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Everything posted by lucerias

  1. May i know is there any GUI tool for oracle that we can use to create table and manage data, i mean like the GUI tool for mysql? Thank you.
  2. Yes, that is exactly what i want, thank you.
  3. <td width="20%" class="dataLabel">Security:</td> <td width="30%"><input name='security' type="text" tabindex='21' size='20' maxlength='50' value="{SECURITY}"></td> May i know how to add $ sign beside the Security text box? Thank you.
  4. May i know the SQL statement of outer join, can you guys provide any sample. Thank you.
  5. May i know the rough working principle of modal windows? Thank you.
  6. May i know the working principle of Frame? Thank you.
  7. Must I use include, is there any other way which the change can be made to all .php page, i mean once the value is changed, wherever the page i am in and call it, it will show the up to date value.
  8. Can you explain in detail or show some sample coding.
  9. That is not what i want, i am not asking how to get the data but want to change the data.
  10. I have one form which includes textbox and drop down list, i want to enforce a flow for data input, for example, user must fill in something in textbox1 first then only drop down list 1 will be available, and when the drop down list 1 become available, there will be some content assigned accordingly, for example, textbox1: 10 drop down list: a, b, c, d textbox1: 20 drop down list: a, c, h May i know how to do it, thank you.
  11. I have one html form and once i press save the button of the form, the information will be stored into the database, but now i include one function into one of the .php file and i need this function to change some of the data value and then only insert into database. but how to assign the new data value, can i code like this $_REQUEST["id"]=$new_id_value;
  12. I have one array like the following in x.php, how to pass the the array to y.php and change the "name" of the array. And later i want to insert the array with updated name into database. The name i want to change must be updated permanently but not in y.php only so then the data can be inserted accurately var $column_fields = Array ("id", "name", "monthly_sales", "gp_margin", "date_entered", "date_modified")
  13. Those all are linked with html form text box, i once tried to enter value for them accordingly but still failed. Thank you
  14. I tried to insert the the record into database but i dont know where went wrong, i have been looking through the code for many times but can't find the error. Please take note that field can be null in the database. Thank you. Query Failed:INSERT into freights set id='107f5004-4b8a-b480-5ed7-455acab5b50c', name='Freight Analysis', date_entered='20061115160537', date_modified='20061115160537', modified_user_id='f29bcbdf-6f4e-5979-8867-44f3a332b364', assigned_user_id='f29bcbdf-6f4e-5979-8867-44f3a332b364', date_implemented='', date_reported='2006', parent_type='Accounts', parent_id='', parent_name='', from='Singapore', to='', weight='', inco_term='FOB', forwarder='', rate='', security='', fuel='', other='', misc='', local_handling='', currency='US Dollar', total=''::MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'from='Singapore', to='', weight='', inco_term='FOB', forwarder=
  15. I have the following table, how to assign the rate, misc and other value to parameter, $rate, $misc, $other from database table after i do query like if weight < certain kg? Thank you. rate:0.90 misc: 1.00 other: 2.00 weight: X kg
  16. I understand what you want to say, but you call a function belongs to its class, this is typical OO working principle and my question is how come the existing code i saw calls a function not belong to its class but under a different .php file. Thank you.
  17. Below is the sample code of .php file, firstly, $CustomerClass is defined as a class called Customer, which is defined in Customer.php and then for $CustomerClass->Save(), i don't understand because Save() is a function inside Save.php file but not a function under Customer class, why we can define like that and what is the meaning of that? Thank you. require_once('include/Customer.php'); require_once('include/Save.php');  $CustomerClass = New Customer(); $CustomerClass->Save();
  18. I have one problem, inside the Customer.php, it contains plenty of functions under one class called Customer but when i create a customer in customereditview.php, the customereditview.html consist of form action=index.php, and the button onclick="this.form.action.value='Save'" type="submit". Customereditview is a page where user key in customer information and press save to create an account. I go and check the index.php, it has the following code switch($currentModule) { case 'Customer': require_once("modules/$currentModule/Customer.php"); $focus = new Customer(); break; case 'Account': require_once("modules/$currentModule/Account.php"); $focus = new Account(); break; case 'Others': require_once("modules/$currentModule/Other.php"); $focus = new Other(); break; } Each Customer, Account and Other.php contains its own class, which is same name as its .php, the problem is when i click the save button, it calls up the index and load through the case statement, but it doesn't mention which function inside the class to be used and how can the save database transaction can be completed accurately? What have i overlooked? Thank you.
  19. brendandonhue, I understand the examples but still can't see the great differences between cookies and non cookies method, because the cookies examples you provided seems similar to the first method.
  20. The example that i has seen only involves .php and .html form and how does $_REQUEST help in that? Is there any connection between .html form parameter and $_REQUEST coded in .php? Thank you
  21. For example, if i link from x.php to y.php and then link from y.php to z.php, will the $_REQUEST include all the things that passed from x.php to y.php and to z.php? Thank you.
  22. Sorry, i may ask something which you have already answered me, but i just can't get the whole picture yet. I use var_dump ($_REQUEST) and then run the .php, it shows up the content of the array. I am curious i never defined what to be included and how come the content is there already? Thank you.
  23. The idea below is when the user key in the customer information, and it will save into the database, but i can't understand how the save transaction can be done. From what i know, this.form.action.value='Save' is used to save the form information but it doesn't specify where to save, and i have check the verify function, it has no relationship with database transaction. Can you guys help me to identify the reason why save can trigger database transaction? Thank you. [code]<form name="Customer" method="POST" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" action="customer.php"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td><input title="SAVE_BUTTON_TITLE}" accessKey="{SAVE_BUTTON_KEY}" class="button" onclick="this.form.action.value='Save'; return verify(Customer)" type="submit" name="button" value="  {SAVE_BUTTON_LABEL}  " ></td> </tr> </table> [/code]
  24. Then what does the following code mean? Thank you if(isset($_REQUEST['customer_name'])) $xtpl->assign("CUSTOMER_NAME", $_REQUEST['customer_name']);
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