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Everything posted by drew1977

  1. I have tried quite a few different things but all the scripts I have tried are incorrect. Here is what the xml file for the player looks like. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <player showPlaylist="yes" autoStart="yes"> </player> I have been trying more with the playlist script, because the playlist is updateble for the songs. Here is what the original playlist script looks like. <?php // setting the directory to search for mp3 files $dir = "mp3/"; // reading the directory and inserting the mp3 files in the playlist array $n = 0; $playlist = array(); $fdir = opendir($dir); while($i = readdir($fdir)) {   // if a .mp3 string is found, add the file to the array   if (strpos(strtolower($i),".mp3") !== false) {     $playlist[$n] = $i;     $n++;   } } // close the directory and sort the array closedir($fdir); array_multisort($playlist); // echoing the playlist to flash echo "<player showDisplay=\"yes\" showPlaylist=\"yes\" autoStart=\"no\">\n"; for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($playlist); $i++) {   // for the title it filters the directory and the .mp3 extension out   echo "  <song path=\"$dir$playlist[$i]\" title=\"".str_replace(".mp3","",$playlist[$i])."\" />\n"; } echo "</player>"; ?> Thanks for everyone's help.
  2. Ok here is the deal, I am using a flash music player that has a drop down playlist. Is there anyway that I can change the background color of the playlist without changing the flash file using php? Here is what the player looks like [url=http://www.fa5.grycnet.net/]http://www.fa5.grycnet.net/[/url]. If you to look at the php files or xml files for the playlist or player to give me the answer let me know. Thanks to everyone making this site possible.
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