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Everything posted by T.Stedel

  1. I don't think that uses google. I think he's a friend of the owners of those sites and they let the searcher access the database. Am I wrong?
  2. Does any of the stuff have things similar to closing a tag, double quotes, or single quotes? I believe I had the same problem when I was creating a php similarily (messageboard for work) and it was because I wasn't properly escaping the text. addslashes(string) htmlentities(string) htmlspecialchars(string) striptags(string) * I think
  3. Can you elaborate more? If your question is as simple as I think, then knowing that \ will force anything directly after it to be interpretted literally in a database will probably help you out (Except for predefined escape sequences). INSERT INTO table VALUES('This is a \" test'); Inserts: This is a " test Edit: Looking at your post a little bit, I might understand your problem better. UPDATE table SET column = replace(column, '\"', 'feet'); Does that sound plausible?
  4. I don't know if you still need help, but the backslash \ is the escape character, not the forward slash. "<\/TR>"
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