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Everything posted by Monkeyarris

  1. Haha! Thank you Barand your a certified genius! This works a treat Thank you VERY VERY much
  2. Hmm that doesn\'t work either.... it looks like your trying to call data from two tables where theres only one \'forums\' I\'ve even tried looking at phpbb code to see how it works but to no avail Is there no way to filter out duplicate values in an array?
  3. Heres the SQL dump I used:- [php:1:a63316ff89]CREATE TABLE forums ( postid int( unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, forumno int( unsigned NOT NULL default \'0\', threadid int( unsigned NOT NULL default \'0\', date varchar(15) NOT NULL default \'\', user_id int( unsigned NOT NULL default \'0\', ip varchar(30) NOT NULL default \'\', subject varchar(50) NOT NULL default \'\', comment blob NOT NULL, deleted int(1) unsigned NOT NULL, newthread int(1) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (postid), KEY game_id (user_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM;[/php:1:a63316ff89] Will I need to change the structure then?
  4. Hmm this doesn\'t work Barand.... it gives the most recent posts not most recently replied to topics. What I need is to be able to get a list of posts in desc order and group them by threadid which then leave me with the the most recnt post for each thread in a descending order. Any other ideas any one? The badge is still up for grabs
  5. Thanks Barand ill give it a go now, your badge is in the post!
  6. Hi everyone, I\'m currently writing my own forum for a site, but have run into a problem.... How do you select the last replied to topics and sort them in a descending fashion? I\'ve tried $sql = \"SELECT * FROM forums WHERE forumno = \'$board\' ORDER BY postid DESC GROUP BY threadid\"; But this doesn\'t work it only works when you swap the Order by and Group by statements around which then only selects the first posts to a thread and I want it the OTHER way around Any help would be greatly appreciated and you will also receive a \'Monkeyarris thinks im cool badge\'
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