calculation on the form (which is done). My image looks like a graph, with an ongoing scale, in the shape of a diamond. (One scale running along the bottom to the left, and one from the bottom--to the right). Is there a way, based on the numerical result, for example, my two variables are $soc and $ec - could the script place them on the graph/image according to the scale? This might have been a bit confusing, so if you think this is possible, or if you need more input, just ask me. So any help would certainly be extremely appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  14. Ok... I've created a code for my need as described above, and the form's submit button will POST to my php file. But when I submit, the PHP page comes up blank. Here's the code: <?php $q1 = $_POST['q1']; $q2 = $_POST['q2']; $q3 = $_POST['q3']; $q4 = $_POST['q4']; $q5 = $_POST['q5']; $q6 = $_POST['q6']; $q7 = $_POST['q7']; $q9 = $_POST['q9']; $q13 = $_POST['q13']; $q17 = $_POST['q17']; $q18 = $_POST['q18']; $q19 = $_POST['q19']; $q8 = $_POST['q8']; $q10 = $_POST['q10']; $q11 = $_POST['q11']; $q12 = $_POST['q12']; $q14 = $_POST['q14']; $q15 = $_POST['q15']; $q16 = $_POST['q16']; $soc = $q1 + $q2 + $q3 + $q4 + $q5 + $q6 + $q7 + $q9 + $q13 + $q17 + $q18 + $q19; echo "You are" $soc; "% Socially" if ($var >= 50) echo " Liberal<br>"; else echo " Conservative<br>"; $ec = $q8 + $q10 + $q11 + $q12 + $q14 + $q15 + $q16; echo "You are" $ec; "% Fiscally (Economcially)" if ($var >= 50) echo " Liberal<br>"; else echo " Conservative<br>"; ?> Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
  15. Hello, I've tried creating a form for a "quiz" (not a right-wrong quiz, but one which scores numbers of values for each selection for a specific result) using Javascript, but it didn't work out. I was wondering how, using the same form, I could go about doing this in PHP (if possible). I gave up on Javascript because it kept showing "NaN" for the calculated score, even though every value is a number, but some are negative (e.g. -5 for one value; 3 for another). Any help for this would certainly be appreciated. Thanks!
  16. Ok, so with this-- UPDATE tbl SET fld = 'new data'; Should I replace the insert commands with-- $sql = "UPDATE" . "$table_name" SET field1 = 'new data'; $sql = "UPDATE" . "$table_name" SET field2 = 'new data'; and so on for each field?
  17. Oh of course, update... But... Can I replace the following "Insert Into": $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . $table_name . "` to just Update Because after that line, i have all the fields listed, there is a number of them. Thanks.
  18. Hello, I have a PHP form sending data to a MySQL table, and I am wondering if I can add some sort of code to the PHP page that will make the form data overwrite any potentially old data already in the table. This sounds simple enough, but I can't put my finger on it. ??? Thanks.
  19. No, I mean this is a PHP Form that submits to a MySQL database, that is why it is PHP, and that part is done and working.  I want to make an image map and allow the person submitting the form to click any hotspots they want, maybe they want multiple and click 3 of however many hotspots there may be.  I would like those 3 or however many hotspots the person clicked, to be entered together in one field in this PHP form. So if the person click North, east, and south, I want it to appear in the form field: North, East, South I'm not sure how to implement this. Thanks
  20. Hi, I have a PHP form with an image map.  I would like the image map to output specific text for each hotspot, and enter it into a form field. Is this possible?  And is it possible with multiple at one time without having to refresh? For example-- I would have a map of Massachusetts, and the map may contain northeast, southeast, west, and central as 4 different hotspots.  And the form submitter happens to choose maybe 3 of these. How do I make it so the selections, and only the selections, all show together in the form field?  I tried this with PHP but it only outputs 1 and refreshes for the next, and I was told to go for Javascript.  I am inexperiened with Javascript and would appreciate some help. Thanks in advance!
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