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Everything posted by kobel4k3r5

  1. How would I go and install True/FreeType and GD on my PHP server? I have root access and I have been trying for months but can't find a documentation on it. I want these libraries so I can create dynamic images. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  2. How would I go to make a directory login? Let's say I am making an admin panel at http://www.mysite.com/adminpanel Instead of having each file check for sessions, is it possible to make that entire directory to check for session before displaying the page regardless of what page they are trying to access if that page is in the /adminpanel directory.
  3. I got this to work. I changed the upload dir since it didn't exist.
  4. file_uploads is on uplodate_tmp_dir = /var/www/tmp max file size is 2MB and I'm uploading about only 10kb file. any idea why it is not uploading? I can't find it in my webiste.com/tmp folder.
  5. Well, yea. I'm just using is_uploaded_file() to check if the file has been uploaded to the temp dir first but it always fail to do so it. If i use move_uploaded_file(), it would return true since the file is not uploaded into the temp folder yet to even move the file to any location.
  6. hi, im trying to make a file upload script but it doesn't seem to be work. here's what i got. The test messages is only outputting a failed one. ----------------------------------------- [u]php.ini setup[/u] upload_tmp_dir = /var/www/tmp ----------------------------------------- [u]upload form[/u]     <form method="post" action="upload.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">     <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="30000" />     Choose: <input type="file" name="userfile" />     <input type="submit" value="Upload" />     </form> ----------------------------------------- [u]upload.php[/u] [code=php:0] <? $file_name=$_FILES['userfile']['name']; $temp_name=$_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']; if(is_uploaded_file($temp_name)) {   echo "tmp uploaded"; //testing msg } else { echo "tmp not uploaded"; } //test msg ?> [/code]
  7. Why don't you try checking your MySQL servers to see if more space is needed?
  8. Anyone have some basic guidelines on how to make a dynamic image? Say for example: A sig banner that captures content from websites or an image that captures variables that are sent to it (image.php?var=value for example).
  9. how would i go making a friends list? i have somewhat of a way in mind but I'm not sure if this way will be efficient. it would use each row as a user, and each row will have lots of columns and some of the columns will be buddyid1, id2, etc..
  10. Does register_globals catches $_POSTS? example: i have a login form username: [            ] password: [            ] [submit] [reset] and the user and pass is sent as $_POST['username'] and $_POST['password']. would users be able to login by just submitting those values within the URL?
  11. Hi, I'm new here but anyways, I need some help. I'm not sure how register_globals work exactly. If I'm correct, when register_globals is on, passing a variable in the URL will default it to that example: http://www.mywebsite.com/?id=4 will make the $id set to 4. But does can users input $_POST variables or $_SESSION variables through the URL also? Because I have a website that is like http://www.mywebsite.com/profile.php?id=65 and changing the id to another number goes to their profile.php page, and if they would do the same just for the login page, would $_POST datas be catched? like... http://www.mywebsite.com/login.php?username=billy&password=bob
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