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Everything posted by mebil

  1. Hello everyone. I have a what should be a simple question. Building a simple \"Known Issues\" for the office. I want to add current date in a tables shown below. Would this be a php job, forms, or can mysql do it? Also how to do it would be great. CREATE TABLE issue_name ( idissue_name INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name Varchar(45) NULL, date DATETIME NULL, added_by Varchar(45) NULL, PRIMARY KEY(idissue_name) ); CREATE TABLE description ( iddescription INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, issue_name_idissue_name INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, description Varchar(255) NULL, update_time DATETIME NULL, PRIMARY KEY(iddescription, issue_name_idissue_name), INDEX description_FKIndex1(issue_name_idissue_name), FOREIGN KEY(issue_name_idissue_name) REFERENCES issue_name(idissue_name) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION );
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