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Everything posted by xxhopeful

  1. You can also do it with two different colored tables.
  2. I am currently working on creating a script that will allow people to pick a certain hex code, and an image will appear that is the color they selected. I believe you need to use some GD for this, I may be wrong but thats why I'm here! Heres an example of my script: $base = @imagecreate(397, 500); $background_color = imagecolorallocate($base, 250, 255, 255); $body = imagecreatefromgif('images/base.gif'); imagecolortransparent($body); imagecopymerge ($base, $body, '0', '0', '0', '0', '397', '500', '100'); imagedestroy($body); $part1 = imagecreatefromgif('images/partone.gif'); imagecolortransparent($part1); imagecopymerge ($base, $part1, '0', '0', '0', '0', '397', '500', '100'); imagedestroy($part1); imagegif($base,'images/test.gif'); imagedestroy($base); This all works fine, I just don't know how to code it so the $body image would be able to turn black or gray and then the $part1 image could turn green or purple (just examples). Any suggestions? I tried looking through tutorials but nothing helped. Thanks!
  3. i got it, thanks for the help Barand!
  4. this is the current script i have, but all it does is add ONE of the horses scores together..not all of the horses scores: [code] $querryss=mysql_query("SELECT talent,conformation,strength,agility,conformation,endurance,intelligence,speed,trainedin,gender,name,hid from horses where drivingteam='$drivingteamid'")or die(mysql_error());       $numss=mysql_num_rows($querryss); if($numss == "0"){ print "No horses on this team."; exit; }       for($i=0; $i<$numss; $i++){                 $hrowedd=mysql_fetch_array($querryss); $teamscore=$hrowedd[talent]+$hrowedd[conformation]+$hrowedd[strength]+$hrowedd[agility]+$hrowedd[endurance]+$hrowedd[intelligence]+$hrowedd[speed]+$hrowedd[talent]+$hrowedd[conformation]+$hrowedd[strength]+$hrowedd[agility]+$hrowedd[endurance]+$hrowedd[intelligence]+$hrowedd[speed]; }[/code]
  5. i've been working on an equine sim game, and i'm trying to create a script that will pull the horses from the database that are on a certain team. then it will take the statistic (also from the database) and add all their statistic together to make one total score. i am unsure about how to create the script so it adds each individual horses score together, as right now i can only get it to add one of their scores. let me know if you have any ideas! thanks!
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