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Everything posted by eight17

  1. :oops: Thanks for the tip. Other sources confirm that \"desc\" is indeed a reserved word. I guess I\'ll have to change my table. Good thing there\'s not much code relying on it yet...
  2. I am creating a shopping cart with PHP/MySQL and have a table structured thus: CREATE TABLE products ( ID int(4) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, catID int(4) NOT NULL default \'0\', catID2 int(4) default \'0\', status int(2) NOT NULL default \'0\', title varchar(250) NOT NULL default \'\', desc text, price float default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ID) ) TYPE=MyISAM; I can do a SQL update to every field in this table except \'desc\' and that one throws an error. Does anyone know what could cause this? Even a query as simple as \"UPDATE products SET desc=\'duh\' WHERE ID = 123\" calls me a loser! Please help!
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