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Everything posted by yock

  1. Yeah I actually tried the check_online function further up in the app and it works perfectly. I will swap out exec for shell_exec, thanks.
  2. I am running an exec() function which calls FFmpeg to run through converting a video, which it does successfully. A problem I am running into is on certain servers a mysql_query which follows right after exec does not run. Somehow skips it. Any suggestions here? I have included the portion of code i'm referring to. //Convert Video exec("".$ffmpeg_path." -pass 1 -passlogfile ".$logfile." -i ".$video_embed." -y -f flv -ar 44100 -ab 128 -ac 1 -acodec mp3 -deinterlace -nr 500 -me_range 20 -b 350k ".$video_full_min.".flv"); exec("".$ffmpeg_path." -pass 2 -passlogfile ".$logfile." -i ".$video_embed." -y -f flv -ar 44100 -ab 128 -ac 1 -acodec mp3 -deinterlace -nr 500 -me_range 20 -b 350k ".$video_full_min.".flv"); check_online($fifteen_thumb, $video_online, $video_id); check_online function //check for thumbnail 15 - if no thumb declare video in error, else declare video ok function check_online($fifteen_thumb, $video_online, $video_id){ if(!file_exists($fifteen_thumb)) { $video_online = 'E'; } if( $video_online == 'S' ){ $video_online = 'N'; } elseif ( $video_online == 'E' ){ $video_online = 'E'; } else { if($video_date <= $date_today){ $video_online = 'Y'; } else { $video_online = 'F'; } } mysql_query("UPDATE bls_posts SET online = '$video_online' WHERE ID = '$video_id'"); } Thanks.
  3. Hi all, I am running PHP5 on an Apache server and the PHP is run as CGI. My host has disabled the virtual() function for security reasons. What I need to do is include a CGI script from within my PHP files. I dont have the option to use an shtml page due to the configuration of my site. I would prefer to somehow include the CGI script in the PHP files. Thanks for the help. -Yock
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