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Everything posted by Wildhalf

  1. That's exactly what I'm trying to do. Add a new entry to the array then rotate the array and update database
  2. Kicken, Sorry for being so confusing. Basically i am building a rotator script. Here is how my database looks: both id & fb_user_id are unique for every entry. What i am doing is building a kind of affiliate system with signup page with a form. I am rotating the sponsors link on the page so they are in order related to who joined first. When someone gets a signup they are put on the end of the rotation again untill they have say 2 signups. So when a new user signs up via the rotator page the order goes from fb_user_id - oder 1 - 1 2 - 2 3 - 3 to this fb_user_id - oder 1 - 4 2 - 1 3 - 2 4 - 3 so the new member goes in 3rd in line and the person who referred them goes in right behind them in 4th unless that had been there 2nd signup in this case they will no longer be in the rotation. Do you have any more questions?? Hope this makes it a bit clearer
  3. sorry that was my fault that should be 5, 6,7 If you look at first link you will see what my table looks like the second one was me trying to ask with out showing the table... stupid really
  4. I Have asked on stack overflow but im not getting a good answer so decided to come here. I am a learn as you go php programmer.... but think i am a bit out data by the looks of things any way if you look at the following question it will show you what i am trying to do http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13238787/php-select-update-statement-to-return-and-update-a-multi-dimensional-array & http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13117872/php-rotate-and-adding-to-an-array thanks in advance to anyone who can help
  5. thanks thats great news for me then......
  6. I am new to SESSIONS and have a quick question about them. I want to use sesssions on my site but was wondering if they would work for the follow senario. Say a customer visits my url: http://www.mysite.com/?id=2 Now what i am doing is taking the id out of the URL using sessions and redirecting the user to http://www.mysite.com while my session ($_SESSION['id']) holds the value 2 in it. I have this working great, i believe it just looks better. Now if my customer decides to buy my product via paypal and is directed off my site while he/she is paying for said item on paypal when they return could i still use some of the information that i stored in my session?? I know i could use post and get to pass through paypal but unfortunately i have to use sessions for what i am trying to do.
  7. Thanks again to everyone.... I got it working. I am using sessions with a javascript redirect.
  8. Shaun sorry I didn't get it from your post thanks for your help. Bluesky thanks also
  9. Was just about to ask if sessions would work. Was looking on iPhone one last time before I turned out the light and came Accross it... Will try it out thanks
  10. visit this link and watch it in action...... http://rapidactionprofits.com/?e=test I also have a wordpress plugint designed for thatt script that removes the ?e=whatever. so there is a way to do it.... but how???
  11. I am trying to remove the ID from the Address bar so rather than having http://www.mysite.com/?id=1 i have http://www.mysite.com displayed in address bar
  12. I am only going to be using the ID on one page. Say i have 10 different ID's 1 to10. All i am doing is when i send a user to ?ID=1 it displays one thing taken from my database. ?ID=2 displays something else and so on. I suppose i dont now enough about php to do it but i know what i want done works as i have seen it with a few scripts.
  13. Shaun Thanks for you help.... Been reading about it for hours now but still cant figure out how to do it...
  14. Anyone know how i can remove a querystring from url. Example URL: http://www.mysite.com/?id=1 I am writing a script that needs to read in the ID from the URL. But once have got the information i would like to remove it from the URL and just display http://www.mysite.com but still be able to use the ID to query my database. Any ideas???
  15. I am passing variable to a PHP page and was wondering if there is a way to clean these varilabes from the url once i pull the information out of it. For example my URL is "http://www.MYURL.com/index.php?var1=TEST1&var2=TEST2" Now what i want to be able to do is when someone visits the above link i want to assign var1 and var2 to a variable and then remove then from the addressbar so the vistor can only see the base URL (http://www.MYURL.com) in the address bar but i get my variables Anyone know what i can use???
  17. Hi Anyone know the SQL i could use to remove a number (which is on the right hand side of string) from every entry in my table (wp_terms) in the name colum??? example 1: Dry Cleaning2 example 2: Travel2 I have over 700 to do so would be hard manually thanks
  18. $sponsor_email is an array of 4 email addresses assigned $sponsor_email[0], $sponsor_email[1], $sponsor_email[2], $sponsor_email[3], $sponsor_email[4] If i replace the i in $sponsor_email with either 1,2,3,4 it displays the right result for each mail 4 times. Does anyone know why the for lop isnt working with the i in the select statement...... for ($i = 0; $i <= 4; $i++) { $get_number_sales_sql = "SELECT * FROM worthatry_spon WHERE aff_email = '$sponsor_email[i]'"; $get_number_sales_res = mysql_query($get_number_sales_sql) or die("An internal error has occured!<br />Unable to run the following query:<br /><pre>" . $qry. "</pre><br /><br />" . mysql_error()); $get_number_sales = mysql_fetch_array($get_number_sales_res); $aff_member_sales[i] = $get_number_sales[number_sales]; $aff_member_email[i] = $get_number_sales[aff_email]; echo $aff_member_sales[i]; echo '<Br>'; echo $aff_member_email[i]; echo '<Br>'; }
  19. Hi i want to search my table for a few specific enteries shown in the code below $multi_sql = "SELECT spon_email_1, spon_email_2,spon_email_3,spon_email_4,spon_email_5 FROM worthatry_spon WHERE aff_email = 'kieron@webdesign4u.ie'"; $multi_res = mysql_query($multi_sql) or die("An internal error has occured!<br />Unable to run the following query:<br /><pre>" . $qry. "</pre><br /><br />" . mysql_error()); $multi = mysql_fetch_array($multi_res); Now this SQL state works and returns exactly what i want it to. now once i have this information i would like to turn this array into a multidemensional array. I want the array to be 3 levels. ie ARRAY[1st_email][2nd_email][3rd_email] , now the results from the sql above are to be the list of 1stemails. I then want to search my table again and add the corresponding results to 2n_email positions in the array. And lastly with the 2nd_email results i want to search table again and return the 3rd_emails. Hope that helps. Anyone know how to convert my array into a multi-demensional array???
  20. How would i find the difference between 2 difference times that i pull from my database?? Can i just subtract the returned results or what??
  21. I'm using a script but want tp pass a variable through paypal. Is it as easy as using post and get fromt he url?? Also i am not sure if it will be possible to do the above with the script im using so is there another way, like writing a cookie on the users pc or on my host and then reading it once im though paypal??
  22. After getting connection problems solved i figured out what was wrong with the rest of the code...
  23. got database connection sorted just going to check original code now...
  24. Came back with SQL Query Error: No database selected
  25. Heres my code <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","pagination","abc123"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } $rowData = array(); $getData = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM test'); while ($rowData = mysql_fetch_assoc($getData)) { echo $rowData['name'] . "<br />"; } // Include the pagination class include 'pagination.class.php'; // Create the pagination object $pagination = new pagination; // parse the data $dataPages = $pagination->generate($rowData, 20); foreach ($dataPages as $dataKey => $dataArray) { // Show the information about the item echo '<p><b>'.$dataArray['fieldname'].'</b> '.$dataArray['fieldname2'].'</p>'; } ?>
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