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Posts posted by dc_jt

  1. Hi I have the following which loops through the present year and adds two more years on:


    However, I want it to be exactly the same but to start from last year rather than this year. Is this possible?




     <select name="sdatey" class="fmgreynormal"> 
    for ($i=date('Y');$i<=date('Y')+2;$i++)
      <?php echo "<option value=\"$i\"";
      if ($_GET['iNewsId'] && formatDate($oObj->article_date) != '00/00/0000')
      	if ($i == $aYear) echo " selected";
      	echo ">$i</option>";
      } else {
      	if ($i == $year) echo " selected";
      	echo ">$i</option>";

  2. Ive posted this in the javascript forum too but there are no members in there so thought I would try here.


    Ive done the following which works fine in Firefox but doesnt work at all in IE. Anyone know why?




    <script language="javascript">
    function calculateTextBox(textBoxName, maximum){
    	length = document.getElementById(textBoxName).value.length;
    	if(length > maximum){
    		document.getElementById(textBoxName).value = document.getElementById(textBoxName).value.substring(0, maximum);
    		remaining = maximum - length;
    		document.getElementById('text_limit_'+textBoxName).innerHTML = remaining ;
    			<td><strong>Short Description *</strong></td><td>
    				 <textarea class="txtarea400" style="width:100%; height:250;" rows="10" id="description" name="description" onkeyup="calculateTextBox('description', 200);"><?=(isset($_POST['description']))?stripslashes(htmlentities($_POST['description'])):htmlentities($oObj->description)?></textarea>
                      Maximum 200 characters,  <span  id="text_limit_description" >200</span> remaining



  3. Ive done the following which works fine in Firefox but doesnt work at all in IE. Anyone know why?




    <script language="javascript">
    function calculateTextBox(textBoxName, maximum){
    	length = document.getElementById(textBoxName).value.length;
    	if(length > maximum){
    		document.getElementById(textBoxName).value = document.getElementById(textBoxName).value.substring(0, maximum);
    		remaining = maximum - length;
    		document.getElementById('text_limit_'+textBoxName).innerHTML = remaining ;
    			<td><strong>Short Description *</strong></td><td>
    				 <textarea class="txtarea400" style="width:100%; height:250;" rows="10" id="description" name="description" onkeyup="calculateTextBox('description', 200);"><?=(isset($_POST['description']))?stripslashes(htmlentities($_POST['description'])):htmlentities($oObj->description)?></textarea>
                      Maximum 200 characters,  <span  id="text_limit_description" >200</span> remaining



  4. Hi


    I have the following:


    <?=strip_tags(substr($oTeam->description,0,140))?><?=(strlen($oTeam->description) > 140) ? '...' : ''?>


    However, this displays the first 140 characters. I want to be able to display only the first sentence, basically everything upto the first full stop or question mark etc.


    Any idea how?



  5. Hi


    Probably a simple question but I have a date drop down which displays the days 1-31, however 1-9 are displayed 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 rather than 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09.


    So how do I get the 0 in front of each number?


    Here is my code:


    <td width="28%"><strong>Article Date</strong></td>
    <td><select name="sdated"> 
    for ($i=1;$i<=31;$i++)
    echo "<option value=\"$i\"";
    if ($_GET['iNewsId'] && $oNewsArticle->formatted_article_date != '00/00/0000')
    	if ($i == $aDay) echo " selected";
    	echo ">$i</option>";
    } else {
    	if ($i == $day) echo " selected";
    	echo ">$i</option>";
    <select name="sdatem"> 
    for ($i=1;$i<=12;$i++)
    echo "<option value=\"$i\"";
    if ($_GET['iNewsId'] && $oNewsArticle->formatted_article_date != '00/00/0000')
    	if ($i == $aMonth) echo " selected";
    	echo ">$i</option>";
    } else {
    	if ($i == $month) echo " selected";
    	echo ">$i</option>";
    <select name="sdatey"> 
    for ($i=date('Y');$i<=date('Y')+2;$i++)
      <?php echo "<option value=\"$i\"";
      if ($_GET['iNewsId'] && $oNewsArticle->formatted_article_date != '00/00/0000')
      	if ($i == $aYear) echo " selected";
      	echo ">$i</option>";
      } else {
      	if ($i == $year) echo " selected";
      	echo ">$i</option>";
    </select>   </td>

  6. Hi Im using the following date loop function and was just wondering if my function is correct?


    Where I have for ($i=2007;$i<=date('Y')+4;$i++)


    At the moment my drop down displays 2007 until 2011. Therefore, in 2008 will it display 2008 upto 2012 and so on.



    			<td width="28%">Date</td>
    <td><select name="sdated"> 
    for ($i=1;$i<=31;$i++)
    echo "<option value=\"$i\"";
    if ($_GET['iNewsId'] && $oNewsArticle->formatted_date != '00/00/0000')
    	if ($i == $aDay) echo " selected";
    	echo ">$i</option>";
    } else {
    	if ($i == $day) echo " selected";
    	echo ">$i</option>";
    <select name="sdatem"> 
    for ($i=1;$i<=12;$i++)
    echo "<option value=\"$i\"";
    if ($_GET['iNewsId'] && $oNewsArticle->formatted_date != '00/00/0000')
    	if ($i == $aMonth) echo " selected";
    	echo ">$i</option>";
    } else {
    	if ($i == $month) echo " selected";
    	echo ">$i</option>";
    <select name="sdatey"> 
    for ($i=2007;$i<=date('Y')+4;$i++)
      <?php echo "<option value=\"$i\"";
      if ($_GET['iNewsId'] && $oNewsArticle->formatted_date != '00/00/0000')
      	if ($i == $aYear) echo " selected";
      	echo ">$i</option>";
      } else {
      	if ($i == $year) echo " selected";
      	echo ">$i</option>";

  7. Hi


    I have the following code which shows a div when you rollover the name. It all works, however when I first open the page, the div is shown, I need this hidden until someone rolls over a name.


    Any idea how I can set it to be hidden straight away?


    $oTblClients = new RCLTblClients();
    $oTblClientProjects = new RCLTblClientProjects();
    $rClients = $oTblClients->GetClientsFront();
    <script language=javascript type='text/javascript'> 
    function hideDiv(pass) { 
    var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div'); 
    if(divs[i].id.match(pass)){//if they are 'see' divs 
    if (document.getElementById) // DOM3 = IE5, NS6 
    divs[i].style.display="none";// show/hide 
    if (document.layers) // Netscape 4 
    document.layers[divs[i]].display = 'none'; 
    else // IE 4 
    document.all.hideShow.divs[i].display= 'none'; 
    function showDiv(pass) { 
    var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div'); 
    if (document.getElementById) 
    if (document.layers) // Netscape 4 
    document.layers[divs[i]].display = ''; 
    else // IE 4 
    document.all.hideShow.divs[i].display = ''; 
    <? include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/includes/header.inc.php") ?><h1><img src="images/headers/clients.gif" alt="Clients" width="121" height="30" /></h1>
    		<div id="contentareablank">
    		<div id="newsintrowrapper">
    		  <div class="clear"></div>
    	 		<!--<div id="clientsleft">-->
    while ($oClient = mysql_fetch_object($rClients))
    <?php	$counter++;
    	if ($counter%2==0)
    	else $divid="clientsleft";?>
    		<div id="<?=$divid?>">
    			<div class="client">
    		<?php if($oClient->client_url){?>
    		<a href="http://<?=$oClient->client_url?>" target="blank">
    		<?php }?>
    		<?php if($oClient->client_url){?>
    		<?php }?>
                <?php if($oClient->client_url){?>
                <a href="http://<?=$oClient->client_url?>" target="blank">
                <?php }?>
                <a href="#" onmouseover="javascript:showDiv('projects_<?=$oClient->client_id?>')"
    		onmouseout="javascript:hideDiv('projects_<?=$oClient->client_id?>', 'projects_')">
                <?php if($oClient->client_url){?>
                <?php }?>
    		<?php $rProjects = $oTblClientProjects->GetProjectsForClient($oClient->client_id);?>
    		<?php while ($oProjects = mysql_fetch_object($rProjects))
    		<div class="clientsjobs" id="projects_<?=$oClient->client_id?>">
    		<li>Client job one</li>
    		<li>Client job one</li>
    		<li>Client job one</li>
    		<li>Client job one</li>
    		<?php }?>
    	 <div class="clear"></div>
    	 <?php }?>
    	 <div class="clear"></div>
    		<div id="newsletter">
    <label for="search">To recieve our email newsletter please enter your email address //</label>
    <input name="Keywords" id="search" value="Enter your email here" type="text"  onfocus="if (this.value = 'Enter your email here') this.value = '';" /><input name="btnSearch" id="btnSearch" value="Go" class="formbutton" type="submit" /></fieldset></form></div>
    <? include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/includes/footer.inc.php") ?>





  8. Hi I have the following code which works perfectly, however there are two headings - 'Special Offers' and 'Contact Us' which do not have any sub headings.


    Once a heading is clicked the sub headings appear and the class changes to 'selected' (which is a down arrow).

    When its not selected, it is an arrow pointing right.


    At the moment, when I click Special Offers or Contact Us, the class still changes to 'selected' even if there is no sub links.

    I want this to stay as the normal arrow.


    How can I put that into the code below?




    	<script type="text/javascript">
    		function showHide(link) {
    			var theDiv = document.getElementById(link.id + '_sub');
    			if(theDiv.style.display == 'block'){
    				theDiv.style.display = 'none';
    				link.className = '';
    			} else {
    				theDiv.style.display = 'block';
    				link.className = 'selected';
    		function hideOtherSubs(link){
    			var subs = new Array("resort_sub", "golf_sub", "special_sub", "business_sub", "occasions_sub", "relax_sub", "food_sub", "media_sub", "contact_sub");
    			var i;
    			var tempLinkId;
    			for(i = 0; i < subs.length; i++){
    				if(link.id + '_sub' != subs[i]){
    					document.getElementById(subs[i]).style.display = 'none';
    					tempLinkId = subs[i].substr(0, (subs[i].length - 4));
    					document.getElementById(tempLinkId).className = '';
    <div id="sidelinks">
    <li><a href="#" id="resort" onclick="showHide(this); return false;">The Resort</a>
    <div id="resort_sub" style="display: none;">
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   The Hotel</a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Packages & Tarrifs</a></li>
    <li class="sub" style="margin-bottom:4px;"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Guest Book</a></li>
    <a href="#" id="special" onclick="showHide(this); return false;">Special Offers</a>
    <div id="special_sub" style="display: none;">
    <li><a href="#" id="golf" onclick="showHide(this); return false;">Golf</a>
    <div id="golf_sub" style="display: none;">
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   PGA Acadamy</a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Golf Days</a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   The Old Course</a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   PGA Par 3 Course</a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Memberships</a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Golf Shop</a></li>
    <li class="sub" style="margin-bottom:4px;"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Golf Packages</a>
    <li><a href="#" id="business" onclick="showHide(this); return false;">Business</a>
    <div id="business_sub" style="display: none;">
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Meetings & Events </a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Room Capacities</a></li>
    <li class="sub" style="margin-bottom:4px;"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Corporate Packages </a></li>
    <a href="#" id="occasions" onclick="showHide(this); return false;">Occasions</a>
    <div id="occasions_sub" style="display: none;">
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Weddings</a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Banqueting</a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Private Dining </a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Room Capacities</a></li>
    <li class="sub" style="margin-bottom:4px;"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Occasion Packages</a></li>
    <a href="#" id="relax" onclick="showHide(this); return false;">Relax</a>
    <div id="relax_sub" style="display: none;">
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Fitness & Leisure</a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   The Spa</a></li>
    <li class="sub" style="margin-bottom:4px;"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Relax Packages</a></li>
    <a href="#" id="food" onclick="showHide(this); return false;">Food & Drink</a>
    <div id="food_sub" style="display: none;">
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Restaurants</a></li>
    <li class="sub" style="margin-bottom:4px;"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Bars</a></li>
    <a href="#" id="media" onclick="showHide(this); return false;">Media Centre</a>
    <div id="media_sub" style="display: none;">
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    <li class="sub" style="margin-bottom:4px;"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Image Gallery</a></li>
    <a href="#" id="contact" onclick="showHide(this); return false;">Contact Us</a>
    <div id="contact_sub" style="display: none;">
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    	<div class="corner3"><img src="/images/blank.gif" alt=""/></div><div class="corner4"><img src="/images/blank.gif" alt=""/></div>

  9. Everything is ok now regarding the styles and it passes validation etc. However, now when I click 'Business' for example, all the classes change to selected instead of just the business class??


    Any idea why?


    Here is my code:


    	<script type="text/javascript">
    		function showHide(link) {
    			var theDiv = document.getElementById(link.id + '_sub');
    			if(theDiv.style.display == 'block'){
    				theDiv.style.display = 'none';
    				link.className = '';
    			} else {
    				theDiv.style.display = 'block';
    				link.className = 'selected';
    		function hideOtherSubs(link){
    			var subs = new Array("resort_sub", "golf_sub", "special_sub", "business_sub", "occasions_sub", "relax_sub", "food_sub", "media_sub");
    			var i;
    			var tempLinkId;
    			for(i = 0; i < subs.length; i++){
    				if(link.id + '_sub' != subs[i]){
    					document.getElementById(subs[i]).style.display = 'none';
    					tempLinkId = subs[i].substr(0, (subs[i].length - 4));
    					document.getElementById(tempLinkId).className = 'selected';
    <div id="sidelinks">
    <li><a href="#" id="resort" onclick="showHide(this); return false;">The Resort</a>
    <div id="resort_sub" style="display: none;">
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   The Hotel</a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Packages & Tarrifs</a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Guest Book</a></li>
    <a href="#" id="special" onclick="showHide(this); return false;">Special Offers</a>
    <div id="special_sub" style="display: none;">
    <li><a href="#" id="golf" onclick="showHide(this); return false;">Golf</a>
    <div id="golf_sub" style="display: none;">
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   PGA Acadamy</a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Golf Days</a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   The Old Course</a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   PGA Par 3 Course</a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Memberships</a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Golf Shop</a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Golf Packages</a>
    <li><a href="#" id="business" onclick="showHide(this); return false;">Business</a>
    <div id="business_sub" style="display: none;">
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    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Room Capacities</a></li>
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    <a href="#" id="occasions" onclick="showHide(this); return false;">Occasions</a>
    <div id="occasions_sub" style="display: none;">
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Weddings</a></li>
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    <div id="relax_sub" style="display: none;">
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Fitness & Leisure</a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   The Spa</a></li>
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    <div id="food_sub" style="display: none;">
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  10. Sorry Goose, it works perfectly in IE until I add my own styles.


    I am putting a <div id="sidelinks"> at the very top and <li> before every <a href="#" id="resort" onclick="showHide(this); return false;">The Resort</a>


    Is this OK or am I doing something wrong?

  11. Sorry probably my fault.


    For example, I have a menu on the left of my page with 3 headings, say heading 1, heading 2, heading 3.


    When I click heading 1, heading sub1.1 and heading sub1.2 appear.


    This all works fine with the script above.


    However, I now want to do the same for heading 2 and heading 3.


    Can I use the same showHide function or do I need to create individual ones for each heading?


    Hope that makes more sense?



  12. Ive got the following which when 'The Resort' is clicked the links below either appear or hide. This works fine, however I would like the class to also change to selected when the links are shown.


    <script type="text/javascript">
    function showHide(link) {
    var theDiv = link.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("div")[0];
    if (link.innerHTML == "The Resort") {
    	// show the div
    	theDiv.style.display = "";
    	link.innerHTML = "The Resort ";
    } else {
    	// hide the div
    	theDiv.style.display = "none";
    	link.innerHTML = "The Resort";
    <div id="sidelinks">
    <div class="additionalInfo">
    <ul><li><a href="nojavascript.html" onclick="showHide(this);return false;">The Resort</a>
    <div style="display:none;">
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   The Hotel</a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Packages & Tarrifs</a></li>
    <li class="sub"><a href="#" class="sub_link">-   Guest Book</a></li>


    The above shows it with no class but I want it to be like this:


    <ul><li><a href="nojavascript.html" class="selected" onclick="showHide(this);return false;">The Resort</a>


    When the links are shown.


    How can I do this?



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