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Everything posted by CAPTAINCAPSLOCK

  1. Well, I'm trying to log who comes in and etc, I went to w3schools and it said to put this into the HTML.. (I'm a total HTML newb, just like PHP ;_;) <form name="input" action="filename.html" method="get"> Username: <input type="text" name="user"> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form> where 'filename.html' would be the file that everything was recorded in. Does anyone know if that code is right, and if it is where I'd put it..?
  2. lol ty.. Btw, any suggestions on PHP tutorials?
  3. TY!! It worked. Wow.. I tried 6 forums over the past week and this place gives me a reply within seconds lol. You guys are great, thanks again. edit: Typogasm.
  4. Ok. Sorry, I should have done that heh. When I go to http://www.kingsofslaughter.com/vdj.php and click on a song, it should either start playing or download, either way I'd know it's working. But I get this error.. Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ECHO in /home/content/h/o/c/hockeylife/html/play.php on line 9
  5. Ok, I changed it to this and I still get that error on line 9 =\ [code]<title>Virtual DJ</title> <body bgcolor="#000000" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="#FFFFFF"> <font color="#FFFFFF" size="4">&nbsp; <?php> echo "<table border=0 width=350 align=left cellspacing=3> <tr><td align=center colspan=2> <a href='http://www.kingsofslaughter.com/vdj.php'><img src='http://www.kingsofslaughter.com/vdj-playing.jpg' border=0></a>; </td></tr> <tr><td align=right bgcolor=#222222><font color=#FFFFFF size=4>"; $string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $patterns[0] = '/%20/'; $patterns[1] = '/.mp3/'; $patterns[1] = '/.MP3/'; $replacements[0] = ' '; $replacements[1] = ' '; $replacements[2] = ' '; $printname = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $string); $letters = $printname; $letters = explode(" - ",$letters); echo ' Artist:</td><td bgcolor=#111111 align=center><font color="#FFFFFF" size=5><b>'.$letters[0].'</b></td></tr><tr><td align=right bgcolor=#222222><font color="#FFFFFF" size=4> Song Title:</td><td bgcolor="#111111" align=center><font color="#FFFFFF" size=5>'.$letters[1].'</font></tr></td>'; ?> <tr><td colspan=2> <center> <font size="2" color="#FFFFFF">(Allow 3-15 seconds for playback to begin. You may close this window at any time and it will not interupt playback)</font></center> </td></tr><tr><td colspan=2> <font size="4" color="#FFFFFF"> <br> Type "<font color="red">STOP</font>" or <a href="stopped.php"><font color="red">Click Here</font></a> to stop playing at any time. </font> </td></tr></table> <EMBED SRC=http://www.KingsofSlaughter.com/vdj/mp3/<?php echo $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; ?> AUTOSTART=true HIDDEN=true LOOP=0> </pre>[/code]
  6. Ok thank you very much.. I'll give it a try.
  7. Forgive me for my idiocy, but line 9 would be..which one? DX
  8. [color=teal]Well, a friend and I are trying to make a VDJ for our Counter-Strike:Source server. (Basically we want to put music on our site and link it to our server, so that people can listen to music while they're in the game.) When we try to go to www.KingsofSlaughter.com/vdj.php and click a song, it gives us an error. First the error was on line 7, then 9, then 13, and now it's on 9 again. I'm pretty sure the error is in the play.php. We're basically PHP newbs so I'm not sure if you guys could even help us but.. any ideas? Here are the PHP files.[/color] Play.php: [code]<title>Virtual DJ</title> <body bgcolor="#000000" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="#FFFFFF"> <font color="#FFFFFF" size="4">&nbsp; <?php> echo "<table border=0 width=350 align=left cellspacing=3> <tr><td align=center colspan=2> <a href="http://www.kingsofslaughter.com/vdj.php"><img src="http://www.kingsofslaughter.com/vdj-playing.jpg" border=0></a>; </td></tr> <tr><td align=right bgcolor=#222222><font color=#FFFFFF size=4>"; $string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $patterns[0] = '/%20/'; $patterns[1] = '/.mp3/'; $patterns[1] = '/.MP3/'; $replacements[0] = ' '; $replacements[1] = ' '; $replacements[2] = ' '; $printname = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $string); $letters = $printname; $letters = explode(" - ",$letters); echo ' Artist:</td><td bgcolor=#111111 align=center><font color="#FFFFFF" size=5><b>'.$letters[0].'</b></td></tr><tr><td align=right bgcolor=#222222><font color="#FFFFFF" size=4> Song Title:</td><td bgcolor="#111111" align=center><font color="#FFFFFF" size=5>'.$letters[1].'</font></tr></td>'; ?> <tr><td colspan=2> <center> <font size="2" color="#FFFFFF">(Allow 3-15 seconds for playback to begin. You may close this window at any time and it will not interupt playback)</font></center> </td></tr><tr><td colspan=2> <font size="4" color="#FFFFFF"> <br> Type "<font color="red">STOP</font>" or <a href="stopped.php"><font color="red">Click Here</font></a> to stop playing at any time. </font> </td></tr></table> <EMBED SRC=http://www.KingsofSlaughter.com/vdj/mp3/<?php echo $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; ?> AUTOSTART=true HIDDEN=true LOOP=0> </pre>[/code] Vdj.php: [code]<title>Virtual DJ</title> <body bgcolor="#000000" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="#EEEEEE" alink="#FFFFFF" text="#FFFFFF"> <table width="400" border="0"><tr><td colspan="1" align="center"> <center><img src="http://kingsofslaughter.com/images/banner1.jpg"> <font color="#FFFFFF"> <?php echo ''; echo "";     if ($handle = opendir('./mp3/')) { // read the current directory. Change the "." to the directory you need.     $filecount = "0"; //reset the number of files     while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {     if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { // remove the move up directory commands. (. and ..)     $fileList[] = trim($file); // add the file to an array so it can be sorted easily.     $filecount = $filecount + 1; //count the number of files     }     } print '<font size="3" color="#FFFFFF">&nbsp;Songs:</font><font size="4" color="red"> <b>'.$filecount.'</b></font>'; //display the number of files echo '</td></tr></table><table width="400" border="0">'; echo ' </td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#222222"><font size="5" color="white"><b>Artist Name</b></font></td> <td align="right" bgcolor="#222222"><font size="5" color="white"><b>Song Title</b></font></td></tr>';     sort ($fileList); // sort the file list in the array     reset ($fileList); // go back to the top of the array     while (list ($key, $val) = each ($fileList)) { $namedisplay = $val; $string = $namedisplay; $patterns[0] = '/%20/'; $patterns[1] = '/.mp3/'; $patterns[2] = '/.MP3/'; $replacements[0] = ' '; $replacements[1] = ' '; $replacements[2] = ' '; $printname = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $string); $letters = $printname; $letters = explode(" - ",$letters); $recallme = $val; echo '<tr><td bgcolor="#111111"><a href="http://KingsofSlaughter.com/vdj/play.php?'.$val.'"><b>'.$letters[0].'</b></a></td><td bgcolor="#111111" align=right>'; echo '<a href="http://KingsofSlaughter.com/vdj/play.php?'.$recallme.'">'.$letters[1].'</td></tr>';     }     closedir($handle);     } echo "</table>"     ?> </center>[/code]
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