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Everything posted by Jayenkai

  1. oopsy, messed up sticking an actual {code}  in my post!  Aw well..  I'll edit it in a jiffy. Thanks for your comment, it helped immensly. I'll go and do that, now.
  2. [code]Note : I tried to search, but you try searching for "BBCode Code"..  It really doesn't work!! ;) I pretty much managed to get the rest of my BBCode working, but when a user posts some code into a code box, the BBCode messes up the code box. I managed, via the preg_match('{code}',),  split, etc, routine to deal with all the code boxes last, and remove <br>'s and things like that, but what I can't figure out, is how to NOT deal with the code boxes, when doing everything else. If anyone has a quicky illustration as to how to start with $txt, split out the code, deal with the Not code area, then shove it all back together, in the right order*, then I'd love the help.  Thanks.. * I had to specify that, since when I tried one method, it ended up dumping all the code boxes at the bottom of the posts![/code]
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