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Everything posted by kirka

  1. I found a solution to my problem.  It is using four backslashes before the r and n. Thanks. Kirka
  2. @Ken I tried single quotes.  The function still dies on a single character r or n. Thanks, Kirka
  3. @Ray I did try this, but it did not work.  The || is the logical Or operator. I think my problem is with the backslash being stripped off in the search. Thanks, Kirka
  4. When I run this code below, it dies when the character r or n is encountered.  I only want it to die when there is a backslash and r or backslash and n together.  I have tried two backlsashes and that does not work either. Does anybody know how I can fix this? Thanks, Kirka function checkinjection($checkstring)   { if (eregi("\r",$checkstring) || eregi("\n",$checkstring)){ die("Problem Sending Email - MI"); } }
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