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Everything posted by pedroas

  1. Well, there are a lot of things that could get wrong: 1) First, when we use fopen with binary files we should do this way $handle = fopen("file", "rb");  or $handle = fopen("file", "wb");  to make sure file will be treated like a binary file, else it will be treated like a text file where it could do text transformations on line terminators; 2) What is the type of audio field in MySQL? Pedro A. S
  2. Well, at a first sight you could put sox.exe in any directory, I suggest C:\WINDOWS (XP) or C:\WINNT (NT or 2000), but check before in PHP.INI wheater you're using safe_mode=true or 1, this directory should be inside safe_mode_exec_dir. Don't forget to call shell_exec with full pathname like shell_exec("c:/windows/sox $file1 $file2 $finalfile");
  3. I've never tried this, but there is a little program SoX at http://sox.sourceforge.net/ that you can use to concat sound fils .... you fetch first audio then write to a file $file1 = "/tmp/audio1.wma";  // maybe is better generate a random name for the file $descriptor = fopen ($file1, "w");  fwrite($descriptor,$audio); fclose($descriptor); .... you fetch second audio then write to another file $file2 = "/tmp/audio2.wma"; $descriptor2 = fopen ($file2, "w"); fwrite($descriptor2,$audio); fclose($descriptor2); .... then you concat audio files with sox $finalfile = "/tmp/final.wma"; $cmd = "sox $file1 $file2 $finalfile"; shell_exec($cmd); ... erase temporary files unlink($file1); unlink($file2); ... the last task is to open final.wma, read and return to client $descriptor3 = fopen($finalfile,"r"); $audio = fread ($descriptor3, filesize ($finalfile)); fclose($descriptor3) echo $audio A better solution would be put $finalfile in a directory under your document root in webserver and redirect header to it.
  4. Yes, I've tried var_dump($_REQUEST) and the first input field is not there. Just one thing I've missed to tell: the special chars goes in textarea. Sample text Obs. 10/08 CONTATO COM SR. FIRMINO – MANIFESTAÇÃO AO SETOR.
  5. Hi folks... I have a page with a form like this [code] <pre> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Page Title</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" /> </title> <body>    <form name="frm155" action="nextpage.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">     <label for="id1">Name</label><input type="text" id="id1" name="si_name" value="" />     <label for="id2">Telephone</label><input type="text" id="id2" name="si_phone" value="" />     <label for="id3">Date</label><input type="text" id="id3" name="si_fone" value="" />     <label for="id4">Message</label><textarea id="id4" name="si_message" rows="5" cols="80"></textarea>     <!-- possibly I could have some file upload -->    <input type="submit" />    </form> </body> </pre> [/code] It works fine except when some users cut and paste from MS-Word, or any other aplication with some special caracter like a bullet or a dash. In nextpage.php in $_REQUEST I get all variables but without 'si_name'. Always the first variable disapears. This only happens in IE, in FF it's ok. I'm using IE 6 in Windows, Apache 2.2 e php 4.4.2 in a Linux environment. tks in advance.. Pedro A.
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