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Everything posted by google_man2000

  1. thank you """ this time .......... now  can  i call  with  any server  from  it  on  port 53  and  80 (http1.1)   i want send  masseg to the ? " do you know ip of this  site :google .com " 1- how  sed  this massege ? ------------------------   2- root server : i have ip address of (13)  root server  A to M  but  i want know .com  ip  &  .net  ip  &  .org  ip ------------------------------------------ 3- same time  open  sites but  to get ip address like as :" tips.ebook.com " A- call  .com  ip  and  get ebook server  ip  but  what about "tips"  ? now tips  is server  or name of pc  or network  name the end  .................  i'am sorry  i not very good in english  i'am trry to speak  english thank you what ????
  2. thank you """ this time .......... now  can  i call  with  any server  from  it  on  port 53  and  80 (http1.1)   i want send  masseg to the ? " do you know ip of this  site :google .com " 1- how  sed  this massege ? ------------------------   2- root server : i have ip address of (13)  root server  A to M  but  i want know .com  ip  &  .net  ip  &  .org  ip ------------------------------------------ 3- same time  open  sites but  tips.ebook.com to get ip address  of  this site : A- call  .com  ip  and  get ebook server  ip but  what about tips  ? now tips  is server  or name of pc  or net work  name the end  .................  i'am sorry  i not very good in english  i'am trry to speak  english thank you
  3. i dont tallk about  use  any tools "  i want write programme  like as ( internet explorer in windwos xp) when user write : www.phpfreaks.com/forum/ take this site name sed to ROOT DNS Server to get  it's ip address www.phpfreaks.com/forum ------->>DNS server ----->> ip address how i do it but  i haven't use  any tools  or soft  i want write programme thanks
  4. no  i  want creat programme  can get ip  of  any web site as INTERNET EXPLORER when  user write www.google.com.eg  my programme  get :  google ip like as ==>> 10 .22.22.3  and  i call the  ip and tank you for reply
  5. thank you oldmanice  for reply but  i tallk about DNS server  not DOMINE  i want  tell Root DNS Server :  .com  --  .org  -- .net  what about  DNS server when  i have get  ip  of web site  how  i use DNS in this time ?
  6. how i use ROOT DNS server ? can any one help me  can  i  send massege  to root DNS  server and  what is header of DNS ? i have alot of info about DNS server?
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