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Everything posted by synted

  1. I have the following form <FORM action="http://domain/cgis/search.cgi" method="post"> <TABLE width="210" border=3 frame=box style="color: orange; background: black"> <!--DWLayoutTable--> <TR> <TD width="62" height="23"> </TD> <TD width="128"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD height="28" align=right valign="top"><b>Source:</b></TD> <TD valign="top"><select name=provider> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> </select> *</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD align=right><b>Number:</b></TD> <TD><INPUT type=text maxlength=8 size=8 name=Ticket> *</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD align=right><b>Mode:</b></TD> <TD><select name=Mode> <option selected value=Details>Details</option> <option value=Status>Status</option> </select> *</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD height="28" colspan=2 align=center valign="top"><INPUT type=submit value=Send></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD height="1"></TD> <TD></TD> </TR> </TABLE> </p> </FORM> I need to grab the data that i get (xml) so i can reuse them in a better way. Can anyone help? Thanks in advanced.
  2. I have a form. When i submit this form it goes to a cgi script and that script returns me xml data. How can i submit the form and get the data so i can represent them to a page in a way i like?
  3. The shifts are in the way of M for morning N for Nightshift and like that for the other,
  4. The holidays will be in only for printing another color. There will be shifts in the holiday.
  5. Name Surname ID Department Team What shifts the can work The Departments The teams and the shifts. That's it i think
  6. Haven't thought of that. You are right. I will then put start and end date in. I just want that so i can colour the calendar with another colour than the default.
  7. No i don't want the employees leave. I have a shift that is Day off for them. I will only put the usual holidays in. I was thinking of puting tha date and how many days it will last.
  8. I was thinking to do that as i want to color the holidays so it can be visible. Can anyone please help with the form? I have some serious problems with it.
  9. I was thinking to put them in a db table and check them on the creation of the calendar. Do you have another idea i can use? The thing is that i can't figure out how to do the query with the multiple persons. One by one i can make it. It's easy but i can't find a way out if i put them together. I can't do it one by one as there will be more than 200 persons in the database.
  10. Thank you that worked perfectly. Now i have to figure out the query. Any clues anyone?
  11. I have come up with the following code <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>March</TITLE> <link href="css/ros.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </HEAD> <BODY onLoad="init();"> <div class=navigationseparator> </div> <form class=action method="post" action="" name="form"> <table width=100%> <!--DWLayoutTable--> <tr> <td> </td> <td id="revertTd"><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.mon&functionId=4938&yearMonth=200803">undo</a></td> <td class=off>fill Month</td> <td><button type="submit">save March</button></td> </tr> </table> <TABLE class=rooster cellspacing=0 onKeyUp="setShift(event);" onMouseUp="focusOnField(event);"> <!--DWLayoutTable--> <TR> <th class=time rowspan=2 colspan=2> </th> <th height="14" colspan=3 class=week><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.wee&date=20080301&functionId=4938">week 9</a></th> <td></td> <th class=week colspan=8><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.wee&date=20080303&functionId=4938">week 10</a></th> <td></td> <th class=week colspan=8><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.wee&date=20080310&functionId=4938">week 11</a></th> <td></td> <th class=week colspan=8><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.wee&date=20080317&functionId=4938">week 12</a></th> <td></td> <th class=week colspan=8><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.wee&date=20080324&functionId=4938">week 13</a></th> <td></td> <th class=week colspan=1><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.wee&date=20080331&functionId=4938">w14</a></th> <th width="49"></th> <th class=sunrise rowspan=3>m</th> <th class=blanchedAlmond rowspan=3>a</th> <th class=khaki rowspan=3>n</th> </tr> <tr> <td height="26"></td> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080301&functionId=4938">Sa<br> 1</a></th> <th class=weekdayToday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080302&functionId=4938">Su<br> 2</a></th> <td></td> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080303&functionId=4938">Mo<br> 3</a></th> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080304&functionId=4938">Tu<br> 4</a></th> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080305&functionId=4938">We<br> 5</a></th> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080306&functionId=4938">Th<br> 6</a></th> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080307&functionId=4938">Fr<br> 7</a></th> <td></td> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080308&functionId=4938">Sa<br> 8</a></th> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080309&functionId=4938">Su<br> 9</a></th> <td></td> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080310&functionId=4938">Mo<br> 10</a></th> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080311&functionId=4938">Tu<br> 11</a></th> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080312&functionId=4938">We<br> 12</a></th> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080313&functionId=4938">Th<br> 13</a></th> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080314&functionId=4938">Fr<br> 14</a></th> <td></td> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080315&functionId=4938">Sa<br> 15</a></th> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080316&functionId=4938">Su<br> 16</a></th> <td></td> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080317&functionId=4938">Mo<br> 17</a></th> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080318&functionId=4938">Tu<br> 18</a></th> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080319&functionId=4938">We<br> 19</a></th> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080320&functionId=4938">Th<br> 20</a></th> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080321&functionId=4938">Fr<br> 21</a></th> <td></td> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080322&functionId=4938">Sa<br> 22</a></th> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080323&functionId=4938">Su<br> 23</a></th> <td></td> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080324&functionId=4938">Mo<br> 24</a></th> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080325&functionId=4938">Tu<br> 25</a></th> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080326&functionId=4938">We<br> 26</a></th> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080327&functionId=4938">Th<br> 27</a></th> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080328&functionId=4938">Fr<br> 28</a></th> <td></td> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080329&functionId=4938">Sa<br> 29</a></th> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080330&functionId=4938">Su<br> 30</a></th> <td></td> <th class=weekday><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.day.emp&date=20080331&functionId=4938">Mo<br> 31</a></th> <th> </th> </TR> <tr class=strength title="Yellow: shortage. Green: OK. Dark green: surplus."> <td class=prompt colspan=2></td> <td></td> <th> </th> <th class=Today> </th> <td></td> <th> </th> <th> </th> <th> </th> <th> </th> <th> </th> <td></td> <th> </th> <th> </th> <td></td> <th> </th> <th> </th> <th> </th> <th> </th> <th> </th> <td></td> <th> </th> <th> </th> <td></td> <th> </th> <th> </th> <th> </th> <th> </th> <th> </th> <td></td> <th> </th> <th> </th> <td></td> <th> </th> <th> </th> <th> </th> <th> </th> <th> </th> <td></td> <th> </th> <th> </th> <td></td> <th> </th> <th> </th> </tr> <tr class=input title="John Doe"> <TD class=prompt colspan=2><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.emp.mon&yearMonth=200803&empid=20732">John Doe</a> </TD> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="1_20732" id=1 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" Today"><input name="2_20732" id=2 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class="blanchedAlmond "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="3_20732" id=3 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="blanchedAlmond "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="4_20732" id=4 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="blanchedAlmond "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="5_20732" id=5 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="blanchedAlmond "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="6_20732" id=6 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="blanchedAlmond "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="7_20732" id=7 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input name="8_20732" id=8 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input name="9_20732" id=9 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input class="sunrise" name="10_20732" id=10 value="m" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input class="sunrise" name="11_20732" id=11 value="m" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input class="sunrise" name="12_20732" id=12 value="m" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input class="sunrise" name="13_20732" id=13 value="m" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input class="sunrise" name="14_20732" id=14 value="m" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input name="15_20732" id=15 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input name="16_20732" id=16 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class="blanchedAlmond "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="17_20732" id=17 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="blanchedAlmond "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="18_20732" id=18 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="blanchedAlmond "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="19_20732" id=19 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="blanchedAlmond "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="20_20732" id=20 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="blanchedAlmond "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="21_20732" id=21 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input name="22_20732" id=22 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input name="23_20732" id=23 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input class="sunrise" name="24_20732" id=24 value="m" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input class="sunrise" name="25_20732" id=25 value="m" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input class="sunrise" name="26_20732" id=26 value="m" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input class="sunrise" name="27_20732" id=27 value="m" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input class="sunrise" name="28_20732" id=28 value="m" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input name="29_20732" id=29 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input name="30_20732" id=30 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class="blanchedAlmond "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="31_20732" id=31 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td> </td> <TD class=sunriseTotal>10</TD> <TD class=blanchedAlmondTotal>12</TD> <TD class=khakiTotal>-</TD> </tr> <tr class=input title="Don Corleone"> <TD class=prompt colspan=2><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.emp.mon&yearMonth=200803&empid=20731">Don Corleone</a></TD> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="1_20731" id=32 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" Today"><input name="2_20731" id=33 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input class="sunrise" name="3_20731" id=34 value="m" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="sunrise" name="4_20731" id=35 value="m" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="sunrise" name="5_20731" id=36 value="m" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="sunrise" name="6_20731" id=37 value="m" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="sunrise" name="7_20731" id=38 value="m" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input name="8_20731" id=39 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input name="9_20731" id=40 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="10_20731" id=41 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="11_20731" id=42 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="12_20731" id=43 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="13_20731" id=44 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="14_20731" id=45 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input name="15_20731" id=46 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input name="16_20731" id=47 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input class="sunrise" name="17_20731" id=48 value="m" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="sunrise" name="18_20731" id=49 value="m" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="sunrise" name="19_20731" id=50 value="m" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="sunrise" name="20_20731" id=51 value="m" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="sunrise" name="21_20731" id=52 value="m" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input name="22_20731" id=53 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input name="23_20731" id=54 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="24_20731" id=55 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="25_20731" id=56 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="26_20731" id=57 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="27_20731" id=58 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="blanchedAlmond" name="28_20731" id=59 value="a" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input name="29_20731" id=60 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input name="30_20731" id=61 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input name="31_20731" id=62 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td> </td> <TD class=sunriseTotal>10</TD> <TD class=blanchedAlmondTotal>11</TD> <TD class=khakiTotal>-</TD> </tr> <tr class=input title="sdafasdf"> <TD class=prompt colspan=2><a href="/rooster/enindex.php3?action=pla.emp.mon&yearMonth=200803&empid=20754">sdafasdf</a> </TD> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input name="1_20754" id=63 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" Today"><input name="2_20754" id=64 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input class="khaki" name="3_20754" id=65 value="n" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="khaki" name="4_20754" id=66 value="n" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="khaki" name="5_20754" id=67 value="n" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="khaki" name="6_20754" id=68 value="n" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="khaki" name="7_20754" id=69 value="n" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input name="8_20754" id=70 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input name="9_20754" id=71 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input class="khaki" name="10_20754" id=72 value="n" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="khaki" name="11_20754" id=73 value="n" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="khaki" name="12_20754" id=74 value="n" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="khaki" name="13_20754" id=75 value="n" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="khaki" name="14_20754" id=76 value="n" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input name="15_20754" id=77 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input name="16_20754" id=78 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input class="khaki" name="17_20754" id=79 value="n" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="khaki" name="18_20754" id=80 value="n" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="khaki" name="19_20754" id=81 value="n" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="khaki" name="20_20754" id=82 value="n" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="khaki" name="21_20754" id=83 value="n" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input name="22_20754" id=84 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input name="23_20754" id=85 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input class="khaki" name="24_20754" id=86 value="n" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="khaki" name="25_20754" id=87 value="n" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="khaki" name="26_20754" id=88 value="n" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="khaki" name="27_20754" id=89 value="n" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input class="khaki" name="28_20754" id=90 value="n" size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input name="29_20754" id=91 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input name="30_20754" id=92 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input name="31_20754" id=93 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td> </td> <TD class=sunriseTotal>-</TD> <TD class=blanchedAlmondTotal>-</TD> <TD class=khakiTotal>20</TD> </tr> <tr> <th colspan=2></th> <td></td> <th class=weekday>1</th> <th class=weekdayToday>2</th> <td></td> <th class=weekday>Mo<br> 3</th> <th class=weekday>Tu<br> 4</th> <th class=weekday>We<br> 5</th> <th class=weekday>Th<br> 6</th> <th class=weekday>Fr<br> 7</th> <td></td> <th class=weekday>8</th> <th class=weekday>9</th> <td></td> <th class=weekday>Mo<br> 10</th> <th class=weekday>Tu<br> 11</th> <th class=weekday>We<br> 12</th> <th class=weekday>Th<br> 13</th> <th class=weekday>Fr<br> 14</th> <td></td> <th class=weekday>15</th> <th class=weekday>16</th> <td></td> <th class=weekday>Mo<br> 17</th> <th class=weekday>Tu<br> 18</th> <th class=weekday>We<br> 19</th> <th class=weekday>Th<br> 20</th> <th class=weekday>Fr<br> 21</th> <td></td> <th class=weekday>22</th> <th class=weekday>23</th> <td></td> <th class=weekday>Mo<br> 24</th> <th class=weekday>Tu<br> 25</th> <th class=weekday>We<br> 26</th> <th class=weekday>Th<br> 27</th> <th class=weekday>Fr<br> 28</th> <td></td> <th class=weekday>29</th> <th class=weekday>30</th> <td></td> <th class=weekday>Mo<br> 31</th> <th> </th> <th class=sunrise>m</th> <th class=blanchedAlmond>a</th> <th class=khaki>n</th> </tr> <tr class=total> <td class=sunrise></td> <td class=sunrise><span class=detail>6<sup>:00</sup>-14<sup>:30</sup></span> m</td> <td></td> <td class="sunrise">-</td> <td class="sunrise Today">-</td> <td></td> <td class="sunrise">1</td> <td class="sunrise">1</td> <td class="sunrise">1</td> <td class="sunrise">1</td> <td class="sunrise">1</td> <td></td> <td class="sunrise">-</td> <td class="sunrise">-</td> <td></td> <td class="sunrise">1</td> <td class="sunrise">1</td> <td class="sunrise">1</td> <td class="sunrise">1</td> <td class="sunrise">1</td> <td></td> <td class="sunrise">-</td> <td class="sunrise">-</td> <td></td> <td class="sunrise">1</td> <td class="sunrise">1</td> <td class="sunrise">1</td> <td class="sunrise">1</td> <td class="sunrise">1</td> <td></td> <td class="sunrise">-</td> <td class="sunrise">-</td> <td></td> <td class="sunrise">1</td> <td class="sunrise">1</td> <td class="sunrise">1</td> <td class="sunrise">1</td> <td class="sunrise">1</td> <td></td> <td class="sunrise">-</td> <td class="sunrise">-</td> <td></td> <td class="sunrise warning" title="Minimum 1 Assigned 0">-</td> <td colspan=2 class=sunrise>morning</td> <td class=blanchedAlmond> </td> <td class=khaki> </td> </tr> <tr class=total> <td class=blanchedAlmond></td> <td class=blanchedAlmond><span class=detail>14<sup>:00</sup>-22<sup>:30</sup></span> a</td> <td></td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">2</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond Today">-</td> <td></td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td></td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">-</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">-</td> <td></td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td></td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">-</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">-</td> <td></td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td></td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">-</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">-</td> <td></td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td></td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">-</td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">-</td> <td></td> <td class="blanchedAlmond">1</td> <td colspan=3 class=blanchedAlmond>afternoon</td> <td class=khaki> </td> </tr> <tr class=total> <td class=khaki></td> <td class=khaki><span class=detail>22<sup>:00</sup>-+6<sup>:30</sup></span> n</td> <td></td> <td class="khaki">-</td> <td class="khaki Today">-</td> <td></td> <td class="khaki">1</td> <td class="khaki">1</td> <td class="khaki">1</td> <td class="khaki">1</td> <td class="khaki">1</td> <td></td> <td class="khaki">-</td> <td class="khaki">-</td> <td></td> <td class="khaki">1</td> <td class="khaki">1</td> <td class="khaki">1</td> <td class="khaki">1</td> <td class="khaki">1</td> <td></td> <td class="khaki">-</td> <td class="khaki">-</td> <td></td> <td class="khaki">1</td> <td class="khaki">1</td> <td class="khaki">1</td> <td class="khaki">1</td> <td class="khaki">1</td> <td></td> <td class="khaki">-</td> <td class="khaki">-</td> <td></td> <td class="khaki">1</td> <td class="khaki">1</td> <td class="khaki">1</td> <td class="khaki">1</td> <td class="khaki">1</td> <td></td> <td class="khaki">-</td> <td class="khaki">-</td> <td></td> <td class="khaki">-</td> <td colspan=4 class=khaki>night</td> </tr> </TABLE> </form> </BODY> </HTML> The problem is that i don't know how to put the days like that and the second problem i have is that i don't know how to submit the query. It involves 3 people in my example which should update different things in the database. Can anyone help?
  12. I have seen this site. But it doesn't give me any clues about the one i want to make. I have written the following <?php $ndays = date ("t", mktime (0,0,0,$d,1,$y)); for ($i = 1; $i <= $ndays; $i++) { print "<td>$i</td>"; } ?> But this is for the days. I need to make something like that, that will print in another row the name of the day.
  13. Hello again. I want to make a calendar that has each day of the month next to the other. For example, in the first row i want to have the 3 letter name of the day Sun Mon etc, in the second row i want to have the number of the day 1 2 3 etc, and in the third i want to add the holidays. How can i make the calendar in that way? I have made the row with the days numbers but i can't loop the days names. Can anyone help?
  14. Thank you for that. Now i want to make it more complex. I have some persons. Lets say 2. NameA and NameB. I have a monthly plan for them and which hours they can work. I have their requests for the shifts that they can not work. So i want to use the fill button for both of them on a monthly view so it can fill my database with the days and shifts they can work. Is it possible? I am stuck and can't think anything to help me move on.
  15. I need to write some code so when pressing a button i will fill multiple textfields in a page automaticly based on some requests. For example i would like to file the first 5 textfields with the letter a the next two with the letter b and the next 5 with the letter c. Any ideas?
  16. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>January</TITLE> <link href="css/ros.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </HEAD> <BODY> <table width=100%> <!--DWLayoutTable--> <tr> <td width="928" height="24"> </td> </tr> </table> <TABLE class=rooster cellspacing=0> <!--DWLayoutTable--> <TR> <th class=time rowspan=2 colspan=2> </th> <th height="14" colspan=7 class=week>week 1</th> <td></td> <th class=week colspan=8>week 2</th> <td></td> <th class=week colspan=8>week 3</th> <td></td> <th class=week colspan=8>week 4</th> <td></td> <th class=week colspan=5>week 5</th> <th width="80"></th> </tr> <tr> <th height="26" class=weekday>Tu<br> 1</th> <th class=weekday>We<br> 2</th> <th class=weekday>Th<br> 3</th> <th class=weekday>Fr<br> 4</th> <td></td> <th class=weekday>Sa<br> 5</th> <th class=weekday>Su<br> 6</th> <td></td> <th class=weekday>Mo<br> 7</th> <th class=weekday>Tu<br> 8</th> <th class=weekday>We<br> 9</th> <th class=weekday>Th<br> 10</th> <th class=weekday>Fr<br> 11</th> <td></td> <th class=weekday>Sa<br> 12</th> <th class=weekday>Su<br> 13</th> <td></td> <th class=weekday>Mo<br> 14</th> <th class=weekday>Tu<br> 15</th> <th class=weekday>We<br> 16</th> <th class=weekday>Th<br> 17</th> <th class=weekday>Fr<br> 18</th> <td></td> <th class=weekday>Sa<br> 19</th> <th class=weekday>Su<br> 20</th> <td></td> <th class=weekday>Mo<br> 21</th> <th class=weekday>Tu<br> 22</th> <th class=weekday>We<br> 23</th> <th class=weekday>Th<br> 24</th> <th class=weekday>Fr<br> 25</th> <td></td> <th class=weekday>Sa<br> 26</th> <th class=weekday>Su<br> 27</th> <td></td> <th class=weekday>Mo<br> 28</th> <th class=weekday>Tu<br> 29</th> <th class=weekday>We<br> 30</th> <th width="18" valign="top" class=weekday>Th<br> 31</th> <th width="14"> </th> <th> </th> </TR> <tr class=strength> <td height="21" colspan=2 class=prompt></td> <th> </th> <th> </th> <th> </th> <th> </th> <td></td> <th> </th> <th> </th> <td></td> <th> </th> <th> </th> <th> </th> <th> 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name="8" id=8 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input name="9" id=9 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input name="10" id=10 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input name="11" id=11 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input name="12" id=12 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input name="13" id=13 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input name="14" id=14 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input name="15" id=15 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input name="16" id=16 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input name="17" id=17 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input name="18" id=18 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input name="19" id=19 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input name="20" id=20 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input name="21" id=21 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input name="22" id=22 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input name="23" id=23 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input name="24" id=24 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input name="25" id=25 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class=" "><input name="26" id=26 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class=" "><input name="27" id=27 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <td></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input name="28" id=28 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input name="29" id=29 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD class="sunrise "><input name="30" id=30 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD valign="top" class="sunrise "><input name="31" id=31 size=1 maxlength=2></td> <TD> </td> <td class="time total"></td> </tr> <tr class=input title="John ChangeMyname"> <TD width="1" height="32"> </TD> <TD width="145"> </TD> <TD> </td> <TD> </td> <TD> </td> <TD> </td> <td></td> <TD> </td> <TD> </td> <td></td> <TD> </td> <TD> </td> <TD> </td> <TD> </td> <TD> </td> <td></td> <TD> </td> <TD> </td> <td></td> <TD> </td> 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  17. Which page code do you need? The monthly view?
  18. I am kind of stuck. I am preparing a shift planning. I have added the employees the shifts and everything i need. The problem is that i want a monthly view with all the employees with textfields that i can fill with the appropriate shift. How can i submit all that? I can do one employee at a time but not all together. Can anyone help? Thank you in advanced.
  19. Correct my if i am wrong but the OR will search field1 or field 2. Right? I also want to bring me results with field1 and field2. Adress name and address number together (if i search only for an address number i am good as dead )
  20. No i only want to search in 6 or 8 of them. The other are just in with some info that i don't want to be searched. Edit: Counted them and i only need the 7 of them searchable.
  21. OR for 61 fields? isn't that too much?
  22. I have a kind of big database with 60.000 records in. Each record has 61 fields. I will create a form with 61 textareas and i need the user to be able to search either only one field or two fields together or more. For example, the user will be able to search the database using the phone number only, or if he want he will be able to search the database using address name and number (Depends on what the user will fill in the textareas). Thanks.
  23. I have grabbed a Webpage (HTML) from a remote site that contains name surname and stuff like that.... How can i put each one (result) into a var? The page is like that: [code]<html> <head> <title>Title Here.</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> </head> <body> Name:*********<br> Surname:***************<br> Number:***********<br> Date:*************<br> Date2:*************<br> Phone:*************<br> Phone:*************<br> <br> </body> </html> [/code] (Also what to do with the two phones? The name is the same but they might be different data)
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