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  1. Well, i think i've solved the problem. I've added these lines at the beginning of the 2nd file: require("../config.php"); require("../includes/sql_layer.php"); $db = sql_connect($dbhost, $dbuname, $dbpass, $dbname); And I've deleted these other lines: mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); mysql_select_db("lq"); Perfect!!!!
  2. No, i mean through a link button ("click here to refresh"). I've already done that part, but the problem now is the connection. In the 2nd file, i have this: But this is an unsecure method to connect. I've tried to pass the variable $db to the 2nd file using GET method, but my browser doesn't show me anything. I also tried to pass another variable ($prefix) to the second file and I didn't have any problem. How could i pass the $db variable??? (sorry if you don't understand me but i'm spanish)
  3. Well, I've already do it, but i have a problem: I have two files: block-Forums.php: if( eregi( "block-Foros.php",$PHP_SELF ) ) { Header("Location: index.php"); die(); } global $prefix, $user_prefix, $db; // Ajax function $content .= " <script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\"> function getPage(Last_New_Topics){ var xmlhttp=false; //Clear our fetching variable try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); } catch (e) { try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } catch (E) { xmlhttp = false; } } if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest!='undefined') { xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } var file = 'test/1/text.php?n='; xmlhttp.open('GET', file + Last_New_Topics, true); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4) { var content = xmlhttp.responseText; if( content ){ document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = content; } } } xmlhttp.send(null) return; } </script>"; [...] and text.php: <?php mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); mysql_select_db("lq"); $n = $_GET["n"]; $result = mysql_query("SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic_first_post_id, t.forum_id, t.topic_last_post_id, t.topic_title, t.topic_poster, t.topic_views, t.topic_replies, t.topic_moved_id, p.poster_id, p.post_time, u.username, l.username, u.user_id, tx.post_text, p.post_username, f.post_username FROM nuke_bbtopics AS t LEFT JOIN nuke_bbposts AS p ON (p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id) LEFT JOIN nuke_bbposts AS f ON (f.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id) LEFT JOIN nuke_bbposts_text AS tx ON (p.post_id = tx.post_id) LEFT JOIN nuke_users AS u ON (u.user_id=p.poster_id) LEFT JOIN nuke_users AS l ON (l.user_id=t.topic_poster) WHERE t.topic_moved_id=0 ORDER BY t.topic_last_post_id DESC LIMIT 0, $n "); while( list( $topic_id, $postf_id, $forum_id, $topic_last_post_id, $topic_title, $topic_poster, $topic_views, $topic_replies, $topic_moved_id, $poster_id, $post_time, $post1, $post2, $user_id, $post_text, $guest_name, $guest_name2) = $row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { [...] In the second file, I have to make a connection, but i want to make it through the "$db" variable, to avoid these lines: mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); mysql_select_db("lq"); How could i do it?
  4. Hi all. In the main page i've got a block which shows the x last posts. The problem is that if you want to check for new posts, you have to refresh the whole page. But I wanted to refresh ONLY that part using AJAX, by using a "Refresh" button. How could i do it? is it very difficult?
  5. ok, i've made an iframe to do it, but i get an error message. In index.php, i wrote: <iframe src="foros.php" width="100%" height="200"></iframe> and when i run the index, i get this: [quote]Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /data/members/free/tripod/es/l/a/t/latinquasar/htdocs/foros.php on line 28[/quote] Line 28: [quote]$result = $db->sql_query( "SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic_first_post_id, t.forum_id, t.topic_last_post_id, t.topic_title, t.topic_poster, t.topic_views, t.topic_replies, t.topic_moved_id, p.poster_id, p.post_time, u.username, l.username, u.user_id, tx.post_text, p.post_username, f.post_username FROM ".$prefix."_bbtopics AS t LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."_bbposts AS p ON (p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id) LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."_bbposts AS f ON (f.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id) LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."_bbposts_text AS tx ON (p.post_id = tx.post_id) LEFT JOIN ".$user_prefix."_users AS u ON (u.user_id=p.poster_id) LEFT JOIN ".$user_prefix."_users AS l ON (l.user_id=t.topic_poster) ORDER BY t.topic_last_post_id DESC LIMIT 0, $Last_New_Topics");[/quote] foros.php is just a block in phpnuke.
  6. Hi, i'm running phpnuke, and i'm searching for a program to encrypt my website. Is there any free program?? i found codelock v2.0, but it's just a trial software. Thanks
  7. I posted this in the wrong forum of this website, so i repeat: I'm running my website with php-nuke, n my forums are the well known phpbb forums. In the main page of my website, i have a script that shows the last topics in the forums... so i wanted to know if it is possible to refresh ONLY that part of the page (and not the parent page) clicking on a link or button. Maybe in php? javascript?... I've been searching, and i found nothing. Somebody suggested me to use ajax, but i want a better way to solve this. Thanks.
  8. Hi guys, i'm spanish, sorry if u don't understand me. I'm running my website with php-nuke, n my forums are the well known phpbb forums. In the main page of my website, i have a script that shows the last topics in the forums... so i wanted to know if it is possible to refresh ONLY that part of the page (and not the parent page) clicking on a link or button. Maybe in php? javascript?... I've been searching, and found nothing. Thank u.
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