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Everything posted by elis
No, where the server is physically located as a different time zone than you. Try this: $hourplus = "4"; $adjusteddate = date("l, d F Y h:i a",time() + ($hourplus * 3600)); print ("$adjusteddate");
I want a script to run and only pull data that was updated in the last seven days based on the date attached to the field. Here's my script so far $query="select *,DATE_FORMAT(date, '%M %d, %Y') AS updated from member_entries where validated > 0"; $showresult = mysql_query($query) if(!$showresult) { usererror();} I don't know how to pull data that was updated within the last seven days based on $query[updated] field. I tried using MKtime() but that seems as if it's based on today and I want it to based on the last designated pull day (ie last Sunday) so that it's not reupdating each day and only once a week. Would this work better as a cron?
Oh, okay. Thank you, my mistake.
That's weird. I found it by mistake here: http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-real-escape-string.php In the user comments several people mentioned the function but like you said, it seems like doesn't exist. Here's a sample code somebody posted <?php function sanitize($input){ if(is_array($input)){ foreach($input as $k=>$i){ $output[$k]=sanitize($i); } I'm still learning PHP so the chances that I misunderstood this is extremely high.
Could somebody please explain the sanitize(); function and whether it's wise to use it in adjacent to $valude = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags(trim($_POST['value']))); in regards to security? I've tried searching for the function on PHP.net and through Google but came up short.
I have something similar on my site. It updates the "lastloggin" field of the member's table to show the date he/she last logged in. $updatelastloggin = mysql_query("UPDATE usr_members SET lastloggin = now() WHERE userid = '$password[userid]' LIMIT 1"); This is set under the login code. I suppose, if you set a similar function where the user also logs out and then perform a simple math equation on the two, you should receive the total time the user has been logged in.
Okay, thank you. I'll add the bottom code in for radio boxes and so fourth. So the top code should suffice for all the $_post[value]?
Also, should this be done with all form fields, even if they're dropdown or radio?
I have a fairly quick question. I'm still working learning PHP security features and though I've visited several of websites about the issue. However, I'm still slightly confused. My question is this, if I use: $value = trim(htmlentities(strip_tags(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['value'])))); Is this correct? If not could you please point me in the right direction.
You will need to set specific article ID's or some sort of tag that identifies a particular article. You can then set the comment script to pull comments relating to the appropriate article tag or id. Edited: Since you're new to coding, you should take a look at this script http://www.daydreamgraphics.com/d/tutorial/list/235/2: It seems similar to what you're looking for and only small modifications are likely to be needed.
If I'm understanding you correctly, after a form is submitted you want another process with the same data started? You can easily do this. I don't know your exact coding, so I'm running on a whim here but try: if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {include("includes/emailcode.php");} else { finish form code
I figured it out, it was a matter of correctly rearranging the positioning of the coding like, I originally thought. Some tweaking and head-banging on my keyboard straightened it. Thank you for your help.
Does anyone have any suggestions, please?
I've tried that but in order to do that I'd prefer the WHERE clause to be based on the auto_increment id, which for someone reason I'm having trouble grabbing. If I use another WHERE element, then I run the risk of updating multiple tables, if for some reason somebody decides to submit the form more than one time with the exact same information.
I'm not even sure if this is achievable but I'll try to explain what I want done: In the below code snippet: else { $send = "INSERT INTO advt_apps (appid,name,website,pay_email,pay_emailconf,email,emailconf,banner_image,text_link,comments,ad_length,ad_type,ad_total) VALUES ('','$name','$website','$pay_email','$pay_emailconf','$email','$emailconf','$banner_image','$text_link','$comments','$ad_length ','$ad_type','$ad_total') AND SE"; $sent = mysql_query($send) or die("Query setup failed".mysql_error()); $appc="SELECT * FROM advt_settings WHERE id = 1"; $go=mysql_query($appc); $res=mysql_fetch_array($go); if($ad_type=="text ad") $ad_amount=$res[price_text]; elseif($ad_type=="small banner") $ad_amount=$res[price_banner_small]; elseif($ad_type=="large banner") $ad_amount=$res[price_banner_large]; elseif($ad_type=="inquire") $ad_amount="0"; if($ad_length=="one month") $ad_time=1; elseif($ad_length=="three months") $ad_time=3; elseif($ad_length=="six months") $ad_time=6; elseif($ad_length=="one year") $ad_time="12"; elseif($ad_length=="custom length") $ad_time="0"; $ad_total=$ad_amount * $ad_time; I'm trying to insert the last line of the code "$ad_total" into the MYSQL table. However, if I rearrange the coding so that the below snippet is before the insert query, the "$ad_total" field is not read nor calculated (it's supposed to be two other numerical fields multiplied each other to receive the latter) if($ad_type=="text ad") $ad_amount=$res[price_text]; elseif($ad_type=="small banner") $ad_amount=$res[price_banner_small]; elseif($ad_type=="large banner") $ad_amount=$res[price_banner_large]; elseif($ad_type=="inquire") $ad_amount="0"; if($ad_length=="one month") $ad_time=1; elseif($ad_length=="three months") $ad_time=3; elseif($ad_length=="six months") $ad_time=6; elseif($ad_length=="one year") $ad_time="12"; elseif($ad_length=="custom length") $ad_time="0"; $ad_total=$ad_amount * $ad_time; I'm thinking that if I could select the auto_increment id, which in this case is "appid" as the tables are being inserted, then I could immediately update those tables,based on the "appid", to add the $ad_total field after the insert. I hope my ramblings made sense, I'm not the best at explaining things. To sum everything up, I'm trying to get the $ad_total field added to the MYSQL table, but because of their positioning within the code, it's not being read - if I change the posistion then the leading "else" statement is thrown off.
I have the following code: if(!$username==""){ $qCheck = "select * from .... (I didn't put the full code, because I didn't think it was vital - if anyone thinks it is let me know, and I'll add it.) ($username is a $_post[...] field from an input box) Which is for if the $username field isn't empty, to run a a check on it and output a specific result. However, when the $username field is empty, the script stops running. Is there any way I can get the script to ignore if the $username field is empty, and continue running?
Ah, thank you. I will look into that.
I'm actually looking for what this is called, I plan to do the research for it myself, but that's a bit difficult without a keyword to go on. My goal is for my login script to automatically delete a user who hasn't logged in a set number of days, only I'm not sure what a code example, name, anything would be called for the "set number of days" part. I already have a function that notes the users last login, I just need to...I'm not sure of the word I'm looking for, 'compare' it to the above. I'm thinking (note this was written on a whim, so obviously there's no actual functunality) if(!$login<30[d]) I'm sorry if this isn't explained well.
At the moment, it seems like your best bet is to use a prewritten install code, and piggyback off that. Try downloading any sample file from hotscripts and editing their installation file to suit your needs.
This is a little off topic to your initial question, but you may also,if you already haven't, check the legalities behind running an mp3 store. There's definitely a lot of redtape that goes a long with that.
$phpFile = "yourfile.php"; $run = fopen($phpFile, 'w') or die("Can't open the file"); $Data = "YOUR TEXT\n"; fwrite($run, $Data); fclose($run); This is only if I understood what you were trying to do correctly, I may have misinterpretted you.
Thank you, Apparently your very mystical relevant questions were useless, as I suspected and stated in my imaginary post, I was missing an id field in the html.
You immature haughty attitiude is not needed, what part of "I forgot to add the code" are you not comprehending? Do me a favor and just stop replying, I'll look for help else where.
I assure you, there is an insert query... I did forget to post it. [quote]$send = "INSERT INTO appl_user (tid,pid,username,name,date,loc,posistion,exp,sam_w,sam_s,coms,email) VALUES ('','$uidded','$username','$name','$date','$loc','$posistion','$exp','$samw','$sams','$coms','$email')"; $sent = mysql_query($send) or die("Query setup failed".mysql_error()); [/quote] Nor is this "solved". I'd appreciate being asked whether it is instead of assumptions being made in the future.