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Everything posted by franknu

  1. ok, i want the users to update the data that is on the database once they type in the user_name and Password. The problem is that when the user log in there is not data to update all the fields are blank except for the User_Name and Password
  2. ok here is my codes $query = "SELECT * FROM business_info where User_Name='$User_Name' AND `Password`='$Password'"; if ($result = mysql_query($query)) { if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $BusinessName= $row['BusinessName']; $Keyword = $row['Keyword']; $Picture1 = $row['Picture1']; $Headline = $row['Headline']; $Slogan =$row['Slogan']; $Slogan2 = $row['Slogan2']; $Description1 =$row['Description1']; $Description2 = $row['Description2']; $Description3= $row['Description3']; $Contact2 = $row['Contact2']; $Picture2 = $row['Picture2']; $Picture3 = $row['Picture3']; $Categories=$row['Categories']; $Business_Address= $row['Business_Address']; $make=$row['make']; $type=$row['type']; $Tel= $row['Tel']; $Website=$row['Website']; } else { echo "<p><b>username and/or password not found. Try again?</b></p>"; } } else { echo "Query failed<br />$query<br />". mysql_error(); } echo "GET="; print_r($_GET); echo "<BR>POST="; print_r($_POST); print_r($row); echo ' <table border>'; echo'<tr>'; echo'<td>'; echo'<table>'; echo'<tr>'; echo' <td>'; //100 echo 'Home'; echo'</td></tr>'; echo'<tr>'; // new line echo '<td>welcome </td>'; echo'$BusinessName'; echo '</tr>'; //here echo'</table>'; echo'<table background="../images/fondo2.jpg" >'; echo'<tr>'; echo' <td valign="top">'; echo "<table border='1'background='../images/fondo2.jpg' valign='top'>"; echo"<tr>"; echo" <td>"; echo" <a href= 'http://entrepreneur.com'>Pictures Uploads/change</a>"; echo" </td> </tr> <tr> <td>"; echo" <a href= 'http://entrepreneur.com'>Advertise your website</a>"; echo" </td> </tr><tr> <td></td></tr> <tr> <td>"; echo"<a href=''>Email</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>"; echo"<a href='http://www.nasdaq.com'>Stock Market</a></td>"; echo" </tr> </table> </td> <td valign='top'> <center><table border='1'> <tr>"; //145 echo"<td><a href=\'update.php?update=true\'>update</a></td>"; echo"<td><a href=\'keyword.php?keyword=true\'>Add Key words</a></td>"; echo"<td><a href='http://www.ccbill.com'>CCBILL</a></td> </tr></table> </center> "; $sql = "SELECT * FROM business_info WHERE BusinessName = '$BusinessName' AND User_Name = '$User_Name' AND Password='$Password'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Problem with the query: <pre>$sql</pre><br>" . mysql_error()); $res2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $query="UPDATE business_info SET BusinessName= '$BusinessName', `Slogan`=('$_POST[$Slogan]'), Business_Address = ('$_POST[business_Address]'), Tel=('$_POST[Tel]'), Website= ('$_POST[Website]'), Email = ('$_POST[Email]'), Fax= ('$_POST[Fax]'), `type`='$type', make = '$make', Categories = ('$_POST[Categories]'), Keyword = ('$_POST[Keyword]'), Picture1 = ('$_POST[Picture1]'), Headline = ('$_POST[Headline]'), Slogan2 = ('$_POST[slogan2]'), Description1 = ('$_POST[Description1]'), Description2 = ('$POST[Description2]'), Description3 = ('$_POST[Description3]'), Picture2 = ('$_POST[Picture2]'), Picture3 = ('$_POST[Picture3]'), `Password`= '$Password' WHERE User_Name = '$User_Name'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Problem with the query: <pre>$query</pre><br>" . mysql_error()); echo'<table bgcolor="ffffff">'; echo'<tr><td> <table><tr> </tr> </table> </td></tr><tr><td></td> </tr><tr><td> <table> <tr> <td><table bgcolor="ffffff"> <tr> <td> <table> '; //208 echo'<form action="'. $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">'; echo'<tr>'; echo'<td> Busiess Info </td></tr><tr> <td> <table> <tr> <td> Business Name </td> <td>'; echo '<input type="text" name="BusinessName" value="' . stripslashes($_POST['BusinessName']) .'">'; echo '</td>'; echo'</tr> <tr> <td> Slogan </td> <td>'; echo'<input type="text" NAME="Slogan" value="'. stripslashes($_POST['Slogan']).'" >'; echo"</td> <td> Website </td> <td>"; echo'<input type="text" name="Website" value="' . stripslashes($_POST['Website']). '" >'; echo' </td>'; echo"</tr> <tr> <td> Tel </td> <td>"; echo'<input type="text" name="Tel" value="' . stripslashes ($_POST['Tel']). '" >'; echo"</td>"; echo"<td> Key Words </td> <td>"; echo'<input type="text" name="Keyword" value="' . stripslashes($_POST['Keyword']). '" >'; echo"</td> </tr> <tr> <td> Fax </td> <td>"; echo '<input type="text" name="Fax" value="' . stripslashes($_POST['Fax']). '">'; echo"</td> <td> Address </td> <td>"; echo '<input type="text" name="Business_Address" value="' . stripslashes($_POST['Business_Address']) .'">'; echo"</td> </tr></table> </td></tr><tr> <td><table><tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td></td><td> </td><td> Category</td><td>"; echo '<textarea rows="5" cols="65" name="Categories">' . stripslashes($_POST['Categories']) . '</textarea>'; echo" </td></tr></table><table> <tr><td>Business Webpage</td> </tr><tr><td>Headline</td> </tr><tr><td>"; echo '<input type="text" name="Headline" value="' . stripslashes($_POST['Headline']).'" >'; echo" </td>"; echo" </tr>"; echo"<tr>"; echo" <td> Slogan </td> </tr> <tr>"; echo '<td> <input type="text" name="Slogan2" value="' . stripslashes($_POST['Slogan2']). '" >'; echo'</td></tr><tr> <td> About US </td> </tr><tr><td>'; echo '<textarea rows="5" cols="65" name="Description1">' . stripslashes($_POST['Description1']) . '</textarea>'; echo'</td> </tr> <tr> <td> Products / Services </td> </tr> <tr> <td>'; echo '<textarea rows="5" cols="65" name="Description2">' . stripslashes($_POST['Description2']) . '</textarea>'; echo'</td> </tr> <tr> <td> Areas Served </td> </tr> <tr> <td>'; echo '<textarea rows="5" cols="65" name="Description3">' . stripslashes($_POST['Description3']) . '</textarea>'; echo'</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table>'; echo"<table>"; echo"<tr> <td>"; echo" Picture1"; echo' <input name="Picture1" type="file" value="' . stripslashes($_POST['Picture1']).'" >'; echo'</td>'; echo'<td> '; echo"</td>"; echo"</tr>"; echo"<tr> <td>"; echo" Picture2"; echo" <input name='Picture2' type='file' value=''></td> <td> <img src='dfdfd.jpg'></td>"; echo"</tr>"; echo"<tr> <td>"; echo" Picture3"; echo" <input name='Picture3' type='file' value=''></td> <td> <img src='dfdfd.jpg'></td>"; echo"</tr>"; echo"<tr> <td>"; echo" Picture4"; echo" <input name='Picture4' type='file' value=''></td> <td> <img src='dfdfd.jpg'></td>"; echo"</tr>"; echo"<tr> <td>"; echo" Picture5"; echo" <input name='Picture5' type='file' value=''></td> <td> <img src='dfdfd.jpg'></td>"; echo"</tr>"; echo"<tr> <td>"; echo" Picture6"; echo" <input name='Picture6' type='file' value=''></td> <td> <img src='dfdfd.jpg'></td>"; echo"</tr>"; echo"<tr> <td>"; echo" Video"; echo" <input name='video' type='file' value=''></td> <td> <img src='dfdfd.jpg'></td>"; echo"</tr>"; echo"<tr> <td>"; echo"Sound"; echo" <input name='sound' type='file' value=''></td> <td> <img src='dfdfd.jpg'></td>"; echo"</tr>"; echo"<tr> <td>"; echo"You Tube"; echo" <input name='tube' type='file' value=''></td> <td> <img src='dfdfd.jpg'></td>"; echo"</tr>"; echo" <tr> <td bgcolor='c0c0c0'>"; echo"<br> <br> User Name"; echo"<input type='text' name='User_Name' value='$User_Name'>"; echo" Password"; echo" <input type='text' name='Password' value='$Password'>"; echo"</td> </tr></tr> </table> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>"; echo"<input type='submit' value='Update my database' name='submit' />"; echo" <input type='reset' value='Reset fields' />"; echo"<td> </form> </table> </td> <td></td></tr> </table> </td>
  3. if i do script doesnt comes up as php it looks harder to read
  4. here is my display GET=Array ( ) POST=Array ( [user_Name] => franknu [Password] => abc123 [submit] => LogMeIn ) Array ( [id] => 2669 [businessName] => dsfdsf [slogan] => [business_Address] => [Tel] => [Website] => => [Fax] => [type] => [make] => [Categories] => [Keyword] => [Picture1] => [Headline] => [slogan2] => [Description1] => [Description2] => [Description3] => [Picture2] => [Picture3] => [user_Name] => franknu [Password] => abc123 [Picture4] => [Picture5] => [Picture6] => [Picture7] => [Picture8] => )
  5. not it actually is showing the password and user name so i can even make changes to that the problem is on the other values like business name and all the other stuff. it is not showing any values what so ever
  6. this is what i am getting GET=Array ( ) POST=Array ( [user_Name] => franknu [Password] => abc123 [submit] => LogMeIn )
  7. well, i done almost everything with this and nothing seems to change here are the lastest changes made: $Description1 = (isset($_POST['Description1']) ? $_POST['Description1']:''); $Description2 = (isset($_POST['Description2']) ? $_POST['Description2']:''); $Description3= (isset($_POST['Description3']) ? $_POST['Description3']:''); $Contact2 = (isset($_POST['Contact2']) ? $_POST['Contact2']:''); $Picture2 = (isset($_POST['Picture2']) ? $_POST['Picture2']:''); $Picture3 = (isset($_POST['Picture3']) ? $_POST['Picture3']:''); $Picture4 = (isset($_POST['Picture4']) ? $_POST['Picture4']:''); $User_Name = (isset($_POST['User_Name']) ? $_POST['User_Name']:''); $Password = (isset($_POST['Password']) ? $_POST['Password']: ''); $User_Name=strtolower($_POST['User_Name']); $Password=strtolower($_POST['Password']); //$query = "SELECT * FROM business_info where //User_Name='$User_Name' //AND Password='$Password'"; //$usercheck=$query; //$result = mysql_query($query); //$usercheck = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM business_info where //User_Name='$User_Name' //AND Password='$Password'",$db); //$userrow = mysql_fetch_array($usercheck); //$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($usercheck); $query = "SELECT * FROM business_info where User_Name='$User_Name' AND `Password`='$Password'"; if ($result = mysql_query($query)) { if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $BusinessName= $row['BusinessName']; $Keyword = $row['Keyword']; $Picture1 = $row['Picture1']; $Headline = $row['Headline']; $Slogan =$row['Slogan']; $Slogan2 = $row['Slogan2']; $Description1 =$row['Description1']; $Description2 = $row['Description2']; $Description3= $row['Description3']; $Contact2 = $row['Contact2']; $Picture2 = $row['Picture2']; $Picture3 = $row['Picture3']; $Categories=$row['Categories']; $Business_Address= $row['Business_Address']; $make=$row['make']; $type=$row['type']; $Tel= $row['Tel']; $Website=$row['Website']; } else { echo "<p><b>username and/or password not found. Try again?</b></p>"; } } else { echo "Query failed<br />$query<br />". mysql_error(); } echo ' <table border>'; echo'<tr>'; echo'<td>'; echo'<table>'; echo'<tr>'; echo' <td>'; //100 echo 'Home'; echo'</td></tr>'; echo'<tr>'; // new line echo '<td>welcome </td>'; echo'$BusinessName'; it is not selecting from the database
  8. i tried that one is givinf me to many parser errors
  9. Maybe do i have to get A GET[ ]somewhere please help
  10. ok now i am getting this error : Problem with the query: SELECT * FROM business_info WHERE BusinessName = '' AND User_Name = 'franknu' AND Password='abc123' Query was empty here is the changes i made $Picture4 = (isset($_POST['Picture4']) ? $_POST['Picture4']:''); $User_Name = (isset($_POST['User_Name']) ? $_POST['User_Name']:''); $Password = (isset($_POST['Password']) ? $_POST['Password']: ''); $User_Name=strtolower($_POST['User_Name']); $Password=strtolower($_POST['Password']); $usercheck = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM business_info where User_Name='$User_Name' AND Password='$Password'",$db); $userrow = mysql_fetch_array($usercheck); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($usercheck); //$query = "SELECT * FROM business_info where //BusinessName='$BusinessName' AND //User_Name='$User_Name' AND // Password='$Password'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if ($result = mysql_query($query)) { if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $BusinessName= $row['BusinessName']; $Keyword = $row['Keyword']; $Picture1 = $row['Picture1']; $Headline = $row['Headline']; $Slogan =$row['Slogan']; $Slogan2 = $row['Slogan2']; $Description1 =$row['Description1']; $Description2 = $row['Description2']; $Description3= $row['Description3']; $Contact2 = $row['Contact2']; $Picture2 = $row['Picture2']; $Picture3 = $row['Picture3']; $Categories=$row['Categories']; $Business_Address= $row['Business_Address']; $make=$row['make']; $type=$row['type']; $Tel= $row['Tel']; $Website=$row['Website']; } } } if ($num_rows == 0 || $num_rows > 1) { print "<p><b>username and/or password not found. Try again?</b></p>"; } else { echo" <table border='0'>"; echo"<tr>";
  11. i want to display the values that are in the database, so i can update the database, when the user type in his User_Name AND Password. It is displaying User_Name and Password values in the text field but i want all the values for business_info table
  12. ok, i have this code for the users to update the database the only problem is that it is only displaying user_Name and password and i want the user to make changes to the whole raw in the database, but it only can change user-name and password because it is the only value that is showing in the text area i am only displaying partial part of the code where the problems is $Contact2 = (isset($_POST['Contact2']) ? $_POST['Contact2']:''); $Picture2 = (isset($_POST['Picture2']) ? $_POST['Picture2']:''); $Picture3 = (isset($_POST['Picture3']) ? $_POST['Picture3']:''); $Picture4 = (isset($_POST['Picture4']) ? $_POST['Picture4']:''); $User_Name = (isset($_POST['User_Name']) ? $_POST['User_Name']:''); $Password = (isset($_POST['Password']) ? $_POST['Password']: ''); $User_Name=strtolower($_POST['User_Name']); $Password=strtolower($_POST['Password']); $usercheck = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM business_info where User_Name='$User_Name' AND Password='$Password'",$db); $userrow = mysql_fetch_array($usercheck); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($usercheck); $query = "SELECT * FROM business_info where BusinessName='$BusinessName' AND User_Name='$User_Name' AND Password='$Password'"; $result = mysql_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $BusinessName= $row['BusinessName']; $Keyword = $row['Keyword']; $Picture1 = $row['Picture1']; $Headline = $row['Headline']; $Slogan =$row['Slogan']; $Slogan2 = $row['Slogan2']; $Description1 =$row['Description1']; $Description2 = $row['Description2']; $Description3= $row['Description3']; $Contact2 = $row['Contact2']; $Picture2 = $row['Picture2']; $Picture3 = $row['Picture3']; $Categories=$row['Categories']; $Business_Address= $row['Business_Address']; $make=$row['make']; $type=$row['type']; $Tel= $row['Tel']; $Website=$row['Website']; } if ($num_rows == 0 || $num_rows > 1) { print "<p><b>username and/or password not found. Try again?</b></p>"; } else {
  13. i guess the problem is on select somewhere
  14. can anyone help here i have this code that when the user type in his user_name and password will display the info so he can update it. my problem is that it is not selecting all the info except for the user name and password from the database help please [code=php:0] $Picture4 = (isset($_POST['Picture4']) ? $_POST['Picture4']:''); $User_Name = (isset($_POST['User_Name']) ? $_POST['User_Name']:''); $Password = (isset($_POST['Password']) ? $_POST['Password']: ''); $User_Name=strtolower($_POST['User_Name']); $Password=strtolower($_POST['Password']); $usercheck = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM business_info where User_Name='$User_Name' AND Password='$Password'",$db)or die(mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $userrow = mysql_fetch_array($usercheck); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($usercheck); $query = "SELECT * FROM business_info where BusinessName='' AND User_Name='$User_Name' AND Password='$Password'"; $result = mysql_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $BusinessName= $row['BusinessName']; $Keyword = $row['Keyword']; $Picture1 = $row['Picture1']; $Headline = $row['Headline']; $Slogan =$row['Slogan']; $Slogan2 = $row['Slogan2']; $Description1 =$row['Description1']; $Description2 = $row['Description2']; $Description3= $row['Description3']; $Contact2 = $row['Contact2']; $Picture2 = $row['Picture2']; $Picture3 = $row['Picture3']; $Categories=$row['Categories']; $Business_Address= $row['Business_Address']; $make=$row['make']; $type=$row['type']; $Tel= $row['Tel']; $Website=$row['Website']; } if ($num_rows == 0 || $num_rows > 1) { print "<p><b>username and/or password not found. Try again?</b></p>"; } else { echo" <table border='0'>"; echo"<tr>"; echo"<td valign='top'>"; echo"<table border='0'>"; echo"<tr>"; echo" <td bgcolor='cococo'>"; echo"<a href='index.php'>"; //100 echo"Home"; echo"<font color='cococo'>ddddddddddddddddddddd</font> </a>"; echo"</td></tr>"; echo"<tr>"; // new line echo "<pre>"; print_r($_POST); echo "</pre>"; echo "<td>welcome $BusinessName, "; echo"<font color='ffffff'>dddddddddddddddddddfffffffffffffffffffdd</font> </td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo" </table> <table background='../images/fondo2.jpg' border='1' valign='top'>"; echo"<tr>"; echo" <td valign='top'>"; echo "<table border='1'background='../images/fondo2.jpg' valign='top'>"; echo"<tr>"; echo" <td>"; echo" <a href= 'http://entrepreneur.com'>Pictures Uploads/change</a>"; echo" </td> </tr> <tr> <td>"; echo" <a href= 'http://entrepreneur.com'>Advertise your website</a>"; echo" </td> </tr><tr> <td></td></tr> <tr> <td>"; echo"<a href=''>Email</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>"; echo"<a href='http://www.nasdaq.com'>Stock Market</a></td>"; echo" </tr> </table> </td> <td valign='top'> <center><table border='1'> <tr>"; //145 echo"<td><a href=\'update.php?update=true\'>update</a></td>"; echo"<td><a href=\'keyword.php?keyword=true\'>Add Key words</a></td>"; echo"<td><a href='http://www.ccbill.com'>CCBILL</a></td> </tr></table> </center> "; $sql = "SELECT * FROM business_info WHERE BusinessName = '$BusinessName' AND User_Name = '$User_Name'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Problem with the query: <pre>$sql</pre><br>" . mysql_error()); $res2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $query="UPDATE business_info SET BusinessName= '$BusinessName', `Slogan`=('$_POST[$Slogan]'), Business_Address = ('$_POST[business_Address]'), Tel=('$_POST[Tel]'), Website= ('$_POST[Website]'), Email = ('$_POST[Email]'), Fax= ('$_POST[Fax]'), `type`='$type', make = '$make', Categories = ('$_POST[Categories]'), Keyword = ('$_POST[Keyword]'), Picture1 = ('$_POST[Picture1]'), Headline = ('$_POST[Headline]'), Slogan2 = ('$_POST[slogan2]'), Description1 = ('$_POST[Description1]'), Description2 = ('$POST[Description2]'), Description3 = ('$_POST[Description3]'), Picture2 = ('$_POST[Picture2]'), Picture3 = ('$_POST[Picture3]'), `Password`= '$Password' WHERE User_Name = '$User_Name'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Problem with the query: <pre>$query</pre><br>" . mysql_error()); echo'<table bgcolor="ffffff">'; echo'<tr><td> <table><tr> </tr> </table> </td></tr><tr><td></td> </tr><tr><td> <table> <tr> <td><table bgcolor="ffffff"> <tr> <td> <table> '; //208 echo'<form action="'. $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">'; echo'<tr>'; echo'<td> Busiess Info </td></tr><tr> <td> <table> <tr> <td> Business Name </td> <td>'; echo '<input type="text" name="BusinessName" value="' . stripslashes($_POST['BusinessName']) .'">'; echo '</td>'; echo'</tr> <tr> <td> Slogan </td> <td>'; echo'<input type="text" NAME="Slogan" value="'. stripslashes($_POST['Slogan']).'" >'; echo"</td> <td> Website </td> <td>"; echo'<input type="text" name="Website" value="' . stripslashes($_POST['Website']). '" >'; echo' </td>'; echo"</tr> <tr> <td> Tel </td> <td>"; echo'<input type="text" name="Tel" value="' . stripslashes ($_POST['Tel']). '" >'; echo"</td>"; echo"<td> Key Words </td> <td>"; echo'<input type="text" name="Keyword" value="' . stripslashes($_POST['Keyword']). '" >'; echo"</td> </tr> <tr> <td> Fax </td> <td>"; echo '<input type="text" name="Fax" value="' . stripslashes($_POST['Fax']). '">'; echo"</td> <td> Address </td> <td>"; echo '<input type="text" name="Business_Address" value="' . stripslashes($_POST['Business_Address']) .'">'; echo"</td> </tr></table> </td></tr><tr> <td><table><tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td></td><td> </td><td> Category</td><td>"; echo '<textarea rows="5" cols="65" name="Categories">' . stripslashes($_POST['Categories']) . '</textarea>'; [/code]
  15. ok. i Deleted the { } i am getting the same result however that is not where i think the problem is because this update the database and it is doing its job it is when i login that it is not showing the values from the database
  16. yes that is right,... and my problem is that after i update all the info and then i login again it is not show any values which means that if i hit the update bottom i will delete all the info that is on the database. The odd Thing is that it shows the value for User_Name and Password.. it is just not showing it for all the other stuff
  17. well it should show the data that is in the database when i login but it is not even showing them. i mean if put values in there i will go right into the database... and it will show it for example Array ( [businessName] => tyrtytr [slogan] => rtytry [Website] => dfdfdf [Tel] => dfd [Keyword] => fddf [Fax] => df [business_Address] => df [Categories] => fdf [Headline] => df [slogan2] => dfd [Description1] => df [Description2] => dfd [Description3] => dfd [user_Name] => franknu [Password] => abc123 [submit] => Update my database ) that is what shows if i typew in values and hit update the database bottom but let say i close the window and try to log in again the it wont show me the values that are in the databse exept for the user_name and password
  18. when i try to login again it shows not value in the text box
  19. something i think my be interesting it is when i do the post dispaly it is not showing all the values it show say something like this Array ( [businessName] => tyrtytr [slogan] => [Website] => [Tel] => [Keyword] => [Fax] => [business_Address] => [Categories] => [Headline] => [slogan2] => [Description1] => [Description2] => [Description3] => [user_Name] => franknu [Password] => abc123 [submit] => Update my database )
  20. just closing the window or browser i mean it updates all the info with not problem in the database, it is just when i need to log in again let say to make new changes
  21. i dont have any code for log out i did some exactly just like the user_Name AND Password and nothing
  22. ok that is the new display Array ( [user_Name] => franknu [Password] => abc123 [submit] => LogMeIn ) if i type all the info it will work fine my problems is when i log out and then try to log in again. not info show in the value except the one that say User_Name and Password
  23. hey this print_r($_POST); echo ""; gave me on my display Array ( [user_Name] => franknu [Password] => abc123 [submit] => LogMeIn )
  24. the add things is the value= passoword ans user name is showing the values but not the others
  25. i got this Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING
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