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Everything posted by LimpCheese

  1. Can someone show me an example of how to create a non-blocking socket for a SOCKET_STREAM over tcp. When I use the following code I get "A non-blocking operation could not be completed immediately." error. Thank in advance. [code]         $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, SOL_TCP); socket_set_nonblock($socket); socket_connect($socket,"news.csh.rit.edu",119); //ERROR OCCURS ON THIS LINE socket_recv($socket,$buf,1024,0); echo $buf; [/code]
  2. I open a socket to a nntp server and connect. Everything works fine. I do a socket_recv or socket_read and get a line saying "200 news.rit.edu DNEWS 5.7b1, S1, posting OK". Then when I try to recv again or read again it freezes. If I add PHP_NORMAL_READ opt to socket_read it gives me "Warning: socket_read() [function.socket-read]: unable to read from socket [0]: The operation completed successfully. ". The code is below. Thanks in advance. [code] $socket = socket_create(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,SOL_TCP); if(!$socket) { die("Socket Creation failed"); } $result = socket_connect($socket,"news.rit.edu",119); if(!$result) { die("Connection failed"); } $buffer = socket_read($socket,255); echo $buffer; $buffer = socket_read($socket,255,PHP_NORMAL_READ); echo $buffer; socket_close($socket); [/code]
  3. When I try calling this function(As show in php.net's reference) it says "call to undefined function". Do I need to create an object of something or include library? Im new to PHP. Thanks in advance.
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