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Everything posted by Short-URL

  1. What about now? I have also added an admin panel, any suggestions, feedback on that would be grateful.
  2. Hello, I have tried using the above, but it still lets me signup with a dot or a slash.
  3. Still nothing.. if (strpos($shorturl,array("//","."))[color=red][b])[/b][/color] { you missed a bracket off the end.. so I added it on but it still doesnt work.
  4. thorpe, that code doesnt seem to work. It seems to bypass it..
  5. Okay, I have my website http://www.small-url.com But I cant seem to figre out stopping someone signing up as there shorturl with a slash or a dot, becuase that causes errors Any ideas?
  6. I see what the problem is. What do mean by the graphical appeal being poor?
  7. Any feedback, or ideas towards my new site would be grateful. http://www.small-url.com
  8. Hello, I am trying to create a php file, and add some php coding to that file, using another php file. Heres the code that I am using: [code] $add = "<?php $handle3 = fopen(\"$short/status.php\", \"w\"); fputs($handle3, \"Ip Adress here\"); fclose($handle3); header(\"Location: http://$long\"); ?>"; mkdir("/home/smallurl/public_html/$short", 0777); $handle = fopen("$short/index.php", "w"); fputs($handle, "$add");  fclose($handle);  $handle2 = fopen("$short/status.php", "w"); fputs($handle2, "");  fclose($handle2); [/code] The code that is in the var $add, is the bit added to the file. But when added to the file it comes out as this: [code]<?php  = fopen("plugworld/status.php", "w"); fputs(, "Ip Adress here"); fclose(); header("Location: http://www.plug-world.net"); ?>[/code] The Vars are no longer there. Can anyone help? Cheers.
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