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Everything posted by dc_jt

  1. Thanks I just realised how. What about when I update instead of add. Because if it looks in table it will find the one im trying to update. Shall I do a different query for update and do where id != $_POST[id] ?? Thanks
  2. Hi I have a table containg name, description, url which contains many records When I submit a new form, I want it to check the url fields in the table and check it against what I have posted. Therefore something like $check_table = function here to get all urls if($_POST['url'] == $check_table) { return false; } else { return true } However, how do I get all the urls and get it to check each one? Thanks
  3. Hi Ive got the following which is meant to delte the may2007 folder if there is nothing inside of it. The only types of file it holds is .doc and .pdf. When I put one of each in there and I delete the .pdf, then this deletes just that and nothing else which is correct because there is still another document (the .doc one) in the folder. However, if I put both in and I delete the .doc one first, then this deletes the whole folder (may2007) when it shouldnt because there is another file in there (the .pdf one). Hope that wasnt too confusing and someone can help. Thanks public function RemoveDownload($iNewsId) { $oDownload = $this->GetObject($iNewsId); if ($oDownload->download) { unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].UPLOADS_FOLDER_DOWNLOAD.$oDownload->download_path.'/'.$oDownload->download); $files = glob($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].UPLOADS_FOLDER_DOWNLOAD.$oDownload->download_path.'/{*.doc, *.pdf, *.DOC, *.PDF}', GLOB_BRACE);//Makes sure that it contains no Image if(count($files) < 1) { $oDeleteFolder = $this->removeFolder($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].UPLOADS_FOLDER_DOWNLOAD.$oDownload->download_path); } } $sSql = "UPDATE $this->sTableName SET download = '', download_path = '' WHERE $this->sPrimaryKey = '$iNewsId' "; return mysql_query($sSql, $this->oDb->GetConnection()); }
  4. Thanks for the reply, I already know that. My drop down works fine but its when I change pages I wanted to set the start to 0 when the category is changed. I have done it now however by passing in a hidden mode and then doing if($_GET['mode'] == changeFilter) { $iStart = 0; } Thanks anyway for your help
  5. Anyone know? Im just looking for something like if($_GET['sMode'] == 'something') { //Do something here } But need to know what the if statement is for an onchange function?? Thanks
  6. Hi Ive got the following drop down menu and I want to perform an action every time someone uses the dropdown. How Can I determine when it has been used? Normally I would pass in a mode but because its GET, I cant and if i change it to POST, it doesnt work how I want it to? Thanks <select name="iCat_Id" onchange="CatChange.submit()"> <option value="0">-- All Offers --</option> <?php //Get categories for this site $rCategories = $oTblCategories->GetCategories(); while ($oCategories = mysql_fetch_object($rCategories)) {?> <option value="<?=$oCategories->category_id?>"<?=($iCatId == $oCategories->category_id)?' selected="selected"':''?>> <?=$oCategories->category ?></option> <?php } ?> </select> </form>
  7. Thanks a lot Ken, great help. One last question. How do I set the $iCurMonth to the current month rather than 5, because obviously next month wont be 5? Thanks again
  8. Thanks a lot, this worked, however January is not included for some reason??
  9. Hi I have the following code which is a drop down containing a month and a year. At the moment, the months are displayed 1,2,3,4 etc, however I want them to be displayed as Jan, Feb, Mar etc but the values to remain 01, 02, 03 etc. <form name="date" action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?sMode=ChangeFilter" method="POST" class="sort"> <label>Date:</label> <select name="datem" id="datem"> <?php $iCurMonth = ('5'); for ($i=1;$i<=12;$i++) { ?> <option <?=((isset($aFilterParts['datem']) && $i==$aFilterParts['datem']) || (!isset($aFilterParts['datem']) && $i==$iCurMonth))?' selected="selected"':''?>><?=$i?></option> <?php } ?> </select> <select name="datey" id="datey"> <?php $iCurYear = ('2007'); for ($i=2007;$i<=2009;$i++) { ?> <option <?=((isset($aFilterParts['datey']) && $i==$aFilterParts['datey']) || (!isset($aFilterParts['datey']) && $i==$iCurYear))?' selected="selected"':''?>><?=$i?></option> <?php } ?> </select> <input type="Submit" name="submit" value="Submit"/> </form> Thanks
  10. I tried that and it had thumbs.db on the end?
  11. Hi I tried both of the above, but not getting any joy. I want to remove an image (which i have done), however I want it to check if there is anything else left in this folder and if not, then for the file to be deleted. This is the remove function I have: public function RemoveImage1($iNewsId) { $oObj = $this->GetObject($iNewsId); if ($oObj->image1) { unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].UPLOADS_FOLDER_NEWS_LARGE.'/'.$oObj->image_path.'/'.$oObj->image1); unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].UPLOADS_FOLDER_NEWS_THUMBNAILS.'/'.$oObj->image_path.'/'.$oObj->image1); //Think I need something here to delete the folder //$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].UPLOADS_FOLDER_NEWS_LARGE.'/'.$oObj->image_path $sSql = "UPDATE $this->sTableName SET image1 = '', image_path = '' WHERE $this->sPrimaryKey = '$iNewsId' "; return mysql_query($sSql, $this->oDb->GetConnection()); } return true; }
  12. Hi I have a table like the following: offer_id name ordering 1 test 5 2 test 2 4 3 test 3 3 4 test 6 2 5 test 5 1 As I enter more, they go to the top so the next one would have ordering 6. How do I find the first four? ( test, test2, test3 and test 4) I.e The latest ones added? Thanks
  13. Hi Ive got an offers table which contains name, category_id I want to display all offers, however the first page will only display four offers (one of each category). My query is as follows so how do I do this part? Thanks public function GetAll($iStart = 0, $iLimit = 0, $iCategoryId) { $date = date("Y-m-d"); $sSql = "SELECT offer_id, title, description, short_description, date_posted, start_date, end_date, image1, image_path, download, download_path, category_id, link, ordering, display, featured FROM $this->sTableName WHERE display = 1 && featured = 0 && start_date <= '$date' && end_date >= '$date'"; $sSql .= "ORDER BY ordering DESC"; $iStart = (int) $iStart; $iLimit = (int) $iLimit; if ($iStart >= 0 && $iLimit > 0) { $sSql .= " LIMIT $iStart, $iLimit"; } return mysql_query($sSql, $this->oDb->GetConnection()); }
  14. Hi I have a table which contains special offers starting from a certain date and ending at another date. Therefore would I just do $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s "); SELECT * from Tablename WHERE start_date <= '$date' && end_date >= '$date' Is this correct? Thanks
  15. Hi what do I use to check if a directory contains anything. For example how do I check if there is anything in this? (Which in english is something like news/download/may2007/document1.doc UPLOADS_PATH.'/news/download/'.$oDownload->download_path.'/'.$oDownload->download Thanks
  16. Hi I have the following code which contains two arrays and a password function. I want to generate a different password for each element in the array, at the moment it is just giving everyone the same one? Here is an example: $name = array("ZEINA MORRIS", "LEANNE DENNIS", "NICKY BROPHY"); $employee_number = array("A393", "A394", "A493"); $password = $oTblLeads->generate_password(4); for ($i=0; $i < count($name); $i++){ mysql_query("INSERT INTO cms_users (name, employee_number, pin_code) VALUES ('$name[$i]', '$employee_number[$i]', '$password')") or die(mysql_error());
  17. Thanks for your help. Another question though. I have about 500 names, and they are listed just like john, david, peter etc. They are not in quotes. Is there a fast way to put quotes around them?
  18. I posted this in sql forum but there is no one in there! Hi I have a very long list for example john, david, james, john. I want to add these names into my table which containts user_id, name, password Obviously I want these in the name field. How would I do this? Thanks
  19. Hi I have a very long list for example john, david, james, john. I want to add these names into my table which containts user_id, name, password Obviously I want these in the name field. How would I do this? Thanks
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