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Everything posted by mnybud

  1. <?php include("http://www.domain.com/query.php?query=" . keyword() . ">"); ?> doesnt work for me but I think thats what I am looking for.... I dont really understand this example... Example mainfile.php <?php $keyword = "search"; include("included_file1.php"); ?> included_file1.php <?php echo " This is the keyword of mainfile ".$keyword; ?> ...
  2. Simple question I think.... I have a existing script that calls a keyword like this... <?php keyword() ?> I have another external script that I call like this normally <?php include("http://www.domain.com/query.php?query=keyword"); ?> I am trying to make this work.... <?php include("http://www.domain.com/query.php?query=<? keyword() ?>"); ?> How do you include PHP within PHP like this?
  3. Actually no I learned a lot. Now I know how to do it and apply it properly in the future. I appreciate it.
  4. well I still dont get it but I guess I am just to green for this forum since you only point me in a vague direction which is where i was to begin with......remember I am a newbie :-\ thanks anyways, I will just keep reading.......
  5. Well I have already grabbed the image url with my script, now I just need to save the image locally...this is the part I am confused by. I honestly dont get how your example works and I have tried it using other ways I found by searching the forums with no success.....lastly using this format... file_put_contents('file_name.jpg', file_get_contents('http://host.com/image_file.png')); not trying to be lazy just getting frustrated.... I will continue looking for the solution.....
  6. Ok sorry for the fast bump. So I am sorry I am new to this. Can you please explain in a bit more detail how to configure your script. For example if I wanted to grab this image: http://i21.ebayimg.com/07/i/000/a7/63/131f_12.JPG and save it to a folder on my server. What would I need to change? Can you give me a working example? Sorry I am a bit slow
  7. anyone? I know this cant be that hard. I just want to grab selected ebay auction images to add to my site. Any help is appreciated!
  8. Hi I am new to PHP and trying to extract images from a website url and save the image file to a directory on my server. So for example I would like to be able to take a url like this: http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif and save the image "logo.gif" to a directory on my server. Can anyone help a newbie out with this?
  9. still looking for a way to do this if anyone has any suggestions.
  10. thanks for the response but that does not work for me  :'( This is all it prints in the html code when the term is not available: <p>~GetDEF(some crap)~ </p> I think it might be $article that displays the definition and not $text but I am not sure.
  11. I have this Wordpress plugin code (shown below) that pulls definitions from Google. I just call it in my wordpress posts as ~GetDEF(Your_Search_Term)~ and it works great as long as Google has a definition for the term inputed. If Google does not have a definition then it just prints ~GetDEF(Your_Search_Term)~ instead which is kind of ugly. I am wondering is there a way to make it so it displays nothing if the term is not found? I dont know much about PHP so if anyone can help please tell me what I should use to stop this and where I should put it in the code. If you need more info please let me know. Thanks in advance!! Here is the plugin code, its just one php file: //Server Configuration $host = "www.google.com"; $searchStr="http://www.google.com/search?ie=utf8&oe=utf8&q=define:"; function getDEF( $def ) {     global $host,$searchStr,$path;         $fp = fopen ($searchStr.$def, "r");   if (!$fp) {       exit;   }   $contents ="";   $article="";   while (!feof ($fp)) {       $contents .= fread($fp, 8192);   }   if (eregi ("<ul type=\"disc\">(.*)</ul>", $contents, $out)) {       $article = $out[1];   } if (eregi ("<li>(.*)<li>", $contents, $out)) {       $article = $out[1];   } $article=eregi_replace("<a(.*)[/url]","",$article); $article=strip_tags($article); fclose($fp); $article=trim($article); if($article!=""){ $description=  "</br><span class=\"gdescription\"> This definition of ".$def.' is provided by the best search engine in the world, Google!</span>'; $article = "<div class=\"Gdef\">".$def.": ".$article.$description."</div>"; } return $article; } function def_fy( $text ) {     $text = preg_replace(         "#\~GetDEF\((\S*)\)\~#imseU",         "getDEF('$1')",         $text     ); return $text; } function def_css() {     echo "     <style type='text/css'>     div.Gdef {         border: 1px dashed silver;         background-color: #f0f0f0;   padding:0 2em 0 2em;     }     .gdescription {         font-size: 80%;       padding:0 2em 0 2em;     }     </style>     "; } add_action('wp_head', 'def_css'); add_filter('the_content', 'def_fy', 2); add_filter('the_excerpt', 'def_fy', 2); ?>
  12. I have this Wordpress plugin code (shown below) that pulls definitions from Google. I just call it in my wordpress posts as ~GetDEF(Your_Search_Term)~ and it works great as long as Google has a definition for the term inputed. If Google does not have a definition then it just prints ~GetDEF(Your_Search_Term)~ instead which is kind of ugly. I am wondering is there a way to make it so it displays nothing if the term is not found? I dont know much about PHP so if anyone can help please tell me what I should use to stop this and where I should put it in the code. If you need more info please let me know. Thanks in advance!! Here is the plugin code, its just one php file: //Server Configuration $host = "www.google.com"; $searchStr="http://www.google.com/search?ie=utf8&oe=utf8&q=define:"; function getDEF( $def ) {     global $host,$searchStr,$path;           $fp = fopen ($searchStr.$def, "r");   if (!$fp) {       exit;   }   $contents ="";   $article="";   while (!feof ($fp)) {       $contents .= fread($fp, 8192);   }   if (eregi ("<ul type=\"disc\">(.*)</ul>", $contents, $out)) {       $article = $out[1];   } if (eregi ("<li>(.*)<li>", $contents, $out)) {       $article = $out[1];   } $article=eregi_replace("<a(.*)[/url]","",$article); $article=strip_tags($article); fclose($fp); $article=trim($article); if($article!=""){ $description=  "</br><span class=\"gdescription\"> This definition of ".$def.' is provided by the best search engine in the world, Google!</span>'; $article = "<div class=\"Gdef\">".$def.": ".$article.$description."</div>"; } return $article; } function def_fy( $text ) {     $text = preg_replace(         "#\~GetDEF\((\S*)\)\~#imseU",         "getDEF('$1')",         $text     ); return $text; } function def_css() {     echo "     <style type='text/css'>     div.Gdef {         border: 1px dashed silver;         background-color: #f0f0f0;   padding:0 2em 0 2em;     }     .gdescription {         font-size: 80%;       padding:0 2em 0 2em;     }     </style>     "; } add_action('wp_head', 'def_css'); add_filter('the_content', 'def_fy', 2); add_filter('the_excerpt', 'def_fy', 2); ?>
  13. anyone?  ??? I have been fighting this script for too long and need to get some sleep.... If anyone can help I will say THANKS in the morning....... remember I am a PHP newbie so please explain in detail if you can...thanks!
  14. yes I think the script is actually printing the definition... how would I write the if and preg_match statement? radar: not sure where I would put that code... sorry I am just learning.
  15. I have this Wordpress plugin code (shown below) that pul definitions from Google. I jut call it in my wordpress posts as ~GetDEF(Your_Search_Term)~ and it works great as long as Google has a definition for the term inputed. If Google does not have a definition then it just prints ~GetDEF(Your_Search_Term)~ instead which is kind of ugly. I am wondering is there a way to make it so it displays nothing if the term is not found? Here is the plugin code, its just one php file: //Server Configuration $host = "www.google.com"; $searchStr="http://www.google.com/search?ie=utf8&oe=utf8&q=define:"; function getDEF( $def ) {     global $host,$searchStr,$path;         $fp = fopen ($searchStr.$def, "r"); if (!$fp) {   exit; } $contents =""; $article=""; while (!feof ($fp)) {   $contents .= fread($fp, 8192);   }   if (eregi ("<ul type=\"disc\">(.*)</ul>", $contents, $out)) {       $article = $out[1];   } if (eregi ("<li>(.*)<li>", $contents, $out)) {       $article = $out[1];   } $article=eregi_replace("<a(.*)</a>","",$article); $article=strip_tags($article); fclose($fp); $article=trim($article); if($article!=""){ $description=  "</br><span class=\"gdescription\"><br>This definition of ".$def.' is provided by the best search engine in the world, <a href="http://www.google.com">Google</a>!</span>'; $article = "<div class=\"Gdef\"><b>".$def.":<br></b>".$article.$description."</div>"; } return $article; } function def_fy( $text ) {     $text = preg_replace(         "#\~GetDEF\((\S*)\)\~#imseU",         "getDEF('$1')",         $text     ); return $text; } function def_css() {     echo "     <style type='text/css'>     div.Gdef {         border: 1px dashed silver;         background-color: #f0f0f0; padding:0 2em 0 2em;     }     .gdescription {         font-size: 80%; padding:0 2em 0 2em;     }     </style>     "; } add_action('wp_head', 'def_css'); add_filter('the_content', 'def_fy', 2); add_filter('the_excerpt', 'def_fy', 2); ?>
  16. Hi I am trying to remove hyperlinks from some of my pages but leave the anchor text. This is what I have so far, which will remove all the urls but it does not leave the anchor text. if(!$edit_link) $article = preg_replace("/<a.*?href=.*?>(.*?)<\/a>/mi","",$article); any help?
  17. anyone??? Do you guys need more info or what? Is this possible?
  18. cmon guys is this possible or not? I know it cant be that hard....this script does it perfectly http://www.wikifetcher.com/wf/index.php (which I have) but its just not a WordPress plugin which is what I need........anyone have any suggestions?
  19. here is some more info: http://dev.wp-plugins.org/wiki/GetWIKI and the authors blog post of the release of the plugin http://saj.in/blog/techtalk/82/getwiki-plugin-for-wordpress.asp I am pretty sure it can be done.....but maybe I am wrong
  20. wow fast reply  ;D I included the full code below (its short)...I want to be able to do 2 things..... 1. remove all hyperlinks from the grabbed content 2. remove specific sections of the grabbed content like the external link section and error messages Here is an example of something I would like to remove: <div class="messagebox cleanup metadata">This article or section does not cite its <b><a href="http://en.wikipedia.orghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citing_sources" title="Wikipedia:Citing sources">references or sources</a>.</b><br /><small>You can <a href="http://en.wikipedia.orghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_Fact_and_Reference_Check" title="Wikipedia:WikiProject Fact and Reference Check">help</a> Wikipedia by introducing appropriate citations.</small></div> here is the wordpress plugin code....I think it already removes some things I just cant figure it out  ??? thanks for your help! <?php /* Plugin Name: GetWIKI Version: 1.0 Plugin URI: http://saj.in/blog/techtalk/82/getwiki-plugin-for-wordpress.asp Author: Sajin Kunhambu Author URI: http://saj.in/ Description: Get a WIKI article anywhere on yout blog (e.g. ~GetWIKI(Your_Search_Term)~ ) */ //Server Configuration $host = "en.wikipedia.org"; $port = 80; $path = "/wiki/"; //Plugin Configuration $use_cache = true; $cache_life = 10080; $edit_link = false; $retrieved_link = false; $copy_left = "<div class=\"gfdl\">&copy; This material from <a href=\"Wikipediahttp://en.wikipedia.org\">Wikipedia</a> is licensed under the <a href=\"GFDL.http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html\">GFDL</a>.</div>"; if( !function_exists(cache_recall) || !function_exists(cache_store) ) {         // caching function not available         $use_cache = false; } function cleanUp( $article ) {     global $edit_link,$retrieved_link,$copy_left;     $article = str_replace("\n","",$article);     if(preg_match("/^.*(\<\!\-\- start content \-\-\>.*\<\!\-\- end content \-\-\>).*$/i",$article,$match)!=0) $article = $match[1];     $article = preg_replace("#\<\!\-\-.*\-\-\>#imseU","",$article);     $article = preg_replace("#\[\!\&\#.*\]#imseU","",$article);     if(!$retrieved_link) $article = preg_replace("#\<div\sclass=\"printfooter\".*\<\/div\>#imseU","",$article);     if(!$edit_link) $article = preg_replace("#\s*\<div\s*class=\"editsection\".*\<\/div\>\s*#imseU","",$article);     $article = str_replace("/w/","http://en.wikipedia.org/w/",$article);     $article = str_replace("/wiki/","http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/",$article);     $article = str_replace("/skins-1.5/","http://en.wikipedia.org/skins-1.5/",$article);     $article = "<div class=\"wiki\">".$article.$copy_left."</div>";     return $article; } function getArticle( $title ) {     global $host,$port,$path,$use_cache,$cache_life;     if($use_cache) {         $function_string = "getArticle(".$title.")";         if($article = cache_recall($function_string,$cache_life)) return $article;     }     $out = "GET $path$title HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $host\r\nUser-Agent: GetWiki for WordPress\r\n\r\n";     $fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30);     fwrite($fp, $out);     $article = "";     while (!feof($fp)) {         $article .= fgets($fp, 128);     }     if(substr($article,0,12)=="HTTP/1.0 301")     {         if(preg_match("/^.*Location\:\s(\S*).*$/im",$article,$match)!=0) {             $article = str_replace("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/","",$match[1]);             $article = getArticle( $article );         } else {             $article = "== WIKI Error ==";         }     }     fclose($fp);         $article = cleanUp($article);     if($use_cache) cache_store($function_string,$article);     return $article; } function wikify( $text ) {     $text = preg_replace(         "#\~GetWIKI\((\S*)\)\~#imseU",         "getArticle('$1')",         $text     );     return $text; } function wiki_css() {     echo "     <style type='text/css'>     div.wiki {         border: 1px dashed silver;         background-color: #f0f0f0;     }     div.gfdl {         font-size: 80%;     }     </style>     "; } //echo wikify("~GetWIKI(user:Sajin)~"); add_action('wp_head', 'wiki_css'); add_filter('the_content', 'wikify', 2); add_filter('the_excerpt', 'wikify', 2); ?>
  21. Hi I have this simple plugin for Wordpress that fetches content from Wikipedia: http://dev.wp-plugins.org/wiki/GetWIKI My question is how can I remove specific content from the extracted content? Such as the wiki navigation, external links, etc? I am guessing it can be done with some sort of string replace but I cant figure it out……any of you PHP gurus help with this?
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