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Everything posted by jwk811

  1. i wanna pass post variables to a function without having to submit a form, how?
  2. there is a working file input in the form. when i process it EVEN if nothing was uploaded it still will say that the FILES input isset and != ''. how can i see if its actually being used?
  3. i think it has something to do with the extension being in capitals like .JPG but then i tried it myself and it worked but for everyone else capital extension seems to notupload. maybe thats not it at all i dont know
  4. i get the name of the photo stored in the database just fine. but there is no file uploaded. but it works half the time??
  5. you could just use the same table as friend_requests and just change the name to friends. then when they are accepted to select their friends just select the accepted ones to show from both the requester and requestee columns to display both.
  6. $pic = $_FILES['photo']; $ext = substr(strrchr($pic['name'], "."), 1); $imagePath = md5(rand() * time()) . ".$ext"; $target = "images/"; $target = $target . $imagePath; move_uploaded_file($pic['tmp_name'], $target); It works for me and I don't think it's the extension because it's always .jpg and it works for me. I just don't get what could be happening. It worked before perfectly until I changed things around but it's still the SAME! And the directory has just the same permissions as the last one when it worked.
  7. ok i did that. but why would it work for some people. i dont get it.
  8. most of the time it works but then a few people couldnt get their photos to upload. im stumped. i think it has something to do with the extension in capital letters instead. but i tried a photo like that and it worked fine. ahhh help please $pic = $_FILES['photo']; $ext = substr(strrchr($pic['name'], "."), 1); $imagePath = md5(rand() * time()) . ".$ext"; $target = "images/"; $target = $target . $imagePath; move_uploaded_file($pic['tmp_name'], $target);
  9. why isnt this working for me. any other ways? i fixed the spelling errors but still doesnt work. one bcuz the parent id isnt a column in the posts. i just wanna change the way this all works. help please
  10. theres a table called forum_posts and another called forum_category can i select all posts that are in forum_category but only the categories in the parent category $sql = "SELECT cat_id FROM forum_category WHERE cat_parent_id = '$cat_parent_id'"; $result = dbQuery($sql); then select all post from each of those category and add them up. is there an easier way to do this whole category thing its driving me crazy, thanks
  11. jwk811

    cant connect

    all of a sudden. it was just working yesterday and i havent changed ANYTHING and today it wont connect. so its not the code but i can log on to phpmyadmin so i have no idea. just wondering if anyone knows what the possibilities of this problem could be
  12. http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1071990&postcount=3 i need this code to work twice for two different divs. i tried copying the script and changing the variables but it didnt work or i did it wrong. ive been trying for hours please help
  13. you have to scroll down a little before you get to it. then when you scroll past it i want it to go to the bottom of the page with you. if i put fixed too far down it wont even show
  14. starting low on the page where you cant see it till you scroll down but then when you keep scrolling down it follows you. is this possible??
  15. i would use fixed positioning but it starts too low on the page
  16. ive done this before but i forget how i did it. when you scroll down it will move down the page with you
  17. does anyone know of a script or how i could let users crop the photo they are uploading?
  18. for a music player that cant be seen or at least minimized by itself. is that possible?
  19. therefore theres no way you can change it on firefox?
  20. i use this code in the style for the div. it works BUT not on firefox WHY??!?! scrollbar-base-color: #151515; scrollbar-arrow-color: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-DarkShadow-Color: #280000;
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