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Everything posted by the_oliver

  1. Looks alright but theres realy no need to do all that. you can simply add the rules in to the iptables file and thus it will automaticaly be loaded every time you boot. No need for an extra script. Also meens that if for some resion you have to restart the firewall then you dont have to run that again. On RH the file is normaly: /etc/sysconfig/iptables You can just eddit that. Enjoy!
  2. can you rephrase that please?
  3. Do you have some way of telling wheter the upload was a success or not? If so you can simply use the mail() function.
  4. Is this on a web site? Try changing the encoding to Genural Unicode: <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> This got me last week!
  5. Perhaps you just need to set up a port forword rule on your router to point port 80 to your servers internal ip address. Hope that helps.
  6. If it runs fast on your LAN but not externaly its probably not apache. Perhaps the other apps are compeationg for speed. Also as the connection will probaly have a high contention ratio you may not be getting all the download speed you think. Will vary through out the day. What type of server is it? I would sugest checking the routing rules, both on the mashine and router.
  7. Depends largly on what the website is like. If the sight is highly graphic oriantated then you may have speed isues. Apache its self should not be a problem, and running multiple apache instances would require you to first filter your uses to each instance. Far to complex. If its realy high volume traffic then you may need to throtle it between multiple servers. The biggest problem you will incoure will be the connection speed. Have to ask though: Why 4 xeon 2GHZ with 2Mb Cache Each and then only have 4Gb memory? And this bit: serinatly doesn't make a server better! If your running a softwere rather then hardware raid then this could also be an isue, esspecialy if using databases. Another very important question is what else your runnig on the server. If your also running other, network oriantated apps, then you may find you run into isues. It might be worth considdering running your webserver off a diffrent ip, in a diffrent, or multiple network card(s). Can you tell us a little more about the site. Will users interact? Database's and if so hosted on the same server? Highly graphical site? Videos/MP3's? Perhaps then we can offer more help. Hope that gets you a little further.
  8. Mashine B would not be able to access the internet through apache. Thats not apache job. It would only be able to see sites hosted on the apache server. Do you meen dial-up or do you meen cable? Very diffrent.
  9. Thanks. How would i do such a thing? I tried header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); but it just made the situation worse by doing the same to ' . I asume the charset=utf-8 needs changing but not sure what to! Ta!
  10. Hi, I have a problem where a £ sighn is visable on some browsers as a pound sign, but on others appears as ?'marks strange black dimons etc. . . . Can any one tell me why this would be? Thanks!
  11. Strange. Try running a script with only <?php phpinfo() ?> and see if anything strange comes up. Or compare it to your other server.
  12. try: if ($_GET['feed'] > "") { $feed = $_GET['feed']; }
  13. Hello, I have a site with a long list of files that most pages include. As a result i have a long list at the start of each scrip! If i had one scrip, which had nothing but include""; for all of this, and from then on just included that single page would i have any problems? Would i have to golbal or anything? Thanks
  14. Rubbish! It will not see the scriping, only the standard output.
  15. Sort of! on the first part you asked about with all the XXX's you will notice you are inserting into a table called movie. On the seccond movietype So this is as AndyB says. you reed from the first (movie) that Bruce Almity has movie type 5. Then you look at the second table (movietype) to ask 'what is movie type five?' and it tells you that type 5 = Comedy. Is a way of refrecing data between two tables. Gets very usefull as things get larger and more complex!
  16. each bracket containing the numbers is an entrie: (1, 'Bruce Almighty', 5, 2003, 1, 2) would translate to: movie_id =1 , movie_name = Bruce Almighty, movie_type = 5, movie_year = 2003, movie_leadactor = 1 , movie_director = 2 and (2, 'Office Space', 5, 1999, 5, 6) would be entered as movie_id =2 , movie_name = Office Space, movie_type = 5, movie_year = 1999, movie_leadactor = 5 , movie_director = 6 And that is got from the So it says: value in the () [afer "VALUE" bit of you query] goes into the movie_id coloum. Seccond value in the () [seperated by a commer] goes into the moive_name coloumb etc.... Make sence???
  17. Solution to the headers already being sent would also be to use a HTML refresh, at it can be used at anystage. EG: print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=redirecttome.php\">";
  18. Unless you are intending to do host-specifc tasks, it raily matters which os you on. eg, if all your are doing is web design, then lurning linux is possibly to time consuming to be nesseser. On magior advantage of using linux however would be the use of cron. Fully agree with thorpe. far supirior! and if you have time then go for it! As a linux newbie i would recomend centOS as its free and yum makes your life easy! Very much a prefrance though. All have loads of support out the so just pick one you like the sound of and dig in!
  19. alternitivly use the same web service and virtual hosts.
  20. Not sure if you can do this. Its kind of a controdiction in terms! Might be easyer to do this via php. You could wight a function to sit at the very top of whatevers in the file. The script would do somethig like: Query database to see if that session_id() is linked to an authenticated user. If the above returns false then redirect to the public area. If above returns true then load the rest of the page. So long as this is at the top, then they will be redirected before any other content is loaded. Enjoy!
  21. Fantastic. No wonder tring to write it gave me a headach!! Many thanks!
  22. Quite a lot to ask!! with very little info! Have you got a database? Whats your previous experience. Are you trying to do it through a comand line? if so type "\?" and it will get you started. Alternitivly you could set up phMyAdmin. Works in a very simmilar way to phpMyAdmin. If you just want to a query to add a table: CREATE TABLE tablename (colloum type). There are loads of tutorials out there. If you know any SQL already the queirys are very simmilar to anything else. Hope that helps alittle.
  23. Alternitivly after querying set $_POST['unitNum'] = 0. That query will have no data to search for.
  24. Hello, Im trying to get an if statment to do veraies things depandin on the pattern of the strings contents. Eg: Can anyone sugges how to look for the patterns? Thanks! (The resion behind it is that i need to be able to translate host-abreviations into there domain name, or ip address, and visa-versa! All that needs to be done from a simple function which is fed the current value. and whats wanted back. It needs to be able to determin what the current value type is for its self)
  25. The point of the SSL certificat is to encrypt the data between the Clinet and Server. As such the session ID will not be sent encrypted. No SSL certificat = no encryption. Wheter or not you need to send it encrypted is up to you. If your running something where security is not so important, such as a forum, then it may not be nessesery.
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