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Everything posted by lounger

  1. i dont think you understand what i am saying i only need the script to send 1 pic at a time, but will it be able to send each pic on every page by picking up the image url or do i need to manually enter the image url myself for each pic?
  2. you mean i have to send all the images at once?
  3. hi redarrow i have this on my server and your right it works i get the google image but i need it to send a pic from my gallery section which has around 300 images in it how do i get it to do this for each image?
  4. hi redarrow i tried the code but it leaves my gallery page blank? is there not a way i can just adapt the send page to friends script that i have posted in pastebin as i already have this script on my website and it works great except for sendind the wrong url?
  5. hi andy did you get a chance to look at the code yet?
  6. mort how much would it cost for you to do an index page like that one on face4 u ??
  7. redarrow are you suggesting that this code can replace my email code and it will send the image url instead of the browser url?
  8. ok redarrow i will study this, andy did you get the code from pastebin?
  9. sorry if im doing you head in with this one andi i appreciate your help, thankyou here is the email script- http://pastebin.com/782934 here is the full page of the gallery php the bit that refers to the variable name is $IMAGE2 http://pastebin.com/782943
  10. no that did not work either andy once the message is sent i now get this responce- image location = and the message does not reach my email add, does this message mean its searching for the image location? thanks in advance andy. :)
  11. still going mad with this  ???so near yet so far any suggetion?? andy? :-\
  12. maybe this $ilocation is not the correct variable after all ...can any one think of anything?
  13. andy i have got the script working again by also changing- $ref=@$HTTP_REFERER to $ilocation=@$HTTP_REFERER but now again the url in the browser is being sent and i have full access to tamper with the account that sent the link?? What am i doing wrong?
  14. for the record this used to read- $ref=@$HTTP_REFERER; /////Message at the top of the page showing the url//// $header_message = "Hi $f_name \n Your friend $y_name requested you to visit the page at \n $ref \n"; /// Body message prepared with the message entered by the user //// $body_message =$header_message."\n".$y_msg."\n"; $body_message .="\n Get your FREE 25MB email address by visiting http://www..com";
  15. hi andy i changed it to- $ref=@$HTTP_REFERER; /////Message at the top of the page showing the url//// $header_message = "Hi $f_name \n Your friend $y_name requested you to visit the page at $ilocation"; /// Body message prepared with the message entered by the user //// $body_message =$header_message."\n".$y_msg."\n"; but now there is not a link at all being sent in this email?[
  16. or can it go in this bit [quote author=lounger link=topic=106569.msg426630#msg426630 date=1157218665] the rest of the code is here http://pastebin.com/782116 [/quote]
  17. hi andy now i need to add this in to my send page to friend script below where will it need to go exactly? [quote author=lounger link=topic=106569.msg426625#msg426625 date=1157218279] sorry redarrow heres the mail code thanks in advance - <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//en"> <html> <head> <title>(.com)</title> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Arachnophilia 4.0"> <meta name="FORMATTER" content="Arachnophilia 4.0"> </head> <body bgcolor="#330000" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#800080" alink="#ff0000"> <a href="http://www..com" target="_blank" ><BR><center><img src="http://.com/images/emailpagefriend.jpg" width="800" height="104" border="0" /></a> <BR> <BR> <b> <? $status = "OK"; $msg=""; if (!stristr($y_email,"@") OR !stristr($y_email,".")) { // checking your email $msg .="Your email address is not correct<BR>"; $status= "NOTOK";} if (strlen($y_name) <2 ) { // checking your name $msg .="Please enter your name<BR>"; $status= "NOTOK";} if (!stristr($f_email,"@") OR !stristr($f_email,".")) { // checking friends email $msg .="Your Friends address is not correct<BR>"; $status= "NOTOK";} if (strlen($f_name) <2 ) { // checking freinds name $msg .="Please enter your friend's name<BR>"; $status= "NOTOK";} if (strlen($y_msg) <2 ) { // checking Message details $msg .="Please enter your message details<BR>"; $status= "NOTOK";} [/quote]
  18. this might be useful too- if ($NUM7 == '2') // TEXT MODE { $IMAGE .= '<td style="text-align:left;vertical-align;middle;" onmouseover="this.className=\'border14\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'\';"> '."\n"; $IMAGE .= '<table style="width:100%;"><tr><td style="width:60%;font-size:8pt;" class="color">'."\n"; if (is_int($i / 2)) { if ($i != $TOTALG) { $newtr = 'class="border13"'; } else { $newtr = ''; } } else { $newtr = ''; } if ($b['text'] == '') $b['text'] = "Untitled"; if ($b['gcatagory'] == '') $b['gcatagory'] = "All"; $IMAGE .= ''.$i.'. '.$IMAGELINK .''.$b['text'].'</a> '.$LANG['181'].' '.ulink($b['user']).' '."\n"; $IMAGE .= '</td><td style="width:20%;font-size:8pt;" class="color"> '.ucfirst($b['gcatagory']).' </td>'."\n"; $IMAGE .= '<td style="width:20%;font-size:8pt;" class="color"> '.date("M d, Y",$b['time']).' </td>'."\n"; $IMAGE .= '</tr></table>'."\n"; $IMAGE .= '</td></tr><tr '.$newtr.'>'."\n"; } elseif ($NUM7 == '3') // INFOPIC MODE { $IMAGE .= '<td style="text-align:left;vertical-align;middle;">'."\n"; $IMAGE .= '<table style="width:100%;"><tr><td style="width:30%;text-align:center;">'."\n"; if (is_int($i / 2)) { if ($i != $TOTALG) { $newtr = 'class="border13"'; } else { $newtr = ''; } } else { $newtr = ''; } $IMAGE .= $IMAGE2; if ($b['text'] == '') $b['text'] = "Untitled"; if ($b['gcatagory'] == '') $b['gcatagory'] = "All"; $IMAGE .= '</td><td style="width:70%;vertical-align:top;font-size:8pt;" class="color"> asd'."\n"; $newwidth = ""; $newheight = ""; $IMAGE .= '<b>'.$LANG['172'].'</b>: '.ulink($b['user']).' <br />'."\n"; $IMAGE .= '<div style="padding-top:4px;"><b>'.$LANG[183].'</b>: '.$b['text'].' </div>'."\n"; $IMAGE .= '<div style="padding-top:4px;"><b>'.$LANG['173'].'</b>: '.$b['view'].' </div>'."\n"; $IMAGE .= '<div style="padding-top:4px;"><b>'.$LANG['175'].'</b>: '.$b['comment'].' </div>'."\n"; if (file_exists("".$VAR[5]."/".$img2."")) { list($newwidth, $newheight) = @getimagesize("".$VAR[5]."/".$img2.""); $IMAGE .= '<div style="padding-top:4px;"><b>'.$LANG['182'].'</b>: '.$newwidth.'x'.$newheight.' </div>'."\n"; $IMAGE .= '<div style="padding-top:4px;"><b>'.$LANG['184'].'</b>: '.newsize(filesize("".$VAR[5]."/".$img2."")).' </div>'."\n"; } $IMAGE .= '<div style="padding-top:4px;"><b>'.$LANG['185'].'</b>: <div style="padding:4px;"><input type="text" size="70" name="url" value="'.$ilocation.'" /></div></div>'."\n"; $IMAGE .= '</td></tr></table>'."\n"; $IMAGE .= '</td></tr><tr '.$newtr.'>'."\n"; } else // MAIN GALLERY MODE { $IMAGE .= '<td style="text-align:center;vertical-align;middle;"> '."\n"; $IMAGE .= '<table style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><tr><td style="font-size:8pt;" class="color">'."\n"; $IMAGE .= $IMAGE2; if (member_types2($VAR[4]) == '0') { $IMAGE .= '<div>[ <a href="'.$VAR[0].'/admin/?action='.base64_encode('delete_image').'&amp;id='.base64_encode($b['id']).'">Delete</a> ] '; if ($b['feature'] == '1') { $IMAGE .= '[ <a href="'.$VAR[0].'/admin/?action='.base64_encode('remove_feature_image').'&amp;id='.base64_encode($b['id']).'&amp;return='.base64_encode($VAR[3]).'">Remove Feature</a> ]'; } else { $IMAGE .= '[ <a href="'.$VAR[0].'/admin/?action='.base64_encode('feature_image').'&amp;id='.base64_encode($b['id']).'&amp;return='.base64_encode($VAR[3]).'">Feature</a> ]'; } $IMAGE .= '</div>'; } $IMAGE .= "</td>\n</tr>\n</table></td>\n".$tr."\n"; } // END IMAGE MODE
  19. hi andy the code for the variable is located in the gallery.php and here it is what do i need to do next with it?? *############################## START IMAGE CLASS ##############################*/ $IMAGE2 = '<table style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><tr><td>'."\n"; if ($b['rating'] >= '9.00') { $IMAGE2 .= '<div class="pics2">'."\n"; $IMAGE2 .= '<div class="pics1">'.$LANG['116'].'</div>'."\n"; $IMAGE2 .= '</div>'."\n"; } elseif (checkdiff($b['time'],time(),"") == '17') { $IMAGE2 .= '<div class="pics2">'."\n"; $IMAGE2 .= '<div class="pics1">'.$LANG['117'].'</div>'."\n"; $IMAGE2 .= '</div>'."\n"; } $IMAGE2 .= "<div class=\"wrap1\">\n<div class=\"wrap2\">\n<div class=\"wrap3\">\n ".$IMAGELINK."\n"; $extra = $VAR[0]."/".$img2; if (file_exists("".$VAR[5]."/".$img."")) { $IMAGE2 .= setIMAGE("".$VAR[0]."/$img",1,$extra,$b['width'],$b['height'],$b['id'],$newsize,$minussize); } else { if (file_exists("".$VAR[5]."/".$img2."")) { $IMAGE2 .= setIMAGE("".$VAR[0]."/$img2",1,$extra,$b['width'],$b['height'],$b['id'],$newsize,$minussize); } else { $IMAGE2 .= '<img src="'.$VAR[0].'/images/noimage.jpg" alt="" width="120" height="90" />'; } } $IMAGE2 .= "</a>\n</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n"; /*############################## END IMAGE CLASS ##############################*/
  20. i thought the image.php had the code that i needed to add to my email page script??
  21. everyones ghone silent... any clues before i explode??
  22. andy b can you think of anything that i should do here?
  23. hi im stuck any clues please?? i know im close to finishing this now.
  24. hi not sure if this is the bit i need??- if ( !empty($_GET['gallery']) )   {       $sub_source = ('gallery/'.$VAR[17].''. base64_decode( $_GET['gallery'] ) .'.jpg');   }
  25. andy here is the image.php code any ideas as to what i need?? if ( !defined('SECTION_MODE') ) { define("PHPFOX_RUNTIME",TRUE); define("PHPFOX_DIR",""); define("PHPFOX_SCRIPT","image"); if (!@include_once("phpfox_loader.php")) { die("<b>Fatal Error:</b> Cant Load phpfox_loader.php"); } if (@$GLOBALS['phpfox_config']['error_reporting']) { error_reporting(0); } } switch( $PHPFOX_SUB ) { case 'image_verify': ob_start(); $image = imagecreate(60, 30); $bgColor = imagecolorallocate ($image, 255, 255, 255); $textColor = imagecolorallocate ($image, 0, 0, 0); imagestring ($image, 5, 5, 8,  $PHPFOX_ID, $textColor); header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache");    header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); imagegif($image); imagedestroy($image); ob_end_flush(); break; default: if ( !empty($_GET['user']) ) { $sub_source = ('member/i/p/'.$VAR[29].''. $_GET['user'] .'.jpg'); } if ( !empty($_GET['gallery']) ) { $sub_source = ('gallery/'.$VAR[17].''. base64_decode( $_GET['gallery'] ) .'.jpg'); } if ( !empty($_GET['groups']) ) { $sub_source = (''.$VAR[30].''. $_GET['groups'] .'.jpg'); } $extra = ""; if ( !empty($phpfox_config['gd_watermark_image']) && !empty($phpfox_config['gd_watermark']) ) { $total = ($_GET['w']+$_GET['h']); if ( $total > 300 ) { $extra .= "&fltr[]=wmi|". $VAR[5] ."/". $phpfox_config['gd_watermark_image_location'] ."|BL|"; } } else { if ( !empty($phpfox_config['gd_watermark']) ) { $total = ($_GET['w']+$_GET['h']); $fontsize = false; if ( $total >= 500 ) { $fontsize = 4; } if ( $fontsize ) { $extra .= '&fltr[]=wmt|'. $phpfox_config['gd_watermark_text'] .'|'. $fontsize .'|BL|'. $phpfox_config['gd_watermark_color'] .'|'; } } } header('Location: '. $VAR[0] .'/thumb/index.php?src='. base64_encode( ''. $VAR[5] .'/'. $sub_source .'' ) .'&w='. $_GET['w'] .'&h='. $_GET['h'] .'&q='. $phpfox_config['upload_set_quality'] .''. $extra .''); exit; break;
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